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Author Topic: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications  (Read 93283 times)


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By the way: is it possible not to delete the old files but to move them to another disk intelligently (adding a number at the end of the filename if the file already exists in the destination directory)?
Or setting a field inside MC when processing is done?

Both of those are already on my list for a future addition.  Unfortunately, I've been messing around with a new internal system for them in order to implement those features, and the going has been slow.  My plan is to make this a real 1.0 after I finish up some additional documentation (I have been working on it), and then target that for a future release.

For now, no.

However, you do have a couple options:

1. Turn off Auto-Import and just don't have it delete them, and then you can move them later.
2. Use the options other than replace.  One that might be particularly useful are the Stack options:  These allow you to clone all metadata over from the original files, and add the new ones in a stack with the originals (probably enabling the Add as Stack Top option in MCFileIngester).  That way you won't really see the original files anymore (they'll be "hidden" underneath of the new ripped copies) but you can get to them if you want to later.

Since MCFileIngester works using a Playlist as the source, it should be reasonably simple to Control-A and add whatever tag you want to mark them as completed as soon as the process finishes running.

My plan for the future is to add a couple items:

1. It will automatically add a tag to the new files with a filename reference to the old file.  I haven't decided for sure how to do this, but it will probably use some custom field I invent for the purpose (because I don't want to risk overwriting any existing user-data).  If the ingest fails for whatever reason, some kind of error message will be written to this field instead.

2. There will be the ability to write a value to a user-definable field when the process succeeds.

3. The move instead of delete thing you mentioned.  I'm trying to decide how to do this... My current thinking is to have it set to move them to a user-definable directory, and have it recreate N-number of "levels" of the original file's directory structure when it does.  So, for example:

Original File: M:\Audio\Music\A\The Avett Brothers\Emotionalism\09 - All My Mistakes.mp3

Move Replaced Files to: M:\Audio\Replaced Music\
Also Move X levels of directory structure: 2

Would result in:
M:\Audio\Replaced Music\The Avett Brothers\Emotionalism\09 - All My Mistakes.mp3

If you had it set to 1 instead, it would result in:
M:\Audio\Replaced Music\Emotionalism\09 - All My Mistakes.mp3

And so on and so forth.  I'm not sure what to do in these cases when the provided number of subdirectories doesn't exist (I'd say probably just omit them).

As I said, though... No promises on timing, and it could be a very long time.  The existing system should be able to meet your needs, even without these fancy additions (even though they'd be nice).
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Thanks for your detailed answer.

You are right, it is very easy to fill a custom field in the source playlist and move the files concerned later with an adequate expression.
That's the way i will go for now.

It's a great app for replacing lower quality files with better (good) ones!


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Automating MCVideoRedoer AdScan on a Batch of Files in a Directory

Finally got down and dirty with the command line action to address the tag line of this post:

I've worked out that to auto run Adscan & exit from MCVR, then this is the command line format to use:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MCAutoQueue\Processors\MCVideoRedoer.exe" -a -e -source="D:\Recorded TV\Video File.ts" -adscan
By using this command, I can set up a batch file script to execute MCVR upon a specified file and exit the interface, without involvement from human hands.

Great but how to spec up a directory of files and run this as a batch-wise process?

I've worked out by wandering around the interweb that I can use the following command line steps to produce a text file (in this case list.txt) of the .ts video files in a given directory:
Code: [Select]
cd "D:\Recorded TV"
dir /b/s *.ts>list.txt
This gives a list of the filenames including the directory path in the folder D:\Recorded TV, as per:
Code: [Select]
D:\Recorded TV\Video File 1.ts
D:\Recorded TV\Video File 2.ts
D:\Recorded TV\Video File 3.ts

What I've done at this stage is to open up the file list.txt and copy the leading text of the MCVR command above do a search and replace on the first few characters at the start of each filename, e.g. D:\. Then I've done the same with the trailing text of MCVR command by searching and replacing the final key characters of each line, e.g. .ts.

Then I've saved this file as .bat and simply executed it. MCVR is now churning away happily.. nice .. :)

Hopefully what I've described makes sense. Any thoughts on how to do this a smarter way, so that it reduces the process down to a single button press?
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Great but how to spec up a directory of files and run this as a batch-wise process?

The whole idea of MCAutoQueue is to automate this process for you.

