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Author Topic: New Windows Install for MC  (Read 1500 times)

rec head

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New Windows Install for MC
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:05:27 pm »

MC has never run well on my system. It crashes or freezes all the time. Since not everyone is having this problem I'm taking the blame and starting from scratch. Here is what I'll be installing.

-w7 64 pro
-j river - to do 90% of my audio and video
-set up wmc--- I can't risk shows not getting recorded and I haven't played with MC tv but read about people with guide problems
-make mkv
-vlc - just because it plays everything and it's good to double check some files.
-logitech remote software
-key tweak - to remap a couple keys for convenience.
Here is what I may install:
-codecs - Lav or Shark
7 zip - because I'll probably need it
Plex - this is the only thing that has been able to stream reliably. I need to stream to a Roku OR an Xbox 360. Because MC hasn't been stable on my system I every time I try streaming to an Xbox it looks like crap and then crashes MC.

Any install tips? I am planning on doing it in the order listed does it matter? Anything I'm missing?



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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 04:28:51 pm »

Looks like a pretty solid plan.  I don't know what katmouse is, and I have no experience with key tweak, but aside from those, you're fine.  The only tips I'd have are:

* Hold off on installing Plex and any codecs (particularly "packs") until after you have MC set up and working well.  That way, if they cause issues (which they shouldn't, but still), you'll know the cause right away.

* You didn't list any security software.  I'd make two recommendations here, because they're common causes of performance problems with MC:

1. Again, do that after you get MC set up and working well.
2. You'll almost certainly want to add some MC files and directories to your anti-virus's "exclusion list".  If you'll be using Microsoft's Security Essentials (which is what I'd recommend), then I posted previously what files and directories you should exclude.  It amounts to: your Library (database) location for MC, and the main MC executables.  That rule of thumb would be good to follow with essentially any anti-virus application.
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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 04:35:40 pm »

I should add, the crashing/freezing is probably related to security software, disk access problems, or a bad driver.

If you happen to have Malware Bytes installed, I know one user had similar trouble in the recent past with it and MC.  Basically, the entire job of security software is to interfere with applications' disk accesses, to check them to make sure they're "safe".  That's fine when you're opening a Word file, or even a MKV, because it just adds a tiny bit of one-time latency to the read.

But MC is a database-driven application.  If every read and write to the database (MC's Library) has added latency, you can get into trouble fast.  Worse, MC isn't a "high profile" enough application to warrant special handling by Anti-Virus vendors like other dedicated database applications might get (things like Access and MySQL, for example).  But that's fine.  As long as your application of choice isn't brain-dead, it should be fine if you exclude the database location and MC's main executables.  Neither of them contain viruses, so it doesn't hurt anything to do so, and it'll improve performance no matter what.
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rec head

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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 04:48:38 pm »


I use MS Security Essentials now and I think I have added the exceptions as per this site. I forgot to list it because I forgot it wasn't part of W7 default setup.

I do plan on just getting Windows running, patched and drivers up to date then installing Chrome then MC and getting it going properly. I'll be making system images images to go back to.

rec head

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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2013, 05:23:56 pm »

I finally got MC installed. Here are the problems so far:
1) streaming to xbox360 - while streaming if I pause and try to restart the server crashes. I had the same problem before

2) I still had another random MC crash - maybe it was random. I hope so.

I have not installed virus software.


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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2013, 06:20:20 pm »

When you report a problem, please report the full version of MC that you're using.  18.0.171 is at the top of the MC18 board.

rec head

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Re: New Windows Install for MC
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2013, 06:35:28 pm »

Sorry. i'm typing on my stupid little handheld keyboard and keep it short. i'm on 18.0.171. downloaded it today.
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