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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here  (Read 23944 times)


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This is an alpha release of Media Center for Mac.  If you aren't comfortable with a few problems, please wait a few weeks.   Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


18.0.178 (5/3/2013)

1. Changed: Rounded frame edges (used by many skins) are supported.
2. Fixed: OSX 10.6 would show an extra window border around the main frame.
3. Fixed: The Apple internet reader couldn't seek so wave, aiff and probably other content couldn't be played over media network.
4. Fixed: OSX 10.6 could hide the main window when a child window went away.
5. Fixed: Some parts of the user interface would not respond to the mouse in build 177.

18.0.177 (5/2/2013)

1. Changed: When a modal dialog is shown, the parent behind the popup will be disabled so it can't be clicked and used while the dialog is showing.
2. Changed: Modal dialogs no longer always float above regular windows or windows from other programs.
3. Changed: Options > Audio > Core Audio > Output mode settings... allows some configuration of hardware buffer sizes (please experiment and report results if you're having playback problems).
4. Fixed: When the user interface used system windows, they could incorrectly appear outside the bounds their parent window (like during scrolling the Playing Now > Overview view).
5. Fixed: Tag changes weren't getting saved to files that reside on network drives.
6. Changed: Revised the system window show / hide method to hopefully work better and avoid a few cases where a hidden window could appear.

18.0.176 (5/1/2013)

1. Changed: The 'minimize' button now works.
2. Fixed: Library Server delta (change) merges were not working.
3. Changed: Non-working 3D album view removed from tree.
4. Changed: 'Wait' messages not shown in this build to try to eliminate some random crashes.

18.0.174 (4/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Crash in DSP studio dialog when selecting a sample rate.
2. Fixed: Encoding to ALAC could crash in some cases.
3. Fixed: On the Import wizard, clicking cancel when it recommended not using an empty auto-import folder list would leave the wizard in a strange state.
4. Changed: The program better detects read-only mounts and messages right away when tagging files on these drives (instead of piling up the files in the tagging queue and messaging when closing the program).

18.0.173 (4/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Crashes resulting from named locking not being implemented on Mac, especially when settings changes were made (including in background processing).
2. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
3. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
4. SDK: Added ZoneID, ZoneName, and LinkedZones to MCWS/v1/Playback/Info response.
5. NEW: A saved Play Doctor Playchart allows setting the number of output files to 100, 250, 500, or 1000 (previously it was locked at 100).
6. Fixed: When a CUE file pointed to a missing WAV file, it would lead to problems.
7. Fixed: If a DLNA device requested metadata for a file that's no longer in the library (or never was in the library), it could crash.
8. Fixed: CUE files that contained URLs in comments could lead to a crash.
9. Fixed: Horizontal scrolling in the Playing Now > Overview view was not working nicely.
10. Fixed: Long M4A files (over 10 hours) could show as 'Live' or with the wrong or empty duration in the library.

18.0.169 (4/15/2013)

1. NEW: When enabling Media Network, a wizard is shown that steps through starting the server, getting an Access Key, and selecting the best server for your renderer.
2. Changed: Consolidated the list of DLNA server presets and added a preset for Audiophile DACs.
3. Fixed: SSDP discovery (used by DLNA) was not working in some cases in builds 167 and 168.
4. Changed: DLNA options to be more descriptive of what's actually going on.

18.0.168 (4/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Dates in file lists were not taking daylight savings time into account.
2. Fixed: File modified date not getting set properly during tagging, causing auto-update to do more work than necessary.
3. Fixed: SSDP servers were not working properly in 18.0.167 so DLNA devices would not show up.

18.0.167 (4/11/2013)

1. Changed: Unused input and output streams on audio hardware are disabled, helping performance with multi-channel devices.
2. Fixed: Writing of ID3v2 tags that contained extended characters could write an incorrect tag value.