Any file that MC can tag can be automated via MCAutoQueue, and you can schedule them to happen completely automatically using Tag On Import rules.
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So, using your example, you'd do this:

1. Make a new custom user field in MC called [NeedsProcessing], as described in the opening post.  If you're only going to do AdScan processing, for now at least, then it only needs one allowable value.  This can be whatever you want, but I'd make it "AdScan".

2. Make the Smartlist described in Step 2 in the opening post.  Make this exactly as described in the original instructions.

3. Open up MCAutoQueue, and click on the Settings button.

4. Under Playlist in MCAutoQueue's settings, pick the Smartlist you made in Step 2.

5. Put "NeedsProcessing" in the Field to Process (I think that's the default, so you can probably just leave it).

6. Make a new Processor (if one doesn't already exist that will serve the purpose), and give it these parameters:

Processor Key: AdScan (or whatever you used in Step 1 above)
Command To Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MCAutoQueue\Processors\MCVideoRedoer.exe"
Argument:  -a -e -source=[Filename] -adscan
MC Style: Unchecked
Update MC: Checked
Timeout: Default is probably fine.

7. Now, if you tag some files in MC with [NeedsProcessing] = AdScan and refresh the list in MCAutoQueue, it will list those files and be ready to run that command on each of them.

8. You can schedule MCAutoQueue to run automatically in Windows using the Task Scheduler.  Just add a new scheduled task to recur as often as you'd like (I do mine daily in the middle of the night).  For the Action, use:

Click to embiggen.

Now, if you want to AdScan files, all you have to do is tag them in MC as [NeedsProcessing] = AdScan.  The next time MCAutoQueue is scheduled to run, it'll do it for you.  When they're done, it'll automatically re-tag [NeedsProcessing] = Complete.  If MCVideoRedoer happens to fail, it'll tag it [NeedsProcessing] = Failed instead.

If you want to automatically do this for any new files in a particular Auto-Import directory, you can simply add a Tag On Import rule to add the [NeedsProcessing] tag for you automatically.

And, whammo, it runs automatically at the time you specify, every day, and AdScans your files.
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glynor, sorry for being so slow on the uptake but as Prof. Higgins commented, "by George, I think s ..he's got it!"

I went for a variation on this step:
8. You can schedule MCAutoQueue to run automatically in Windows using the Task Scheduler.  Just add a new scheduled task to recur as often as you'd like (I do mine daily in the middle of the night).  For the Action, use:
.. and set this up within MC to keep matters as in house as possible (see 1st pic).

The other thing I did was to set up a separate smartlist to help pick TV shows from the most recent time period of my choosing (4 days in this case):
[Media Sub Type]=[TV Show] [Date Recorded]=<4d ~sort=[Date Imported]
where I applied your advice to set up the view to show NeedsProcessing as a data column and entered the string "AdScan". You can see from the output (2nd pic) that the result has been a success.

Thanks for the help. MCAQ rocks..   ;)
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So, now that I've got that out of the way.

Is it possible to automatically enter "AdScan" in [NeedsProcessing] once a TV recording has finished? I'd really like to just be able to know that all shows have had AdScan run and I can then pick and choose which ones I want to edit at a later time. I'm not really bothered if every show has been scanned for ads.

If so, how would one go about configuring MC to do that?
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I've got a second query that relates to setting up a batchwise process to clean up recording files using VideoReDo's Quick Stream Fix function. For the cost of some processing time over night, I'm keen to see files tidied up for audio and video sync errors (if they exist) that can result from signal errors during transmission ...

My reading of this post:
gives me the expectation that I should be able to do a Quick Stream Fix before Adscan as part of the one command. Is that correct?

Therefore the MCAQ argument text would read:
Code: [Select]
-a -e -source=[Filename] -qsffirst -adscan
To test the above plan, I included "QSF" as a valid string in the [NeedsProcessing] library field and ran the above argument (sans -adscan) with the Processor Key set for "QSF" (see pic 1). Unfortunately, MCAQ wasn't happy with that idea. See pic 2 for the error message and the attached text file for the associated dump data.

What did I get wrong? Let me know what you think.

[Edit:  Also, I see in the MCAQ gui that you've made provision for a log file. Would that help and where do I find it to send through?]

Thanks ..  ;)
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Therefore the MCAQ argument text would read:
Code: [Select]
-a -e -source=[Filename] -qsffirst -adscan

What did I get wrong? Let me know what you think.

