Very very nice. I will wright a review soon. Expect it to be very positive.
It looks great, Has meta data and many other things I wanted in gizmo.
I will test the hell out of it later tonight on my Nexus 10 and 7.
But seriously h0ly **** its nice and shows so much potential.
Here is a little bug report for you.........
BTW I run stock android 4.2.2 with no weird launchers or anything bizarre running. Device is also not rooted or anything special as Nexus device's usually don't scream to be rooted.
Sadly It's CrashZilla on both my Nexus 7 and and Nexus 10

. It's crashed on me several times so far at random moments out of the blue. Examples, Simply browsing my files and again when I tried to start playback and another time when I was in the settings looking at the acknowledgments so on. No Rhyme or reason to it just crashes a lot.
When you switch from landscape to portrait the player will blank out all the information cover art until you return it to landscape.
I went into Artist under Audio and started to scroll down but oddly it stopped at the letter K and it looked like I was at the bottom of the list which can't be right, Then it crashed heh. I have a pretty big collection, 26857 files 410gb. Not the biggest collection by any means but not small either.
One other oddity is it does see my library after many seconds dunno if that can be improved but whats odd is after say 3-5 minutes another library pops up with a windows looking icon on it. If I try to go in that one I get a access denied with an error. The generic one however which is the first one it see's does work fine though. On my Nexus 10 sometime the library vanishes just by me clicking around the options. Then it magically re-appears. Seems to find my library a lot faster on my Nexus 10 then my 7.
The search function does not really seem to work so well either at least not for me so far. Doing a simple artist search for example does not seem to do anything so some work needed on that as well.
One last little thing is the album artwork which normally shows up great on gizmo (Or any other apps I use) does not show up as nice as it should. Most of my artwork is 700x700 or 500x500 but what shows up looks like 350x350 or worse its blurry / muddled. Seeing as you designed this to take advantage of higher resolution screens you might want to work on whatever is rendering those images and see if you can't boost the quality. This is way more noticeable on my Nexus 10 because of the very high screen resolution or perhaps its a bug caused by the resolution ?
I think you need a lot more extensive testing cause in this state its not really usable as its too unstable and has far too many bugs to use on a regular basis. Keeping in mind your app is very new this is normal though and I still cheer you for putting the effort into it. If you kept all the functions it has and ironed out all the problems it would be the best thing out there so I would suggest before you add any other functions you fix what's already there.
I won't rate it for now as it would not be fair to you, Seeing as it is unusable on my Google branded Nexus tablets running Jellybean 4.2.2 the rating would not be very high. I will gladly give it 5 stars once it is though. At that point I'd probably request you put a donate button under the settings so I could buy you a beer or 2 or a dozen
If you want a good beta tester let me know I would be thrilled to help. I got 3 android devices here as a test bed.
Look forward to seeing your software develop and crush all these bugs.
One question though, Did you test this on the latest jelly bean ? Maybe some of the issues stem from that.
I ask this cause the chipsets on the 2 devices I tested them on so far are very different so much so that it should not be a hardware issue. Also interesting that jmone above had no issues like I did. I'd be curious to know what version of android he is running. I know not everyone is running the latest in fact its probably the minority of people doing so.
Seriously though don't take this long bug report in a bad way your app shows great potential so keep at it. I look forward to seeing what you can do with it.
If you'd like another tester feel free to pm me. I will happily help you test out new builds cause I really love what you are trying to do.