18.0.166 (4/10/2013)

1. Fixed: M4A / ALAC tagging reading and writing could be problematic if the 'Play files from memory' option was enabled.
2. Fixed: When bitstreaming DSD as DoP, the bitstream could fall out of DoP mode on pause or if there was a data shortfall.
3. Changed: Revised buffer filling strategy to always provide a full buffer to devices (more deterministic, and seems to work better with some devices).
4. Fixed: Some hardware could have a clicking sound during playback.
5. Fixed: 'Open URL..' was not working (i.e. radio streams).
6. Fixed: Durations were wrong when playing from Library Servers.

18.0.165 (4/8/2013)

1. Changed: Moved the timeout out a month.
2. Fixed: The core timer object could incorrectly return negative numbers, causing lots of weird problems like an unclickable tree, etc.
3. Changed: Added support for connecting to Library Servers that require authentication.

18.0.164 (4/5/2013)

1. Fixed: The dialog for customizing DLNA views was not working nicely.
2. NEW: The Add Library dialog now supports loading remote Library Server libraries.
3. Fixed: This build should fix a lot of seemingly random crashes caused by a bug in our event handling code.

18.0.163 (4/4/2013)

1. NEW: Auto-import watched folders are now working.

18.0.162 (4/3/2013)

1. Fixed: The program could crash after showing the summary at the end of an auto-import.
2. Changed: Revised buffer management for multi-channel devices that use an array of mono buffers (may solve click issues on these devices).
3. Fixed: Library tree browsing was not working properly with file location categories.

18.0.161 (4/2/2013)

1. Fixed: Tab, shift-Tab, F2, and up/down arrows work for navigating the list while doing tag editing.
2. Fixed: When a tooltip was covering a list item, the item could not be played or modified using the mouse.
3. Fixed: Library views that browse by file path were not working.

18.0.156 (3/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Memory leak with regard to auto-released system objects.
2. Fixed: Memory leak with cleanup of background threads.
3. Fixed: DSP Studio > Room Correction > Channel buttons were not working to switch channels.
4. Fixed: Sub-menu flyouts not hiding after moving to other menu items.
5. Fixed: Newly created smartlists could have a '/' in the name rather than going to the right playlist folder.
6. Faster: Improved user interface drawing efficiency and performance.

18.0.155 (3/22/2013)

1. Changed: Improved messaging when attempting to tag read-only files.
2. Fixed: The File > Open File... dialog was not allowing selection of files.
3. Faster: Improved the core threading engine so that background threads are much less resource intensive.
4. Fixed: Memory playback could work harder than necessary in some cases.

18.0.154 (3/21/2013)

1. Changed: The program now requires a license (after a 30 day free trial).
2. Fixed: Tagging of some formats was not working when the files were on a different volume than the system.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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1. Changed: Rounded frame edges (used by many skins) are supported.

I was happy because it looked like we could mark the main window as "not opaque" and then anywhere we didn't draw would be transparent.  I was commenting today about how this is an area where Mac seemed nicer than Windows (which requires dealing with separate transparency regions for this).

However, it looks like I got excited too soon.  Doing a mouse wheel over a list now causes the list to blink and the mouse wheel to go half to the window behind it. 

Even though we always fill in the whole window on paint, it looks like OSX blanks what the user sees and then later shows whatever we draw.  The flashes may be related to timing.  It'd be a lot better if OSX would just show a stale image until we finished drawing instead of making the whole window go away (which you would never want) -- but they didn't ask me!

Anyway, you might see flicker or strange mouse wheel behavior with this build.  It should get fixed in the next build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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The media network servers all come up but so far (15 minutes later) the PWDII Dac still isn't available.
I'll re-start MC just to see if that makes any difference.

And for the 1st time the MC window didn't 'go away' when accessing the 'Playing Now' and 'Audio' choices when getting ready to play. :thumb :thumb

EDIT:  and just as I was about to re-start MC the PWDII popped up.  Playing now.

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


  • Junior Woodchuck
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With 178 I've still had the playback "stutter" problem -- the buffer size didn't seem to solve it. However, I have been able to narrow it down to 88.2K files -- they seem to be the ones that are involved in most of the incidents, and with version 178 they seem to have been the only files to stutter.