Well, you found a bug, but not the one you think you did...

The core problem is: --adscan and --qsffirst are mutually exclusive options.  Actually, more correctly, --adscan itself is a special mode that precludes all other options in MCVideoRedoer, but specifically, it can't work with the QSF mode at all.

The bug you found is that the messaging is (apparently) broken.  If you try to do this from within the GUI, you'll find it won't let you (unless that too is broken, I'll have to check).  The command line options are supposed to detect this and provide good messaging if you try to combine the two, but apparently that is broken right now.  It also dawns on me, reading through my documentation previously in this thread, that I didn't explain that explicitly (or, at least, not in a place that is easy to find).

So... I'll explain now.

What QSF First mode does is:

1. Transcodes the source file to a temp file (in your actual system temp file location, by default), with a random-generated filename, using the special QSF "mode" of VideoReDo.  This creates a new copy of the source file, it does not "fix" the existing file in-place (and cannot).

2. Then, it essentially swaps-in this temporary QSF-ed file and uses it as the source file for the rest of the processing.

3. This temp QSF-ed file is then deleted when the processing completes.

What AdScan mode does is:

1. Takes the source file and runs it through VideoReDo's Ad Detective feature.

2. It then saves the results of this to a VPrj file (a VideoReDo Project File).  This file does NOT "contain" a copy of the video, it is just a little "text" file, which points to the original source file.

3. It then imports this VPrj file into MC so that you can track them and use MC to "queue" your manual review of the detected ads.

The idea is that later you can run these VPrj files back through MCVideoRedoer and it'll then "finalize" your video out to a new file, cutting out the specified ads.

You can't do both of these things, if you think about it.

The QSF First makes the temp file, and then deletes it.  The temp file is only useful as a means-to-an-end to make the transcoded "final copy".  The problem is that if we did both, then the VPrj file would point to the temporary QSF file in your temp directory, which would be deleted when it finishes the run.  Even if I worked around that, it would have to create a new file on disk, and this would be one that MC doesn't know about at all.

Now, I considered making QSF First mode handle things specially when AdScan mode is enabled, and to actually overwrite the original source file.  But, this would be dangerous.  QSF does sometimes (though not often) make a broken file worse.  If the source file is sufficiently broken, VideoReDo's QSF transcoding can actually excise substantial portions of the source video, screw up aspect ratios, and other stuff like that.  This only ever happens if the source file is pretty badly hosed, so it isn't the end of the world, but I can't be sure that you'd be okay with losing your source file (even if it is broken).  Making it worse and overwriting the source without being told to is bad-form.

There are other possible alternatives, but they can get pretty complex.

A better method would be to just do this part when you complete your AdScan (running it through again to cut the actual commercials out).  That phase would be the time that would make sense to do the QSF (if needed).

Of course, there is a downside.  If the file is sufficiently broken, then AdScan will fail (either entirely, or by not detecting ads correctly).  QSF could fix this, if done first, but there's not a clean way to do this through MCVideoRedoer currently.

I'll think about it, but nothing soon.
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Is it possible to automatically enter "AdScan" in [NeedsProcessing] once a TV recording has finished? I'd really like to just be able to know that all shows have had AdScan run and I can then pick and choose which ones I want to edit at a later time. I'm not really bothered if every show has been scanned for ads.

If so, how would one go about configuring MC to do that?

I'm actually not very experienced with MC's TV Recording functions.  Does it use, or have it's own corollary to, the Auto-Import Tag on Import system?  If so, then it is a simple matter.

If not, then it would probably be more complex (and a huge bummer).

Let me know if the latter, though, as I can probably come up with a workaround (as I'll need one anyway if/when I switch to MC for my PVR functions).  Really, though, the recordings should obey the Tag On Import rules defined for the folder where the recordings happen (assuming that directory is watched), or it should have its own version of the same.
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Well, you found a bug, but not the one you think you did...

Yep.  I looked at the code for a bit, and it looks like it is actually broken in a bit more complex way, but everything I said above is still true.  When I fixed QSF First mode a few months back (which was broken fairly recently and I fixed it in build 0.9.2) I also, accidentally, disabled some of the sanity checking done around combining AdScan and QSF Mode.  This was hidden because the UI separately blocks you from actually setting the options this way, but you cleverly figured out how to do it via command line.

