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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here  (Read 13919 times)


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JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:40:16 am »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

Please read this first.

Download:  [Build pulled by JimH for this problem on fresh installs.  Build is otherwise good and safe to use.]


18.0.136 (2/19/2013)

1. Fixed: Get Cover Art From Internet was incorrectly showing a small preview with no dimensions (only applies to last few builds since the JPEG engine was changed).

18.0.135 (2/19/2013)

1. Fixed: Gizmo would not connect to build 134 due to an unintentional change in the 'ProgramName' MCWS response.
2. Fixed: Switching the focus to a different application while a list editor was open could lead to a crash.
3. Changed: Removed Computer Audiophile scrobbling (it's no longer supported by Computer Audiophile).
4. Fixed: Editing a scheduler task could switch the time for a one-time event to the current time.
5. Changed: Disable high precision seek for DLNA control, helps with broken renderers (i.e. Denon).
6. Changed: DLNA type for non-converted ts files to work on more devices (i.e. new WDTV and Bravia TV's).

18.0.134 (2/18/2013)

1. Fixed: The position slider was not working properly at the end of a track in some cases.
2. Fixed: Cross-fades were not being applied properly with ranged (CUE, etc.) playback.
3. Fixed: Some WAV files could be incorrectly detected as DTS WAV files, possibly causing them to fail to import or play.
4. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
5. SDK: Setting an audio stream / language with MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_AUDIO_STREAM works with DVD.
6. Changed: Tightened up user-facing naming so the program will only be referred to as "JRiver Media Center 18" or "Media Center" (but not other derivates like "Media Center 18", etc.).

18.0.133 (2/15/2013)

1. Fixed: CUE (or other ranged) playback was not handling position correctly on track transitions, so the position slider could show an unexpected result.
2. Fixed: Image acquisition could crash.
3. Fixed: Acquiring images from some WPD devices like an Android phone could show a name of 'Not found' instead of something intuitive like 'Galaxy Nexus'.
4. Fixed: Some internet radio streams with ICY data were not being supported, causing no metadata and audible clicks (, etc.).
5. NEW: Switched JPEG engines (marginally faster, makes JRImage smaller, and works cross-platform).
6. Fixed: Thumbnails could be incorrect with the new JPEG engine with certain image dimensions.
7. Fixed: A few UI related issues specific to build 132.
8. Fixed: Right-click while holding down the left mouse button could be a little touchy when doing multiple files at once.

18.0.132 (2/14/2013)

1. Fixed: Exporting a playlist with a dot in the name could cause the default export name to be truncated.
2. Changed: DLNA, reworked mimetype and DLNA type for mpeg2-ts containers to better describe them and their content. Could help playback on some devices.
3. Fixed: ATI Theater 550 Pro analog television tuner did not work.
4. NEW: Added 'CPU Features' to the System Info report so a user can check if MMX, SSE4.1, etc. is found.
5. Changed: Red October uses LAV filters version 0.55.3.
6. Fixed: SACD playback could have a slight tick between tracks when the ISO file used DST compression.
7. Faster: The program does less work between tracks when switching between two files of the same format.
8. Changed: DSD playback as PCM uses continuous filters between tracks instead of new filters each track, removing a possible subtle noise at track boundaries.
9. Fixed: Partial watch marks were showing on unexpected television recordings in Theater View.
10. Fixed: Input focus was not working properly in Display View for the last few builds (so escape, enter, space, etc. didn't work properly in Display View).
11. Fixed: YouTube integration was not working due to changes to YouTube's site.
12. Fixed: Unseeded Play Doctor lists with lots of variety were not working.
13. Fixed: A 'FILE' line in a FLAC + embedded CUE could cause problems.

18.0.131 (2/6/2013)

1. Changed: When bitstreaming DSD using ASIO, five channel content will be output using a standard 5.1 channel ordering (with the subwoofer silenced).
2. Changed: Revised keyboard focus system used by Standard View (hopefully an internal change, but please report any issues).
3. Changed: Switching to a different active program no longer cancels an in-place edit.


Experimental testing build not released to the public.

18.0.129 (2/5/2013)

1. Fixed: Television recordings were not imported in the last few builds.
2. Fixed: Television channel scanning did not work in the last few builds.
3. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
4. Fixed: A Windows "drive not found" box could appear in some cases.
5. Fixed: A library view that only showed a single file would lead to unexpected navigation results in Theater View.

