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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here  (Read 6740 times)


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JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:54:13 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 17.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

New Features in MC17

Upgrade Instructions


17.0.184 (8/13/2012)

1. Changed: Updated LAV filters to 0.51.3.
2. Fixed: Mixed-mode CD's were not playable - the error "file could not be opened for read access(error2)" would appear.

17.0.183 (8/9/2012)

1. NEW: Added support for DSD DoP bitstreaming of 2x DSD (128FS).
2. Updated: Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
3. Fixed: Opening a FLAC file to read tags could unexpectedly cause a padding block to be added to the tag with some files.
4. Fixed: Drawing text with CJK characters would not wrap as expected in tooltips and other areas of the program.
5. Fixed: Playback of converted audio files could start slowly on Android 4.0 and newer.

17.0.182 (7/18/2012)

1. Fixed: Adding cover art to Flac files could cause a crash.

17.0.181 (7/17/2012)

1. Fixed: Using FormatDate(...) in the player bar could cause problems.
2. Fixed: When starting an image slideshow out of Theater View, the caption would not appear for the first image.
3. Fixed: WebGizmo playback was not working in some cases.
5. Fixed: Seeking could cause a sidecar subtitle to appear twice if the subtitle was set to show for the entire video.
6. Fixed: In some cases, the first subtitle in a video would not appear.
7. Fixed: Burning an audio CD from WMA format files was not working.
8. Fixed: Netflix search was not working.
9. Changed: Updated LAV filters to 0.51.2.  Several bug fixes and enhancements since .50.5.

17.0.180 (7/6/2011)

1. Fixed: DVD dimensions were not importing.
2. Fixed: An M4A with corrupt frames would be unnecessarily slow to work through the bad frames.


Testing build not released to the public.

17.0.178 (6/29/2011)

1. Changed: Increased the limit of text allowed to be placed on the clipboard in a copy from 2MB to 16MB.
2. Fixed: Video transcodes (DLNA, Gizmo, etc.) would fail to delete temporary output files.
3. Fixed: PAL DVD's played with wrong aspect ratio on Gizmo.
4. Changed: MCC 30002 (MCC_PLAY_TV) now requires a parameter to indicate the user-assigned channel-number.
5. Changed: Added bitdepth (bitsPerSample) to parameters parsed when connecting to a DLNA server.
6. New: DLNA: Aggregate DVD's (ifo) will follow conversion rules (previously they were never converted). This allows them to be played to Xbox360 (wmv) as well as incorporate subtitles to renderers that don't handle separate sub files (ie, WDTV, PS3).
7. Fixed: DLNA, some fixes to mimetypes presented to renderers. May allow more items to play with some renderers when conversion is off.

17.0.177 (6/27/2012)

1. Fixed: Parametric Equalizer was not working properly in build 176.
2. Fixed: Loading a UTF-8 file that used a BOM did not work nicely.
3. Changed: CD ripping would show an unnecessary hour in the Action Window (ie. 0:42:30 instead of 42:30).

17.0.176 (6/26/2012)

1. Fixed: In Options > Encoding, using 'Encoder settings...' could cause the encoder selection to be reset.
2. NEW: Secure ripping is faster when using certain drives that may read slowly to reduce noise.
3. Changed: Tuned secure ripping cache defeating mechanism to defeat up to 2MB of drive cache even if the drive cache could not be detected properly.
4. Fixed: Video conversion for DLNA could fail on certain aspect ratio videos when going to WMV.
5. Fixed: Transitioning from an 8-bit file to an 8-bit µ-law encoded file could cause audio to play incorrectly.
6. Fixed: If playback of a file errored, then the last file in the playlist was played, that file could show an incorrect warning when it finished.
7. NEW: Added native support for AU and SND files.
8. Fixed: If playback of a playlist encountered an input file with an audio format that was not supported, it could lead to a crash in certain cases.
9. Fixed: Hauppauge HVR-1600 was mistakenly included in the list of tuners that can not run analog and digital tuners simultaneously.
10. Fixed: Video conversion to MPEG-2 was not working in the last few builds.
11. Changed: Improved the picture quality of converted MPEG-4 video (used by DLNA, handheld upload, etc.).

17.0.175 (6/25/2012)

1. Fixed: Quotes in the name of a track could cause WebGizmo playback to fail.
2. NEW: Thumbnails look better and perform faster when drawing at large sizes.
3. Fixed: Theater View could crash in rare cases due to a thread safety issue.
4. NEW: Add support for reading more info for database fields when connecting to a DLNA server.
5. Fixed: A seek or flush could cause the first subtitle to appear multiple times until the subtitle expired.