Clever boy.  ;) ;D

So, the reason you got that crash is almost certainly related to the logic of combining QSF Mode and AdScan mode (which shouldn't be possible, but currently is if you use the command line options).

I'll push out a new build at some point with this fixed.  But, for now, yes, it'll crash if you try to do this.  And my "fix" won't actually make it work, it'll just make it turn QSF mode off and do the AdScan as requested (with a warning).

Also, I should mention...

[Edit:  Also, I see in the MCAQ gui that you've made provision for a log file. Would that help and where do I find it to send through?]

Yes.  Both MCAutoQueue and MCVideoRedoer create log files, which can be helpful if you're getting unexpected behavior.  They're saved here, if enabled: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\glynor\
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So, now that I've got that out of the way.

Is it possible to automatically enter "AdScan" in [NeedsProcessing] once a TV recording has finished? I'd really like to just be able to know that all shows have had AdScan run and I can then pick and choose which ones I want to edit at a later time. I'm not really bothered if every show has been scanned for ads.

If so, how would one go about configuring MC to do that?

I'm actually not very experienced with MC's TV Recording functions.  Does it use, or have it's own corollary to, the Auto-Import Tag on Import system?  If so, then it is a simple matter.

If not, then it would probably be more complex (and a huge bummer).

Let me know if the latter, though, as I can probably come up with a workaround (as I'll need one anyway if/when I switch to MC for my PVR functions).  Really, though, the recordings should obey the Tag On Import rules defined for the folder where the recordings happen (assuming that directory is watched), or it should have its own version of the same.

I've headed over to the TV board to pursue this because I reckon that's the best place to discuss:
I did find an answer but (no surprise) I'd like to see some function improvement.

Thanks for all the feedback. Very useful stuff..   8)
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MCAutoQueue, MCFileIngester, and MCVideoRedoer 0.9.9 (05/26/2014) -- BETA

1. Changed: Updates to shared components.

glynor.common 1.0.0 (05/26/2014)

1. NEW: Logging system overhauled. Now provides Log Levels and improved exception reporting.
2. Fixed: Some user options weren't preserved when upgrading.
3. NEW: Stock Options system overhauled. Report any trouble with basic options like Logging and AutoRun.
4. Changed: Shared code reorganized (reduces the number of auxiliary dlls installed).

MCnet 1.0.0 (05/26/2014)

1. Fixed: Logging improved across many components.
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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #113 on: November 14, 2014, 02:30:27 am »

glynor, here's a VRD upgrade related question.

How can I get MCAQ to work with VideoReDo version 5?

I've done a VRD upgrade on my workhorse machine where TV is recorded and want to shift ver4 to another PC.

Can this be covered by a user tweak?

Thanks in advance. Cheers..  ;)
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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #114 on: November 14, 2014, 06:54:12 am »

I haven't tried v5 yet.  But in their welcome message they mention:

9) A new COM interface with a clearer API that should make it easier for developers to access the functionality of VRD via scripts or software.

That's pretty good because their COM interface was pretty creaky.  But it also means that MCVideoReDoer probably needs to be re-written entirely.
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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #115 on: November 14, 2014, 07:10:14 am »

I haven't tried v5 yet.  But in their welcome message they mention:

That's pretty good because their COM interface was pretty creaky.  But it also means that MCVideoReDoer probably needs to be re-written entirely.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll rejig the setup, reinstall v4 to the work unit and load up v5 elsewhere. I'll get by until they and you have had time to suss things out. Sounds like it will take some time.

Cheers ..  8)
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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #116 on: November 14, 2014, 06:44:50 pm »

It's actually good. I built a whole new framework that I want to use to rework those apps better, but then I kinda lost steam.  Motivation. ;D
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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #117 on: October 13, 2016, 08:25:29 pm »

Is this working with the handbrake CLI? If so what is the command line for input and output?


