Sorry I have no tips, but have the same issue here.
Hi Marcellus.I think it is fair to say that MC excels in some things and not others.TV not being a strong suit but improving.
being I really do not want to rip my entire DVD collection into loose files so that the media center can display them right.
Using particles as explained above you dont have to physically divide up the dvd.The auto function for virtually dividing DVDs into episodes works well and in seconds.You get a list of episodes now for the entire season and series, each with a thumnail and individual metadata like the episode description. As explained by SBR it is still a bit clunky as to what to do about where you place the whole DVD. However,wherever you put it, the original DVD does remain in the library with all DVD menus intact should you wish to access episodes that way.In a way best of both worlds.
I like the DVD menus as they make DVD expierience as it is... I would like the media center to display my DVD box collections as DVD box collections (series),
You can. The DVD particles can be arranged in seasons and grouped together as series, each with cover art.I do this separately for "TV recordings" as opposed to "TV whole seasons" as I teak the respective displays a little differently. Massive strong point for MC is its huge configurability. Weak point is it is not exactly user friendly or intuitive at times as to how to achieve this.Like most things dead easy and a delight once you know how.
in a way that media browser does (media browser is a extension for windows media center) JRmedia center is the best so far for music files, but for video I have serious doubt if this is not to be done correctly.
strengths and weaknesses.
I have a folder structure like this: series is top folder for series folders. Every series has it's own folder with the series name. In this folder are the folders per season. In the season folders are the folders for each DVD. I have them named disc01, disc02....
I have a separate view in MC of all my DVDs grouped by series/season and if not a series to default to the name of the DVD. In this way I have combined all dvds whether TV series,movies, or music. Not everyone's cup of tea but again, MC is highly customizable to whatever your liking. I believe it would be not too hard to filter out all but movies dvd if that was the goal
...XBMC groups my movies better, like it automatically groups all of my alien movies into alien collection. this is one of the best features of XBMC I think.Would love to see it in JRmedia center with it's sleek GUI! I have the feeling a lot is possible in MC though, but I do not know how to do all of this. Most queries I tried return with no answer that I can use.
Yep, MC can be daunting for newcomers and sometimes it seems like a private club for coders. IMHO its "automatic" features are not strong enough. The admins need to get a few technology hating housewives on their team

. However if you have the least bit of geek in you it becomes addictive and easier as you get into it.It is an awesome tool which takes a little time and patience to learn.The more you invest the better the experience. The analogy for me is like a fully fledged SLR camera compared to a point and shoot camera.