17.0.174 (6/21/2012)

1. Fixed: DLNA: One more instance of playlistContainer needed removing. Was still preventing some Onkyo renderers (and perhaps others) from working.
2. Fixed: TV recordings took too long to start in the last two builds.
3. Fixed: Scrolling player display text had a question mark embedded, rather than a graphic dot character.
4. Fixed: Move/Rename operation would fail on video files which shared cover art in the same folder as the video files.
5. Fixed: Some DVD movies when played over DLNA or on Gizmo would skip over sections.
6. Fixed: wmv conversion. New libavformat and libavcodec (version 54). Works with Xbox 360 and subtitles.

17.0.173 (6/14/2012)

1. Changed: Mono handling using 'No upmixing or downmixing' uses pseudo-stereo for music and the center speaker for videos (other than music videos).
2. Changed: Changed how JRiver URL Reader filter handle buffering by taking advantage of buffering info available in LAV splitter filter.  Should help YouTube
3. Fixed: Handheld sync with MTP devices was not working correctly because of a bug in creating the MC database on the device.
4. Changed: Camera acquisition from some device types (e.g. MTP) was dealing with images & videos anywhere on the device. Now it takes a user settable image source path defaulting to \DCIM\.

17.0.172 (6/12/2012)

1. Changed: More internal threading changes in television playback engine.
2. Changed: Build 171 would unintentionally show frames on images in Theater View.
3. Fixed: List truncation tool tips would look incorrect with build 171.
4. Changed: Carnac wouldn't understand Sage TV recordings when the counter number in the filename used 8 digits.
5. Changed: Playing Now Overview uses columns instead of stacked rows to show each zone.
6. Fixed: Playing Now Overview would not update nicely when zones were added or removed while it was showing.
7. Changed: Handheld conversion setting 'Simultaneous conversions' now applies to simultaneous downloads as well.
8. Fixed: Handheld sync from a library server was not obeying the "Enable DSP" flag so that volume leveling was always being performed.
9. Changed: While connected to a library server, "Enable DSP" is replaced with "Apply volume leveling" option in handheld conversion options.
10. Changed: When JRSS does center focused mixing (used for videos other than music videos), mono videos will output on the center speaker instead of as pseudo stereo.

17.0.171 (6/11/2012)

1. Fixed: Hulu playback was not working properly.
2. Fixed: Library-type search views were not working properly in Theater View (like the default Video > Guide > Search).
3. Changed: Clicking 'Save' in the image editor will apply and close any pending tool.
4. NEW: All thumbnail borders are drawn with skin items (that can be customized per skin).
5. Changed: Added 'Skip' cell drawing mode to skinning engine so a cell with no data (like the inside of a thumbnail frame) has no overhead (see Default Skin Items > main.xml > Border section for exmaples).
6. Changed: If thumbnail frames for images are disabled in Options, a drop shadow effect will be used in its place instead of the default thumbnail treatment.

17.0.170 (6/8/2012)

1. Changed: When using the mixing mode 'Clone side channels to rear speakers', if there's a rear center it will be used for the clone (at half-power to each rear) instead of the surrounds.
2. Fixed: Parts of the program that used a wait message could take longer to finish than expected.
3. Changed: Thumbnail borders are rendered at draw time instead of loaded into the thumbnail at load time (allows for more consistent sizing and more flexible styles).
4. Changed: Tuned the thumbnail bordering to use a smaller, more subtle shadowing.
5. Fixed: 6.1 to 7.1 upmixing was not working properly for the rear speakers in some cases.
6. Changed: Added more logging of handheld calls to debug a rare crash that can occur when loading a handheld.
7. Fixed: Using a fadeout on stop would not work properly when Volume Protection was enabled.
8. Changed: Fadeout on stop applies the volume using the internal audio engine instead of the volume slider, so it works nicely with any output device.
9. NEW: Added fadeout on pause feature (configurable in Options > Audio).
10. Fixed: Improved remote button handling during Netflix movie playback.

