THis was not surprising but I'd now like to work towards a final import and reflect the structure of my on disk media collection (which is generally whole albums)
can see (by others reference) that MC can be setup to map the hierachy of my folder structure to the relevant fields in MC but can't seem to find where to do the mapping, can someone help please.
As mentioned above, there is another current thread with exactly the same question - see the replies for that one for some hints. Basically, MC is best working with tags and metadata that is stored within music files so what you have to do is populate the tags from the directories and filenames that you are using, so that you are mapping the folder structure to MC's internal tagging system.
Also I'd like to use the RIP function within MC and wondered if this too can be configured to perpetuate my existing folder structure.
Yes - on ripping, MC will attempt to find basic tags from an online database and populate these for you, such as Album and Artist and Genre. Obviously, you can configure where MC will put the ripped files and what you can do is to use an expression to build the pathname for the file using the values of these tags. e.g. my pathname is set at \\MYFILESERVER\Music\A-Z\Left([Artist],1)\[Artist]\[Album]\[Track #] - [Name] which automatically creates files such as:
\\MYFILESERVER\Music\A-Z\M\Marillion\Misplaced Childhood\01 - Pseudo Silk Kimono.flac
I can see that more advanced mapping can be performed using something called regex. Can someone elaborate what this is and give me a kick in the right direction for reading.
See the example above! Expressions can get quite complex but the example above is very simple. If you're familiar with expressions in spreadsheets for example then they are very similar. A complete reference to the "language" and functions available can be found in the Wiki at
"Regex" stands for "regular expression" and the term comes from something that Unix and C programmers are very familiar with!