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Author Topic: When MC18 Does Appear  (Read 22664 times)


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Re: When MC18 Does Appear
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2012, 03:08:28 pm »

Do you have a new date for 18


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Re: When MC18 Does Appear
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2012, 03:21:33 pm »

When we switch versions, we have a few problems in satisfying customers.

So, for a few months, we offer the new license when people purchase the old version.  We offer it at a special price.  This is good for new users, but people who have the old license want to buy the new one at a discount, too.  So we built a way for them to buy, too.

The bottom line, in my opinion, is that, during the transition, people get a very good deal.  But not everyone agrees.

From my seat you're not addressing the problem being posed. I certainly appreciate the special price being offered to those of us who are willing to upgrade well in advance of a new MC release. No problem here.

What I believe poster globetrotters1 was getting at is the extended/delayed period of time for MC18 to be released, and how that can make (some) pre-release upgraders, myself included, a bit impatient - particularly going by earlier release estimates of yours.

Perhaps a more specific and reliable estimate for MC18's release is in its place...

EDIT: on second thought, I'll rest my case. MC18 will be around when it's ready.


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Re: When MC18 Does Appear
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2012, 06:41:18 pm »

I signed up for a discounted MC18 license (to save some money and to support the project) and am very happy to wait for the product I purchased a license for to be released at some point in the (hopefully near) future when the development team are ready to release it. I didn't buy the (discounted) license on the basis that I would be able to download a fully working product in August/Sept.

So the team are "a few weeks" over their previously anticipated first release date. So what. we're talking weeks here, not months or years and with a product that the development team have already said has been though a major rewrite in order to position the product for the future. There is absolutely no point in releasing software when you know it isn't ready, that doesn't help anyone. As already said, it'll be ready when it's ready.


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Re: When MC18 Does Appear
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2012, 08:41:17 pm »

I got hooked on JRiver with Media Jukebox (v.?) where I was happy to do some beta testing.  As mentioned above, this is a complete recoding so it can be used on multiple platforms.  This must be a monumental task when you consider what the final product will do.  Most of us use one platform only, so that doesn't concern us, but to those using multiple platforms or platforms other than Windows, it will make a huge difference both to the user and to JRiver.  When they release it, it must work on all guaranteed platforms.  When hickups arise, sometimes it takes longer than expected to fix them.  They fix, the beta testers check it out and report issues, and the process repeats until stable (per the beta testers).  When it is released, it will undoubtedly encounter situations not encountered by the beta testers.  Hence, this forum.
I understand how the process works and have never been disappointed in the product that I purchased (no matter the purchase option or delivery time).  Those who are new to JRiver may not see it that way.  That's OK because I'm sure it is helping the JRiver team tweak the "Date Due" process and future builds to reduce the likelyhood of this biting them again.
I'm fine with MC17 until 18 appears.

That was my 4 cents...
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Re: When MC18 Does Appear
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2012, 01:00:26 am »

I live happily with v17 as well - even though I have bought v18. Most likely v18 isn't going to fulfill my dreams before it is a bit into the development cycle anyway.

P.S. MC17 doesn't go to sleep after recording... I wouldn't mind that fixed in V18  :)
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