17.0.169 (6/7/2012)

1. Changed: Carnac better supports videos with naming like "Movie.Title.To.Parse.2012.Extra.Stuff.1080p.mkv".
2. Fixed: When scrolling down in Theater View, the last row of thumbnails would not always be shown when selecting the second to last row.
3. Fixed: When buffering, the player area in Standard View would not always redraw nicely to show progress.
4. Fixed: Several tweaks and improvements to the support of large sector SACD ISO files.
5. Fixed: You can't name a top-level view "Advanced" or it vanishes.
6. Changed: DLNA: removed playlist containers completely. Was causing problems with some Onkyo models. Introduced in 17.0.134.
7. Fixed: JRSS 5.1 to 7.1 upmixing could cause the stereo separation in the SL / SR channels to be distorted.
8. Fixed: JRSS upmixing of 6.1 to 7.1 clones the rear center to the rears instead of building a rear by looking also at the surrounds.
9. Fixed: CD audio playback would stop at the end of a track, rather than moving forward to the next track (since build 163).

17.0.168 (6/6/2012)

1. Changed: The "Waiting..." OSD message at the start of television playback is replaced with channel/program info.
2. Fixed: Playing a DVD movie over DLNA could result in the non-default audio language being used. For example "Green Lantern" played in Spanish.

17.0.167 (6/5/2012)

1. Changed: We now always use "" rather than switching to "" for computers with Canada as the locale country. The .ca api isn't supported by Netflix and using .com may make it work for VPN users.
2. Fixed: MC did not handle television signal problem or device problem gracefully during start of scheduled recordings.
3. Changed: Internal threading change in TV recording.
4. Fixed: DVD Videos burned with Media Center would not play on some models of DVD players (like Samsung Blu-ray).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 09:06:46 pm »

Re: this comment on the 17.0.183 thread:

Quote from: AoXoMoXoA
Having a problem with 'Incomplete Albums' that I had not seen before the last builds.

Using a Smartlist: [Complete Album]=0 I keep coming up with a dozen albums that are included in this smartlist for no apparent reason.

On each of these albums:
1) All tracks are in the same album folder
2) all are named with the same Album Artist and Album names
3) all tracks are sequentially numbered

I have tried deleting them from the library and re-importing them, updating tags, renaming the files, removed all the tags and re-tagged in MC.

I am at a loss as to why this is

I posted about a similar issue with the AlbumType() function in the Beta forum, sometime in April 2012:

From the wiki entry regarding Complete Albums, I read:

I have a single track from one album in an album directory, along with its Folder.jpg.  It is track #1 whose duration is only 3:53.  Yet it is marked as Single artist (complete).  So either the wiki is incorrect, or AlbumType() is not working correctly?
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 08:09:56 am »

Played a 50Hz PAL DVD and MC played it at 60Hz which is my windows Desktop rate. It simply failed to recognise FPS properly and switch refresh rate.'

Arcsoft Total Media Theatre switched refresh rate to 50Hz perfectly as it should.

Please fix!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 10:22:27 am »

Played a 50Hz PAL DVD and MC played it at 60Hz which is my windows Desktop rate. It simply failed to recognise FPS properly and switch refresh rate.'

Arcsoft Total Media Theatre switched refresh rate to 50Hz perfectly as it should.

Please fix!
In Tools > Options > Video > Display Settings, do you have "Enable Automatic Display Settings changing" checked and did you set the resolution for PAL?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 08:17:01 pm »

I sure did/do! The problem seems to occur when playing a DVD rather than a ripped DVD off the HDD. Could it be because there is no FPS tag set for a DVD?

Developers? This is version 17 point one million of this lovely software but issues like this still occur!

EDIT: I just tried another DVD (Preditor SE) which is a PAL DVD and the problem still occurs.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 08:57:32 pm »

I just ripped Preditor SE DVD to my HDD using the latest version of DVDFab Passkey.
Problem still occurs, the FPS tag is set to 29.97.
PAL is clearly marked on the back of the DVD cover of this disk, I'm in Australia.

I also tried both XBMC and Arcsoft TMT with the same DVD and they both switch to 50Hz!

This really seems to be an ongiong problem (PAL) with JRiver.
I don't see how this should NOT be a fix that requires the highest priority!
Playing PAL at the correct refresh rate should be a bread and butter feature of any Media Center software.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 03:47:47 am »

Issues with Theatre view:

1 - When starting a movie, there is no video showing (just blank screen), but the audio plays. Stopping the movie and restarting will bring back the video display. This has only started since 17.0.182 (or thereabouts).

2 - Starting a DVD from disc in Theatre View will sometimes display in a windowed view. You have to manually select Display View to get it back to full screen. This seems to occur after playing multiple discs.

I have gone through the process of uninstalling MC17.0.184 and re-installing the latest stable release 17.0.182.

Items 1 & 2 still occur. Item 2 (the blank screen issue can be worked around by changing the view to Standard (Ctrl+1) or Theatre View (Ctrl+4), then back to Display (Ctrl+3) while the move is playing to get the video display back - this is repeatable 100% of the time.