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Re: MCAutoQueue: Automatically Process Files In MC With External Applications
« Reply #118 on: October 17, 2016, 09:14:44 am »

You could certainly make a script to use it with Handbrake CLI. I haven't made one myself.
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I have had this working using the FileIngester for a long time, but now, all of a sudden, I am getting the following (in the FileIngester):

Code: [Select]
INFO  Connecting to running MC instance...
INFO  Successfully connected to Media Center.
INFO  Replacing file: D:\Recorded TV\NCIS_ Los Angeles - S04E24 - Descent.ts
INFO    With file: T:\TV\NCIS_ Los Angeles\Season 04\NCIS_ Los Angeles - S04E24 - Descent.ts.mp4
ERROR Replace New File Failed: Replacement type mismatch: The [Media Type] of the files must match.
  T:\TV\NCIS_ Los Angeles\Season 04\NCIS_ Los Angeles - S04E24 - Descent.ts.mp4 ()
  D:\Recorded TV\NCIS_ Los Angeles - S04E24 - Descent.ts (Video)

Parameter name: overrideTypeMatching

Obviously something changed in my setup, but I can't think of what it would be!  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I did check that the source was a 'Video' media type.


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Look at the last 2 lines.  Whatever produced that error message things that the file on the T: drive is NOT type Video.  See the () ?  The file on the other drive shows (Video).



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That's weird.  It's a mp4 extension, and isn't even imported into MC yet when this is run.  I will look into it, but not even sure where to start.  If I run the Ingester directly (outside of my scheduled task), I get the same problem. 

Weird thing is that it was working just fine 1-2 weeks ago!


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Maybe I fixed it, we'll see tonight.  I noticed that .mp4's were set to open with Windows Media Player, so I changed it to default to MC.  The Ingester worked when I ran it manually.  I'll know more tonight.  Thanks for the help!


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Look at the last 2 lines.  Whatever produced that error message things that the file on the T: drive is NOT type Video.  See the () ?  The file on the other drive shows (Video).

Brian called it.

That error is due to a sanity check I put into MCFileIngester. It will not replace files if the [Media Type] for the files does not match, so that you don't accidentally overwrite a video with a MP3 or something silly like that. In this case, the MP4 imported with an empty [Media Type] (which is why the parenthesis are empty after the MP4 filename in the error).

It is the MP4 that has the wrong [Media Type], not the source file (that's what the error log shows).

That's pretty odd. I'm not sure what could make them import with an empty media type, if they aren't broken files. Are you sure the transcoding isn't spitting out busted MP4s?
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Maybe I fixed it, we'll see tonight.  I noticed that .mp4's were set to open with Windows Media Player, so I changed it to default to MC.  The Ingester worked when I ran it manually.  I'll know more tonight.  Thanks for the help!

This should not have anything to do with the file association of MP4s on the system. It is that MC thinks that MP4 is broken (or, at least, that it does not contain video).

I thought of one other case that could, maybe, cause this. Do you have a non-standard Video Playback "engine" set up for the MP4 file type in MC under Tools > Options > File Types? This should be set to Automatic almost certainly.
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Whatever produced that error message

PS. The thing that produced the error message is an application I wrote: MCFileIngester, which is part of MCAutoQueue (the point of this thread). Unfortunately, it is Windows-only, but you should check it out. Pretty cool though, and I have it running daily in my scripts to this day, but I also use it as a "utility" frequently to replace big swaths of files or manually converted items.

These automated scripts haven't been doing much of anything useful for the better part of a year, as I haven't had useful cable TV since we sold the old house (soon, thankfully, soon my moving adventure will be complete). So, nothing is getting recorded and so nothing is getting autoconverted. But, they're still running!

And I used it not that long ago to deal with some files I re-purchased.

things that the file on the T: drive is NOT type Video.

MCFileIngester doesn't decide what Media Type the file has on its own. It asks MC and retrieves the [Media Type] of the file in question, after importing it (if it isn't already imported).

In any case, muzicman0, if you can reproduce an issue where MC definitely has both files properly tagged with [Media Type]=Video and it is still throwing that error, provide the log and a screenshot of the file properties of the offending file in MC. It is possible that JRiver changed (or accidentally busted) something about the way it behaves in a recent version, though I'd be surprised. My video MP4 files are still auto-importing with the right [Media Type], so...?

If you are having files import weird, you'll want to look at your transcoding workflow. Possibly the MCFileIngester part of the script is running on them before they are quite finished being written by the transcoder? And so they import and MC can't analyze them (until later when they're finished)? Maybe look at the timestamps in the log and compare them to file modified dates or something? Dunno.
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Here is the script that is being run:
Code: [Select]
if not exist %3 mkdir %3

"C:\Program Files\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i %1 -t 1 --angle 1 --start-at duration:7 -o %2 -f mp4 --decomb="bob" -w 854 -l 480 --crop 0:0:0:0 --modulus 2 -e x264 -q 20 -a 1 -E av_aac -6 stereo -R Auto -B 320 -D 0 --gain 0 --audio-fallback ac3 --encoder-preset=veryslow --verbose=1


"C:\Program Files (x86)\MCAutoQueue\Processors\MCFileIngester.exe" --autorun --autoexit -m:Standard -n:%2  -t:Replace --deletesource -s:%1

As far as I can tell, MC isn't importing the newly compressed videos before the ingester runs.  Why it worked before, and then stopped, I have no idea.  No special .mp4 handling.

