Create an Audio view that includes the CD database. We'll use the existing Albums view for this. You can customize it later.
1. Open the Audio section the tree.
2. Drag the view named Album onto Audio - this will present an option to Copy or Move. Select Copy.
3. Right-click the new Album (1) view, and Rename. Call it CDs.
3. Right-click CDs, and Customize view.
4. Change the View As to Panes.
5. Click Set rules for file display... and then click the Import/Export button.
6. Paste the query below into the Smartlist rule data text area, and OK your way out:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Volume Name]=[HT] ~d=c ~sort=[Date Created],[Track #],[Filename],[Disc #],[File Type],[Album Artist (auto)],[Album],[Name]
7. MC will ask if you want to Save as a new view, or Overwrite. You can Overwrite, since we already copied the view.
Now, you have a view that shows the CD entries. You can also modify the smartlist rule above to include the ripped tracks too. Just change the ~d=c to ~d=cm and ripped tracks will also be included.
Changing metadata for any of these entries is identical - use the Action Window > Tag, or you can edit in place, in any given cell or pane value.
This should get you started...