18.0.128 (2/1/2013)

1. Fixed: The random number generator used for ASIO dither could behave as coherent instead of incoherent ( ).
2. Faster: The ListCombine(...) and ListCount(...) expressions are much faster.
3. Fixed: Watch marks could show unexpectedly simply because a television recording was configured to start a few minutes before the show started.
4. Fixed: Deleting a file from Media Center and disk while the file was actively being converted by the Format Converter could lead to a crash (the results of doing this will still be undefined; do not delete the original files until after conversion).
5. Changed: Restored support for legacy APE file playback.

18.0.127 (1/31/2013)

1. Changed: Red October uses LAV filters version 0.55.2.
2. Changed: When using the IE web browser engine on Windows 8, compatibility mode was not disabled (causing many websites to render incorrectly, including JRiver).
3. Changed: When running a manual import, files previously determined to be bad will be reanalyzed.  This makes it easy to get something off the naughty list if it is there incorrectly.
4. Changed: Drag-n-drop of a file into Media Center that was marked as bad will try to reanalyze the file instead of showing a data record with no metadata.
5. Fixed: The vertical sliders in the Equalizer were responding to user input in a reversed direction.
6. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun!).

18.0.126 (1/30/2013)

1. Changed: Improved The Onion support in Theater View > News.
2. NEW: Added ListSort(...) and ListClean(...) expressions.
3. Changed: Tuned how the Watched(...) expression and watch marks in Theater View work ( ).
4. Changed: The IsRange(...) expression function will not consider a string value equivalent to zero when evaluating a numeric range (so IsRange(A, 0-9) will now return 0 instead of 1).
5. Fixed: The Car Radio bar did not work regenerate random smartlists with each click when they were assigned to a button.
6. Fixed: Holding down a Car Radio button could leave the button in a strange state.
7. Fixed: The Media Server tray icon menu would not appear in some cases.
8. Changed: Global expression variables stored with Save(...) can be accessed by using brackets (ie. "Save(It works!, v)[v]" will output "It works!").
9. Fixed: When returning to Theater View when it was zoomed into a single file, the cursor would not be in a reliable place.
10. NEW: Added ASIO option 'Device uses only most significant 24-bits (Lynx, etc.)'.  This combined with dithering provides a theoretical S/N improvement for devices where this is true.
11. Changed: Czech language translation updated (thanks to Johnny B).
12. NEW: Added an optional mode to ListCombine(...) expression function to allow outputting only values in common to both lists.

18.0.125 (1/28/2013)

1. Changed: Corrected translation errors in Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
2. Fixed: Empty directory detection was not working with the last couple builds.
3. Changed: LAV Video decoder is used by Red October for DVD decoding in more cases[ (should be an internal change, but please report any DVD issues, and include the OS you're using).
4. Changed: VideoClock works better with videos that start with an unknown frame rate or change frame rates during playback.
5. NEW: Added Options > Video > Display Settings > Wait after change (use if display changes slowly).
6. Fixed: Image playback and other video hardware accelerated views were not working on some older video hardware.
7. Changed: Renamed 'JRSS v2.0™ surround sound' to 'JRSS™ mixing' so that it's more clear it's used for both upmixing and downmixing.
8. NEW: The computer will not be allowed to sleep while serving media or ripping discs.

18.0.124 (1/25/2013)

1. Changed: When running in server mode (MC not visible), only respond to Green Button remote command.


Experimental testing build not released to the public.

18.0.122 (1/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Build problem in build 121.

18.0.121 (1/24/2013)

1. Changed: Changed default setting of "Tools / Options / Client Options (when connected to a library server) / Auto sync with server" to TRUE.
2. Fixed: In rare cases TV recordings could be imported as audio.
3. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio SDK 4.11 (improves encoding and decoding speed by using SSE).
5. Changed: Use backup VIDEO_TS.BUP file if it exists and we're missing the VIDEO_TS.IFO file.
6. Fixed: TV Guide in Theater View was not showing programs in the future.
7. Changed: Search engine number and date range evaluation was not working as expected in some cases.
8. Changed: Updated to madVR v0.85.8.
9. Changed: Red October HQ, using madVR, now works nicely with Detached Display (thanks to madshi for adding the interface IMadVRSubclassReplacement to madVR).
10. Fixed: The default zone could appear to have its settings reset if no zones were ever created or destroyed (settings will be back with this build).
11. NEW: Updated Facebook image uploader to use the latest Facebook Graph APIs.
12. Fixed: The thumbnail size slider (and possibly others) were not working nicely with the keyboard and mouse wheel.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 04:20:26 pm »

Crash starting youtube in chrome option


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 04:45:10 pm »

Clicking Help > Contents takes me to before getting redirected to Perhaps it should be updated.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 07:11:55 pm »

"10. Fixed: Input focus was not working properly in Display View for the last few builds (so escape, enter, space, etc. didn't work properly in Display View)."

