First post, by way of
Intro. Humbly...I am a guy, who's been digital and streaming for a
l o n g time. However, I only ever did it one way...and that was with a Squeezebox. It's probably been more than 6 months now...but I decided to try a change, and built a CA CAPS server; running JRMC18, and using JRemote for control.
I love the sound, and love the ease and UI (though the SBT just got relegated to the
Office rig...not tossed-out altogether.

There are still
some things, it is without peer); but admittedly...I know I'm not wringing the most out of my set-up.
Part of the problem, is when I first switched...I tried to hedge my bet; I tried A/B and C-ing...the SBT, CAPS server with MC,
and streaming directly to an PS Audio PWD mkII Bridge (running both eLyric and MC as the servers). can probably predict what happened: that was just
too much; too much configuring, too much tweaking, etc. Especially coming off the relatively plug-n-play SBT.
As I said...I moved the SBT to the Office, set the Bridge aside (for now...waiting for
)...and settled into using the CAPS and MC combo.
Again, I love it; but haven't mastered even the simplest of issues, to an extent. Don't get me wrong;
AQ is OK. I've used Fidelizer...and followed a few of the basic set-up guides, at either the CA or PSA forums. But those last tweaks...and even some embarrassingly basic stuff, still elude me.

So...I just thought I would "introduce" myself; and lay the ground-work for this thread. I'll have plenty of questions, as time goes on; I thought maybe I could contain them here...and possibly others will be seeking the same answers. TIA for any and all help, comments, etc.