What I can say is that I ran the ingester manually on an already converted video (which by the way plays back fine, so doesn't appear to be a bad file) and it ran.  Then I ran the whole scheduled task (which runs the above script on video files under certain circumstances), and it also finished just fine.

The problem was 100% reproducible prior to changing the mp4 to open with MC, and now it appears to work.  I agree that it shouldn't cause the issue, but for some reason, it might have.

I will know more tomorrow morning once the script runs on all files.  There are probably 10-13 files that it will run on...if they all work, then I will call this solved.

Again, thanks for all the help!


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Well...bummer, it failed again last night.

I think maybe I have it figured out though.  I ran it manually again, and it failed.  I opened the new mp4 in MC (which would have imported it), then it completed fine.  I will try to add an explicit auto import MCC command to the script before running the ingester, and see if that works.


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As far as I can tell, MC isn't importing the newly compressed videos before the ingester runs.

MCFileIngester imports any non-imported "replacement/new" files before it does the replacement. So it can get the [Media Type] from MC regardless. So you don't need to auto-import them. Looking at your script, I'm pretty sure you're just running MCFileImporter before HandbrakeCLI is all the way done with the files.

You probably want to add a better "sleep" command between those two items in your script (Handbrake and MCFileIngester) to make sure it doesn't happen while Handbrake is still releasing resources. Also, I'm not sure what the Ping is in that script, but maybe it was some kind of effort to create this delay (without having to use a sleep command from a resource kit or whatever)? If so, you need to do more than a single ping like that.

This page describes options:

I'd add a 30 second delay or something like that, to make sure all the writing in Handbrake is totally done before you do the File Ingestion.

If that doesn't work, I could conceivably add a command line option to ignore the Media Type check. The underlying "ingester" framework is ready for that (that's what the overrideTypeMatching parameter referenced in the error is about), but I'd need to add the command line option. I could, maybe, but it would be safer to not use that option (and doing the replacement on half-imported files could cause all sorts of trouble).

I suspect the behavior of Handbrake has changed somewhat. It is possible it could be due to disk latency, even, as the disk fills up, or something like that.
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Disk latency is an idea that I had thought about.  The ping is just simply for delay...I was a network engineer for Disney, so that's just where my mind went as I was writing the script.

I will add the extra delay to see if that helps and let you know.

All other things, IE: the handbrake version is the same.  The drive is by no means full (957 GB free of 5.34 TB), but it is a network NAS, so maybe that is slowing things down.  It's just that it has been working for a long time before the last few weeks. 


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It seems to work after adding the auto import, but it is more likely due to adding more delay in (I added a little delay between the auto import and ingester).  I will probably play it safe and add just a touch more delay.  If everything runs well tonight, I will call this solved. 


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I'm trying to get MCAutoqueue to work with FFMPEG.  I keep getting a Processor Not Ready Error or: ERROR Queuing Error: Processor undefined in config:

I'm using Windows 10. I tried running it as an admin but when I do, it can't find MC (2017-03-14 13:21:51.1639 INFO below)

Code: [Select]
2017-03-14 13:21:26.1669 ERROR Queuing Error: Processor undefined in config:
2017-03-14 13:21:26.1669 INFO  Queued File (0): V:\Series\Boomerang\Season02\Boomerang - S02E03.m4v
2017-03-14 13:21:40.3566 WARN  Exit Status (1): Queue Cancelled by user or there was nothing to process.
2017-03-14 13:21:40.3566 INFO  ----------------------------------------
2017-03-14 13:21:40.3722 INFO  MCAutoQueue (by glynor) v0.9.9 Exiting
2017-03-14 13:21:40.3722 INFO  ----------------------------------------

