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Author Topic: MC and iTunes co-existance  (Read 1085 times)


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MC and iTunes co-existance
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:18:39 am »

I use both iTunes and MC.

I started using MC for HD files that iTunes will not play, but found that MC did a much better job of playing the Apple-Lossless files that I had ripped than iTunes.

Fearful that MC might write something back to the iTunes library that could corrupt iTunes, I have always duplicated the music folder for use by MC.

What is the best way to do this? It would be cool if you could import a folder for read-only access by MC.


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Re: MC and iTunes co-existance
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2012, 10:38:27 am »

MC does not touch the iTunes library but it can (and will unless you tell it not to) update files' ID3 tags.

Check Tools/Options/General, under Importing & Tagging deselect Update tags when file info changes.

Then Choose Tools/Import, configure auto-import. Add the media files folder where iTunes is storing your music and make sure you deselect 'write file tags when analyzing audio, getting cover art, and applying folder-based tags'.

Click Finish. This should import all the files but never change them, it will keep all the changes in the database only.

Mind you MC doesn't just play files better, it does a much better job of organising them too and offer you many more features for doing so  :P ;D.


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Re: MC and iTunes co-existance
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2012, 02:28:09 pm »

hello cfelliot
I use mc and for my ipod touch and itunes for over 1 year.
Both access the same folder. I have had no problems at this time.
with over 140,000 mp3 songs itunes music is to listen not to use (for me).
to syncronize my ipod, ok I start mcitunessyncronizer and the rest runs while I watch TV.

fear that mc destroyed data, I'm not.
after 10 years MC, still the first database, for years no program crash, not lost a song, .............

Secure your data and try it out.
greeting reinhard
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