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Author Topic: Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)  (Read 3126 times)


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Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:30:21 pm »

I just started to play some music.  It played fine for a while and then it started buffering, with a message at the bottom saying "Saving tag changes."  I did nothing to initiate any tag changes. What is going on and how can I prevent this from causing Media Center to do excessive buffering?

I am using version 18.0.158.


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Re: Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 06:37:53 pm »

"Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining )" occurs when MC18 tries to save tags to the file that you are currently playing.

If you did nothing in MC18, then this can only occur because have both of the following options checked:

* Update tags when file info changes
* Run auto-import in background

However, it is conceivable that you may have mis-clicked and actually triggered an Update Tags from Library manually (which would not require the second option be checked).


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Re: Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 06:50:04 pm »

It is very unlikely that the Saving tag changes "item" caused the buffering issue.  The problem is elsewhere, and they're both symptoms of the same problem.

The message you're seeing occurs when MC is trying to write a tag out to a file (which could be updates to play stats, for example, or because you manually tagged something).  If MC can't write to the file, then it waits and tries until it "gets through".  If that message is persisting down at the bottom, it means the file has continued to be write locked.

This is normal while a track is playing.  MC can't write to it while it is being played, but as soon as you "stop" or it switches to the next track, it should quickly finish the remaining task and that message should go away.  The write is not very data intensive, and done at a low priority, so it should not impact real-time playback in any way (and even if it did, the write isn't actually happening currently if you're seeing that message, because it couldn't write).  Until the write actually happens, the throughput for reading on the disk would be unaffected (aside from maybe one quick seek occasionally).


You're seeing difficulty writing to files on disk, suddenly.  And, concurrent with this...
Difficulty playing back files.

Sounds like disk access problems to me.  Disk formatting issues (run chkdsk on the volume)?  Disk permissions issues (check them in Windows)?  Or... Disk hardware problems?  It might be failing.

I'd do some testing on that source disk.
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Re: Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 05:50:35 am »

What virus checker are you using? 


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Re: Saving tag changes ( 1 remaining)
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 03:10:53 pm »

I keep getting these same messages and playback keeps stopping when there is a switch to the next track ( as referred to above).  It was said that the saving task is not "data intensive" but I've worked out that the cut out is caused by the network usage spiking at 100%.
I have 2 questions:
1. Why has this started happening. - what are the tag changes its saving?
2. How can I stop it to resume normal service?
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