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Author Topic: For information only: problem pushing to WD TV Live new-style streaming box  (Read 2685 times)


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Since getting the latest firmware for my WD TV box (the new-style box known as SMP, not the old one), I have been unable to push video to it from MC. There is an error "There was a problem controlling this DLNA device". Audio is fine, so is pulling video from the SMP, so is pushing video to the old WDTV.

I've had a look at the WD forums and there do appear to be other people in various situations no longer being able to push media via DLNA to it, so I've added a comment there.


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I had the same issue. I bought the latest wdtv live for a Christmas present for me mom and noticed it showed up as a device I could play to so tried it and it didn't work. Had no intention to keep the box myself though so didn't think much of it.

That said it would be awesome if this worked cause its a inexpensive box and I'd love having one in the kitchen/dining room that I could play to from MC.


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Note that it did work when I first bought it, it was only the latest firmware update that broke it, it seems. I bought it around October last year to upgrade my old one and it worked with no problem. Then I had problems with my phone line (lightning strike took out my phone and broadband for 5 weeks...long story) and it was only after Christmas I had internet access again. First time powering up the WDTV Live after that it said there was a new update available (it seems the update was released at the end of October) so I allowed it to download. hopefully they will get it fixed soon.


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If someone wanted to send me a wireshark trace (see the wiki, search for wireshark) I'd take a quick look at it.
You'd just need to start tracing just before the push and stop a few seconds after the failure. The file should be pretty small if you setup the capture filter properly.
bob (at) jriver (dot) com.


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I have followed the instructions in the Wiki and emailed you the trace file.


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Thanks, got it.
It looks like you are trying to play an mkv file without conversion and it doesn't like that. Did it used to?
Does it work with audio/images?
Does it work with mpeg2/ac3 video? (conversion off if you have one, set to mpeg2 dvd autofps if you don't).

If the answers to the above is all yes, it's possible they changed the mimetype they accept for mkv. The were using a non-standard one previously.


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Yes, it used to before the WDTV firmware upgrade. And the same files play to the old WD TV Live with no problem, the same files also play correctly when pulled from the WDTV. I also have some AVI files and none of those will push now either.  Audio works.  Don't know about images as I've got none set up.  Don't know about MPEG2/AC3, will try converting later tonight.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Thanks, got it.
It looks like you are trying to play an mkv file without conversion and it doesn't like that. Did it used to?
Does it work with audio/images?
Does it work with mpeg2/ac3 video? (conversion off if you have one, set to mpeg2 dvd autofps if you don't).

If the answers to the above is all yes, it's possible they changed the mimetype they accept for mkv. The were using a non-standard one previously.

see second post:


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see second post:
Thanks bubbleguuum, looks like they need to address it.
csimon, probably not worth bothering with any testing until they put out a new version.

They do seem interested in supporting their devices, as you noticed, even our much older WDTV got a firmware update yesterday.
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