2017-03-14 13:21:51.1639 INFO  ----------------------------------------
2017-03-14 13:21:51.1639 INFO  MCAutoQueue (by glynor) v0.9.9
2017-03-14 13:21:51.1826 INFO  ----------------------------------------
2017-03-14 13:21:51.4326 INFO  Connecting to running MC instance...
2017-03-14 13:21:51.4483 INFO  No running instance of MC found.  Launching...
2017-03-14 13:22:21.7238 FATAL Unable to connect to MC!
2017-03-14 13:22:21.7395 FATAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80080005): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {572802D5-FBF6-4C30-89CA-BDF2CE4AEC2B} failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)).
   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
   at MCnet.COM.MCCore.GetMC()

Thinking it might be the CLI I'm pushing to ffmpeg I tried File ingester and I get the same error of Processor not Ready.
Running file ingester as standalone works fine.

Any Ideas as to what may cause this?

I went in and changed all the permissions on the .exe. and made sure they run as admin but it didn't help..
I turned off MSE and it din't help either.



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Processor not ready and Processor undefined in config typically means that you have a value in the field you are reading that isn't defined.

For instance, in mine, I use the playlist AutoCompress, and a Field called 'Needs Processing'.  MCAutoQue will read all of the files that are in the playlist AutoCompress and check those files for the 'Needs Processing' field (or tag). 

Within MCAutoQue I have 3 keys set up (Compress, Failed, and Compress_Movie).
  • Compress - this is the bulk of what I do, which compresses TV episodes that I have already watched, and want to archive.
  • Failed - This will be the case if either of the other 2 keys fail.  The script assigned to this key will email me that something went wrong, and provide me with some details.
  • Compress_Movie - This uses a custom compiled FFMPEG that uses NVENC (Nvidia Hardware compression) to compress recorded Movies. 
IF, however, the 'Needs Processing' field is blank (which in my case isn't actually possible), or has a value that doesn't match one of the above (and it is case sensitive, so Compress is different than compress) then you will get the error 'Processor undefined in config'.

If you could send a screen shot, I could probably tell you a little bit more of what is happening.

Of course, if MCAutoQue is unable to connect to MC, then other things might be going on.  MC or MCServer does need to be running.  It may actually require MCServer, not 100% sure.  You can tell if MCServer is running by looking at the tray next to the clock on the PC, and if the MC icon is there, then server is running.


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I got rid of the empty tags but no success.
The field name under [Needs Processing] is the processor Key right?

I'm probably missing a minor detail but don't know what it is ...Few snapshots attached.  Thx for your help!


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You did the same thing I did when initially setting up.  Your field in MCAQ is 'NeedsProcessing', but in MC, it is actually 'Needs Processing'.  Note the space.


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You did the same thing I did when initially setting up.  Your field in MCAQ is 'NeedsProcessing', but in MC, it is actually 'Needs Processing'.  Note the space.

And the worst of it is...I kinda remember reading your post on this....I knew it was a stupid thing :)   Adding that one space did it!!!

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If anyone can help with the following, I would be forever grateful.

I have 2 custom fields in MC that I use with MCAQ.  One is a path that includes filenames, and one is just the path.  It's a calculated field that uses season, series name, etc.  Works great unless there is an illegal character in the title, for example, a trailing '.' (as in S.H.I.E.D.), or somehthing like NCIS: Los Angeles.

The way I handle this now is by using a bunch of if then else type expressions in the calculated data.  But every time I add a new show that has a bad character, I have to spend 15-20 minutes figuring out how to fix it.

There has to be a way (using REGEX??) to strip out illegal filename/path characters.  Anyone have a clue how to do this?

Currently, the 'PathForAutoQue' library field is:
Code: [Select]
T:\TV\If(isequal([Series], Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., 1), Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, If(isequal([Series], NCIS: Los Angeles, 1), NCIS_ Los Angeles, If(isequal([Series], 24: Legacy, 1), 24_ Legacy, [Series])))\Season PadNumber([Season],2)\[filename (name)].mp4
PathForAutoQue(only path) is:
Code: [Select]
T:\TV\If(isequal([Series], Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., 1), Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, If(isequal([Series], NCIS: Los Angeles, 1), NCIS_ Los Angeles, If(isequal([Series], 24: Legacy, 1), 24_ Legacy,[Series])))\Season PadNumber([Season],2)\


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I have the conversion part working great with FFMPEG but now need to get FileIngester processor to run so MC points at the new m4v file instead.

