Would a program restart have been necessary in order for that unset to have taken effect? I unset it during the same session (but before) I did the cover art find.
Let me also apologize for yesterday's panic. It was late (for me) and I wasn't expecting that to happen. I know logically all the program did was embed cover art, but illogically I was left with the question in my head if the program did anything that would affect the quality of my FLAC files. Unsettling to say the least.
As I said in another post, I'm new here but not to computer served audio. My opinion may not mean much, but I think I would prefer any media server program to treat the media source drives as read-only devices as its default behavior. Slimserver/LMS has always done this, even Windows Media Player does this. I should have to enable an option if I want anything on my source drives touched.