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Author Topic: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.  (Read 7157 times)


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Just fitted a blueray drive and wondering if its possible to if JRiver can decode and output Dts Master Audio/TrueHD "on the fly" from the drive within JRiver, or does the Blueray need to be ripped first?
Are there any third party software or Codecs etc I need to install first, or does JRiver have all this functionality built in?
A new subject for me, perhaps a link to a Wiki entry or forum discussion would be really helpful :)

Ideally if I could use my JRiver Pc to replace my blueray player and output the Hd audio formats directly to my Dac/Av amp that would be perfect.
Couple of final questions please?

: Would output of these HD formats be possible via USB output or just SPDIF (assuming my av amp/Dac is compatible)
: Can I rip Bluray HD audio tracks to my hard drive easily enough?

Any other cool stuff I could use my Blueray drive for within JRiver?

Thanks for any help or suggestions guys.


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Re: Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 12:30:23 am »

To rip protected disks you will need AnyDVD HD installed. To get DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD you will need the dts dll from Arcsofts Total Media Theatre and set JRiver to bitstreaming in audio options.

All in the wiki already. Unable to provide links at present.

Good luck



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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 02:11:44 am »

Cheers John, thanks for that.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 03:23:24 am »

Here is the wiki link -

If you Bitstream you don't need a thing (apart from HDMI)

If you Decode the Audio (recomended) then you need the DTSDECODERDLL.DLL file for just full bit rate DTS HD-MA decoding.  By decoding you get all the benefits of MC's DSP studio including "Video Clock" to keep everything in sync.
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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2013, 03:24:03 am »

Actually John's not quite right on a few things:

See the wiki here:

- Yes, a tool like AnyDVD is needed to rip but even just to play an original commercial (so protected) Blu-ray Disc using MC.
- Once MC is able to read the disc bitstreaming of all DVD and Bluray codecs works without need of the Arcsoft DTS decoder. (Even the wiki is a little unclear, possibly even wrong, on this point, I have just noticed!).
- TrueHD can be decoded using MC alone. You do not need the Arcsoft decoder for this. Unfortunately TrueHD is relatively rare.
- DTS-HD decoding, not bitstreaming, needs the Arcsoft decoder John mentioned. The wiki tells you where to put it. Without it you will still get sound, but it will be lossy, traditional, DTS sound, not HD.

But the good news is if, as you suggest, you wish to send the HD codecs to your AV amp for decoding you do not need the Arcsoft decoder, but you will need AnyDVD or equivalent. The downside to bitstreaming is that MC is then unable to process the audio in any way. One thing a lot of users wish to do is use MC's "Videoclock" to adjust the speed of the movie to precisely match your GPU's refresh rate, so making video play smoother. You cannot do this if bitstreaming.

One other comment on your original post. You cannot pass HD codecs over USB or even over s/pdif. They have to go over HDMI along with the video.

Edit: oops, overlapped on a few things there, but together I think we have it covered  :)


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2013, 04:03:36 am »

Hi Jong,

Yeah I knew what you were saying as it was in the wiki that I read earlier. I was planning on answering with a link to the wiki and a full post when I got into work but you beat me to it. I was on the train when I sent last message and did not have a lot of time.

I have the dtsdecoder.dll file installed so I can use the video reclock option but sometimes use bitstreaming which as you said does not need the dll.



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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2013, 05:38:16 am »

Is there anyone with wiki permissions that could do a quick edit on the DTS-HD section? It does at least suggest (may just be less than perfect wording) that you need the Arcsoft decoder even if you want to bitstream DTS-HD.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2013, 06:29:50 am »

Is there anyone with wiki permissions that could do a quick edit on the DTS-HD section? It does at least suggest (may just be less than perfect wording) that you need the Arcsoft decoder even if you want to bitstream DTS-HD.

As far as I understood Jong, you needed the dll even doing bitstream with MC17 however under MC18 I think you inly need it if doing the decoding with MC.



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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2013, 07:38:41 am »

Don't know about MC16 or earlier, but a reasonably up to date MC17 would have a version of LAV easily current enough to bitstream DTS-HD without any extra dll. At least that would be my understanding.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2013, 07:48:45 am »

According to the LAV change log DTS-HD bitstreaming was added in May'11, with maybe some improvements in Jul'11. According to the MC release notes MC16 and 17 have versions of LAV after all that had been added. I'm sure MC17 will be fine.  I wasn't using MC back in MC16 days but it should be fine too unless there was something in MC back then that limited what LAV was able to do. I doubt it but I guess it's possible.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2013, 09:22:07 am »

Is there anyone with wiki permissions that could do a quick edit on the DTS-HD section? It does at least suggest (may just be less than perfect wording) that you need the Arcsoft decoder even if you want to bitstream DTS-HD.
If you can agree on what it should say, and will provide the exact text you want, I'll post it.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2013, 02:17:50 pm »

Jim, here is a draft for you. Don't know if anyone else wants to refine. It is a replacement for the current "Decoding for DTS-HD" section:

HD Audio

MC is capable of both bitstreaming and decoding the full range of audio codecs supplied on commercial Blu-ray Discs, including HD codecs Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD, with full bitrate and depth preserved.

It is recommended that you use MC to decode HD audio as this allows the full power of MC's audio processing, including Videoclock, to be applied to the decoded sound. However, if you wish, enabling bitstreaming in audio settings will pass untouched HD audio to your AV receiver, with no need for other special configuration.

If you do not enable bitstreaming MC will automatically decode TrueHD soundtracks with no other configuration required. However, to decode DTS-HD you need to copy the "dtsdecoderdll.dll" from an installation of Arcsoft TMT installation to one of the following folders:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 18\Plugins\lav, or
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 18, or
Windows\System32 folder for Windows 7 32-bit / Windows\SysWOW64 folder for Windows 7 64 bit
The Windows system folder locations are probably best as these will survive updates, upgrades and reinstallation of MC, but you may use whichever you prefer. If you do not have a copy of the Arcsoft TMT DTS decoder you will still get sound, but MC will decode the regular (non-HD) DTS track instead of DTS-HD.

You can check that TrueHD or DTS-HD is  being decoded properly using Audio Path.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2013, 02:33:03 pm »

As far as I understood Jong, you needed the dll even doing bitstream with MC17 however under MC18 I think you inly need it if doing the decoding with MC.


That's not right. Bitstreaming of DTS-HD MA has always been possible without dtsdecoderdll.dll, ever since LAV and ffdshow have supported it.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2013, 03:24:28 am »

Jim, I think we need to add something to one sentence in the text I posted yesterday, sorry:

However, if you wish, enabling bitstreaming via HDMI in audio settings will pass untouched HD audio to your AV receiver, with no need for other special configuration. Note: it is not possible to send HD audio via s/pdif.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2013, 06:53:28 am »

Jim, I think we need to add something to one sentence in the text I posted yesterday, sorry:

Done.  Thank you for your trouble.


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Re: HD Master Audio/ TrueHD audio output from Bluray drive question.
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2013, 07:10:12 am »

Thanks and no problem, pleased to be able to help!
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