I've been reading this post over and over and can't figure out how to chain the 2 tasks...Anyway to do this without an external batch file?


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No. I intentionally designed it to only run a single task per processor, as it would have made the completion logic too complex to have it chain tasks.

Plus, you can just use a BAT file or, my preference, a VBS script.
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None of my MC applications require MC to be running (and certainly not the server version) to work. They'll try to connect to a running instance first, and then launch the version registered with COM if no running instance is found.

They also don't require admin privileges. You should run it "normal". This includes MCAutoQueue, certainly.

Errors like the failure to launch shown above are usually due to issues with MC being registered with COM. This could be because you were running it with elevated privileges, which can change the shell you're running under. But the more common scenario is that you uninstalled a version of MC since the last install. Run MC's installer again over top of your existing installation and it should fix it up.
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No. I intentionally designed it to only run a single task per processor, as it would have made the completion logic too complex to have it chain tasks.

Plus, you can just use a BAT file or, my preference, a VBS script.

I prefer vbs scripts as well, but I have also noted that in Windows 10, sometimes it will act like it doesn't know what 'program' to open the script with.  Once you set it, it will remember.  Never had that problem on Win 7.  And I can't figure out what causes it...some installations it works from day 1, and other installations you have to explicitly tell it how to open the script.

So, ultimately, I went with a batch file, since it did what I needed it to do.


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Everything went well last night, so it appears that the extra time I added did the trick.


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Here is the script that is being run:
Code: [Select]
if not exist %3 mkdir %3

"C:\Program Files\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i %1 -t 1 --angle 1 --start-at duration:7 -o %2 -f mp4 --decomb="bob" -w 854 -l 480 --crop 0:0:0:0 --modulus 2 -e x264 -q 20 -a 1 -E av_aac -6 stereo -R Auto -B 320 -D 0 --gain 0 --audio-fallback ac3 --encoder-preset=veryslow --verbose=1


"C:\Program Files (x86)\MCAutoQueue\Processors\MCFileIngester.exe" --autorun --autoexit -m:Standard -n:%2  -t:Replace --deletesource -s:%1

I managed to get everything working with the task scheduler for the compression and filerenaming using MCAQ and file ingester but one thing I'd like to do is to get output.m4v as a final output so I don't have to re-run comskip...:

In other words input.ts -> output.m4v instead of input.ts -> output.ts.m4v...I assume I need a script similar to what EDIT: Astromo muzicman0 posted as per the above code but I never built a vbs script before and couldn't find anything on the web to help...

Any tips would be appreciated....I'm almost there :)!



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There are probably better ways to do this, but look at the following link...specifically the 'Replace - Replace a substring using string substitution', and just rename the file using the same .bat file.

You could also do it within MC, I imagine there are string manipulation tools within MC expression language.

Basically, though, since you know that the end of the filename is always .ts.m4v, you can replace that string in the filename.


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muzicman0 how or where do you specify %1 for the filename input in your vbs?  That's probably the route i should take but as you can see....scripts are a mystery to me...


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muzicman0 how or where do you specify %1 for the filename input in your vbs?  That's probably the route i should take but as you can see....scripts are a mystery to me...
%1 is the first argument, %2 is the second, etc.

So, in MCAQ, just fill in the arguments in the argument line.  For me, it was:

[Filename] [PathForAutoQue] [PathForAutoQue(onlypath)]

IIRC, it will default to putting quotes around each argument so you don't have to do that explicitly.


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I just finally updated to MC22, and am now getting an unhandled event and MCAutoQue crashes.  Is there something I can do to fix this?


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Not sure if this will help, but here are the details of the crash:

Code: [Select]
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800401F3): Invalid class string (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401F3 (CO_E_CLASSSTRING))
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.CLSIDFromProgID(String progId, Guid& clsid)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject(String progID)
   at MCnet.COM.MCCore.GetMC()

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MCAutoQueue/MCAutoQueue.exe
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MCAutoQueue/glynor.Common.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MCAutoQueue/NLog.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.ServiceModel/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.ServiceModel.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Serialization/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MCAutoQueue/MCnet.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MCAutoQueue/glynor.Common.Controls.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1087.0 built by: NETFXREL4STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging


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MC22 is not properly registered with COM. Which seems to happen sometimes of late after updating.

In any case, install your current build of MC again "over top" and it should fix you up.
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Excellent!  That fixed it. Thanks as always!
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