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Author Topic: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad  (Read 2616 times)


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Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« on: March 19, 2013, 05:24:02 pm »

Just paid the $49 for JRiver 18.  When tryiing to import files, JRiver only imports 400 files and tells me 21000 were previosly determined as bad.  FOO and iTunes has no problem with any of the files.  Files are stored on an external Seagate 3TB drive thru USB3 connection.  Files are either AIFF or WAV.  Most are at 44100 HZ, some at 48000 HZ.  I have spent a great deal of time on this and nothing seems to work.  Looking forward to responses that may have had similar problems and know of the solution.  Thanks

Still on free Foo until I can get this fixed.


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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 05:31:29 pm »

Something to try: Uncheck the "Ignore file previously removed from library" Media Import option and re-import.



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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 07:24:00 pm »

Something to try: Uncheck the "Ignore file previously removed from library" Media Import option and re-import.

This isn't necessary to solve that problem.

I'm not sure why they didn't import, but...

1. Make sure you are using the latest version of MC (from the top of this board).
2. Run Auto-Import Manually via Tools > Import > Run Auto-Import Now.

MC now rechecks skipped files when you run it manually.  If you're doing that and getting the "Ignored previously determined to be bad" message, you probably have an old version of MC.
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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 12:49:11 pm »

so when I buy mc18 I should buy the latest build and not the "trial" version 18.0.106 that I downloaded from the download page? (I know from other posts there is not a TRIAL version!) and aren't builds just updates to the original MC18 and if so it shouldn't matter which build u pay for or does it?



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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2013, 03:12:24 pm »

Right.  The Wiki article covers it pretty well.

However, essentially the deal is this:  JRiver releases a new build on this forum roughly once per week.  This is what corresponds to the "Latest" update channel using the built-in auto-update system.

These are moved to the "download page" and the "stable channel" auto-update periodically.  This division is essentially to allow users to use MC without being bombarded with constant update available notices.  However, if you ever have trouble with anything, step one would be to come to Interact and download the most recent version from here (or set the Auto-Update system to "Latest" if you don't mind being bothered).

The current version on the "Stable" download page is actually pretty old right now because they made some fairly radical changes to the underlying technologies in MC.  This was now quite some time ago, and the current builds are stable for most of us, but I think JRiver is letting it "settle out" a bit longer before they push a new build to that spot.

Hopefully this makes sense.

In any case, if you update to the current version from Interact, it should sort out your problem.
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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2013, 09:11:43 pm »

Got it...thnks


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Re: Skipped files - Previously determined as bad
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2013, 12:27:57 pm »

Thanks for the suggestions above, but none of them worked.  I was able to get MC18 to recognize my 22,000 music files by going into the C: drive where JRiver stores Library meta data and deleting every file there, then I re-imported the library.
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