This has only started within the last few updates of MC >17.0.180. I have been using MC since v17.0.99 and this is only a fairly recent occurrence. This will occur with both Red October HQ and Red October Standard.  The Video option 'Switch on play to Display View' is also set. If this is disabled and I manually switch it is ok.

So there are 3 scenarios:

1 - Stop and restart the movie to get it to show
2 - Switch to standard view (Ctrl+1) or Theatre view (Ctrl+4), then back to Display view (Ctrl+3) to get the video to display
3 - Change the Video option 'Switch on play to Display View'

Edit: Also noticed that Display View doesnt always take full screen focus. I can sometimes see the Windows Task Bar along the bottom of screen (Task Bar set to auto-hide). Clicking on the display window will bring it back to foreground.

Edit: When switching using scenario 2 above to Standard View then back to Display View, after watching movie MC returns to Standard View, but switching to Theatre View again will cause MC to hang. You have to right click on taskbar and select close & get the Application has stopped responding... message in Windows. I am able to launch MC again into Theatre View without issue. The blank screen issue only affects DVD from disc and mt2s BluRay copies played from the hard disc for the first video played after startup. If you switch to Display View (Ctrl+3) before anything is played so the MC logo displays, then switch back to Theatre, it will play correctly. It does not affect TV watching.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2012, 04:03:22 am »

Re: this comment on the 17.0.183 thread:

I posted about a similar issue with the AlbumType() function in the Beta forum, sometime in April 2012:

Re: Complete Album

If the track # sequence starts with 0 the album is marked as incomplete.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2012, 01:38:38 pm »

In the Image Preview mode: context menu - Edit Image... does nothing. Though Edit in the top right hand corner works fine.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 09:16:48 am »

After the download, I still can not make the "edit cd information"  button open a window or function. What do I need to do to have this window appear / open / function so I can edit my cd's.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 05:52:11 pm »

Issue with JRSS: Have JRSS setup to upmix to 7.1 channels. When watching a 2 channel DVD (in this case Sopranos) from disc, I have found that JRSS will randomly drop back to 2 channels, then back again to 7.1 upmix.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2012, 10:57:02 am »

 I've downloaded .184  and the "edit cd information" button still will not open a window so I can edit.
I really would like to know how to make this functional.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 05:31:08 pm »

I am using Split View with 2 views configured for Columns.

When I set both columns to Playing Now and close the bottom half of one and the top half of the other so they show a large Cover image filling the left pane and the playlist filling the other, Media Center has difficulty dealing with this.

If I click on the panes there are redrawing issues, the panes do not react properly to clicking on them so navigation is difficult, and closing the Tree pane causes multiple images of the divider bars between the columns. Navigating away from either pane's Playing Now position makes it near impossible to return without resetting the view from scratch.

This configuration gives me the appearance I want but it behaves in a way that makes it unusable.
. . . the game is rigged


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2012, 12:32:25 pm »

Audible Service book download from my library shows complete in JRiver (time=2 sec) click details, link to downloads screen  filename: MediaFile (309k).   Is the audible service an add on that allows me to import my library from audible into jriver?  If so, it's not working for me.   17.0.184



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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2012, 09:29:58 am »

 I've downloaded .184  and the "edit cd information" button still will not open a window so I can edit.
I really would like to know how to make this functional.
Under "Drives & Devices", right-click on an audio CD and select "Edit Disc Information...".  What happens when you do this?  Is there an analyzing message, or error message, or nothing?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 17.0.184 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2012, 07:44:21 am »

Great, really great improvement of MC.
I've been using MC15 for about two years, on WHS (library server), XP, Vista and Win7 Pcs around the house.
The problem was always, the different configuration to play video files, according to platform on each PC.
In MC17, this is finished. Red October takes care of all these.
Have installed MC17 in all PCs. No problem at all (with one exception which I'll outline below), no configuration, no fine-tune.
All videos in my library, played on clients (including videos with HD sound) without problems, right after the installation.
Therefore, I'll be purchasing MC17 in the next few days.

Now the exception:
I have a Vista x86 laptop in my 8-year son's room (it's the only vista PC in the house).
Of course, his account in this laptop is not in administrators group (for obvious reasons).
Have installed MC17 from my account (administrator) and everything plays smoothly from my account.
When it comes that my son logs on with his account, some weird things happen. For example, DVDs (from folder) do not start with DVD menu but, straight from the main movie.
How can I run MC17 from a limited account, without problem?
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