So I tried DSP settings that resample 88.2K files to 96K, and the stutters have vanished.

My equipment: USB to V-Link/192 to Audio Research DAC 7.


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Internet radios used to stutter badly, but now with 178 they don't even play anymore: popup mentionning "Something went wrong with playback"


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With 178 I've still had the playback "stutter" problem -- the buffer size didn't seem to solve it. However, I have been able to narrow it down to 88.2K files -- they seem to be the ones that are involved in most of the incidents, and with version 178 they seem to have been the only files to stutter.

So I tried DSP settings that resample 88.2K files to 96K, and the stutters have vanished.

My equipment: USB to V-Link/192 to Audio Research DAC 7.

i have the clicks/stutter also with redbook-cds...


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OSX 10.8.3 Mac Air

Opening MC as a LS Client. After taking focus away from MC by web browsing in Chrome and then coming back later, I'm unable to click on anything in the tree or lists. Doing so sends focus to previous app (Chrome or Finder in my case). Next, after trying to close MC I get a "Library will be opened in Read only mode" dialog box and I have to clear it about 3 times before MC actually closes.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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With 178 I've still had the playback "stutter" problem -- the buffer size didn't seem to solve it. However, I have been able to narrow it down to 88.2K files -- they seem to be the ones that are involved in most of the incidents, and with version 178 they seem to have been the only files to stutter.

So I tried DSP settings that resample 88.2K files to 96K, and the stutters have vanished.

My equipment: USB to V-Link/192 to Audio Research DAC 7.

I spoke too soon...I have had some stutters when returning to 44.1 sample rate as well.


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Internet radios used to stutter badly, but now with 178 they don't even play anymore: popup mentionning "Something went wrong with playback"

Same issue happening here


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I don't even see a menu.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2013, 01:40:51 pm »

It's on the top bar of the program.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2013, 01:58:41 am »

SSDP failure still happen in this release.  SSDP will fail by itself after running for a while.

Mac Mini C2D 2Ghz / 4G Ram/ library stored in firewire external HD
Mac OS 10.8.3
Streamer : Naim Unitilite
Controller : Naim n-Stream


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2013, 03:44:51 am »

I would just like to confirm the problem with SSDP.

MC will broadcast its existence right after start-up and then stop.
I can get the the program to start broadcasting again by opening the settings window and just click OK.
But just for a few seconds.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2013, 02:01:14 pm »

OS X 10.7.5 quad core 2.66 Xeon

*Search Crashes and closes on Networked Library (Local, Main Library Search does not crash). [Simply typing 3 characters in search crashes MC.]
*How to play cd? Drives do not show.
 The only access is through Media Center's File/Quickplay/Drives & Devices but result is "N/A'
 Same for Explorer = N/A.

Thanks, keep up the good work!


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2013, 02:12:15 pm »

*Search Crashes and closes on Networked Library (Local, Main Library Search does not crash).
If you're running Media Server on one machine and accessing it from another, you must use the same build of MC.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2013, 02:25:44 pm »

If you're running Media Server on one machine and accessing it from another, you must use the same build of MC.

Ok Got it, The Server is at Build 18.0.177
Do you have an Idea when MC will update to ...178 or is that beta only?
As my Window's MC is set for "latest".



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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2013, 02:48:54 pm »

You probably need to update each one manually.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 03:11:19 pm »

You probably need to update each one manually.
Ok, I'll be patient for the Network library search test.
result on Server Side - "Media Center is up to date (18.0.177)"

Thanks JimH

18.0.178 Alpha
OS X 10.7.5 quad core 2.66 Xeon


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.178 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2013, 12:15:09 am »

Ok so I'm playing album after album, and then I select another and the sequence of dialog boxes announce that the server is malfunctioning and check the settings, then something went wrong with playback etc.

So I restart MC, and same errors pop up.

So then I shut down the Network servers and resume playing thru USB.

I'll restart the mac here in a bit to see if a re-set of the servers 'fixes' anything.


edit: and I can confirm that Tempo & Pitch control (at least the Pitch part) kills the audio stream.

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's
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