Hi guys,
I was going to format at some point, but I kind of foobar'd my boot sector or something, and my Win7 DVD claimed repair mode was incompatible with my version of windows, even though its the disc I.......installed Windows 7 from...
But anyway! Had to stick my new SSD in and do a fresh install before I was ready and had time to prepare (had to unplug all my drives to get it to install it....thanks Microsoft)
So I am in the process of pulling data off my hosed SSD and copying it over to the new one.. I pretty much know how to get my library, but will that include my personal settings such as Custom Views, Custom fields, or options I have changed from the configuration menus, etc ??
I need to get as much of this back as possible... What locations does Media Center keep stuff in? And could I run the installer then do a copy and paste job?