It is still not working properly in 18.0.136. Arrows works ok (showing osd) but esc and stop button don't (sometimes at least).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2013, 01:27:43 am »

While ripping a CD, any view is reset as tracks are ripped and probably being imported.

Highlighted files become de-selected for example. Makes it impossible to do any work or browsing while ripping.

Can't be by design.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2013, 07:18:08 am »

Importing library is too slow.To add one folder 3.600 songs= 16 minutes.Running late.Back to JRiver 17.

Alex Peychev

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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2013, 04:02:54 am »

If a DSF file created with MC18 is played in Foobar, it will report that the track is 17sec instead of 3+ minutes, so it plays for 17 seconds and then stops. Why is that?



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 06:44:51 am »

"Options\Media Network\Client Options\Show playback zones from server on the client" - this option seems not working.
18.0.106 was the last build there it worked


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 11:40:54 am »

"Options\Media Network\Client Options\Show playback zones from server on the client" - this option seems not working.
18.0.106 was the last build there it worked

I can't reproduce this.

Make sure both sides are running the latest.  Set that option on the client (not the server).

Please start a new thread if you would like to discuss more.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 11:48:55 am »

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2013, 12:09:19 pm »

If a DSF file created with MC18 is played in Foobar, it will report that the track is 17sec instead of 3+ minutes, so it plays for 17 seconds and then stops. Why is that?


I think Foobar expects bits instead of 8-bit samples in the "fmt " header, so we'll change to use bits next build.

Our DSF parser looks at the length of the "data" block, so doesn't care about that value.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2013, 12:42:53 pm »

MC18.exe /close is still closing the Media Server  :(
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2013, 12:50:15 pm »

MC18.exe /close is still closing the Media Server  :(

That's what it's supposed to do.

You could use /MCC 20007,0 to leave the server running (MCC_EXIT).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2013, 01:00:49 pm »

MC18.exe /close is still closing the Media Server  :(

I'm not sure if /Close has changed - it operates this way in MC17.

You can use:

   mc18.exe /mcc 20007,0
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2013, 04:14:01 pm »

That's what it's supposed to do.

You could use /MCC 20007,0 to leave the server running (MCC_EXIT).

Unfortunately  /MCC 20007,0 will not close JRiver from Theatre View, it just returns the view to Standard View
/MCC 20007,2: force close (allow media server) does not work either.

Could you please advise a command that closes JRiver from Theater View and leaves MC Server running?
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2013, 05:11:06 pm »

Issue the command twice.  The first one leaves Theater View.  The second will quit.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2013, 02:38:55 am »

Issue the command twice.  The first one leaves Theater View.  The second will quit.

Thanks for your thoughts

Not very elegant though as it also needs a small one second delay between commands.
Three commands just to close a program ?  Surely we can do better.
The Future is Remote!

Alex Peychev

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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2013, 04:36:12 am »

When trying to play HTTP stream (Radio Swiss Jazz) the MC18 locks up. It eventually starts playing after few minutes, but it acts like the bandwidth is limited with audible distortions. This only happens on Win8.

Everything is fine with Win7.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2013, 07:52:59 am »

Detached display won't allow duration/control bar at top of screen on hover.

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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2013, 12:21:47 pm »

I originally ripped all my CDs with MC into the FLAC format. I recently attempted to convert these, approximately 2800, FLAC files into ALAC format. All file conversions succeeded except one. This one file converts to approximately 77% then fails. On my WHS 2011, MC crashes completely; on my Win7 x86 workstation, MC simply hangs indefinitely. I can provide a copy of the file for analysis, if requested.




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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2013, 07:39:06 am »

18.0.136 often crashes when analyzing m4a files from iTunes.

In preparation to convert from iTunes (Mac) to JRiver MediaCenter (Mac) i try to batch analyze my m4a (AAC) files.
But often MC crashes and all already analyzed files (within the batch) have no values in their Replay Gain fields.
So i have to begin analyzing again. That's a no go for 50,000 files.

The situation gets worse when processing more than one file simultaneous. The more the worse.
It seems the threads get stuck and MC crashes after a while.
I have this behavior on two different machines (Windows XP and Windows 7).

It would be nicer if MC bypassed the files it can't process instead of crashing ;).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.136 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2013, 09:05:38 am »

The program still doesn't respond to the remote control from the middle to the end of a movie.
MC17 works fine
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