I have a V-Link 192, I've been trying to play files at 192 kHz and 176.4 KHz sample rate without any success, I just get a lot of clicks, pops and cracks, just electronic noise and no music, so to listen to music I have to set MC 17 to 96 KHz sample rate. When trying to play files at 176.4 kHz or 192 kHz the V-Link actually tells me that it's receiving info at those frequencies but I cannot get any music. MC is configured to use ASIO with large buffers to handle 192 KHz. The V-Link is selected as the predetermined device. I been trying to play files like mp3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, APE, etc., I even tried to play a FLAC file recorded at 24 bits, 192 KHz but the result is the same, just noise. The DAC I'm using has oversampling capabilities until 192 KHz.
Even if MC is closed and if I configure the computer to 24 bits, 192 KHz I get the clicking noise.
The equipment used is the following:
Computer: HP Laptop
Processor: Intel dual core @ 2.3 Ghz
DRAM: 4 Gb
Windows 7, 32 bits
USB Cardas Clear cable
Last weekend I took the V-Link 192 with a friend which has an equipment very similar to mine to run some tests, the difference is the computer. So we connected the V-Link to his Apple laptop using Apple's OS (I don't know which version) and we were able to get some music at 192 KHz but also a lot of clicking end electronic noise, really awful, so we restarted his Apple laptop but in windows and it happened, we were able to listen files at 192 KHz sample rate without the annoying clicking and electronic noise. Actually the sound is really outstanding.
Any idea? I would very much appreciate any support with this.