You need to use the file caption setting in the Advanced options for Theater View. This is one of those areas that could use some work to make it simpler for new/less technical users. Here is what I currently have in there:
If(isequal([Media Type],Audio,1),[Track #] [Name] - [Artist],If(isequal([Media Sub Type],TV Show,1),If(isequal([Number Plays],1,3),•,)S[Season]-E[Episode] [Name] [Date],If(isequal([Media Sub Type],Music Video,1),[Artist]: [Name],[Name] /([Year]/))))
Basically it does:
Audio = Track# Name - Artist
Unplayed TV Show = •SXX-EXX Name Date
Played TV Show = SXX-EXX Name Date
Music Video = Artist: Name
Everything Else = Name (Year)