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Author Topic: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions  (Read 1954 times)


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All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:45:17 am »

First post, by way of Intro. Humbly...I am a guy, who's been digital and streaming for a l o n g time. However, I only ever did it one way...and that was with a Squeezebox. It's probably been more than 6 months now...but I decided to try a change, and built a CA CAPS server; running JRMC18, and using JRemote for control.

I love the sound, and love the ease and UI (though the SBT just got relegated to the Office rig...not tossed-out altogether. ;D There are still some things, it is without peer); but admittedly...I know I'm not wringing the most out of my set-up.

Part of the problem, is when I first switched...I tried to hedge my bet; I tried A/B and C-ing...the SBT, CAPS server with MC, and streaming directly to an PS Audio PWD mkII Bridge (running both eLyric and MC as the servers). can probably predict what happened: that was just too much; too much configuring, too much tweaking, etc. Especially coming off the relatively plug-n-play SBT.

As I said...I moved the SBT to the Office, set the Bridge aside (for now...waiting for WaveStream ;D)...and settled into using the CAPS and MC combo.

Again, I love it; but haven't mastered even the simplest of issues, to an extent. Don't get me wrong; AQ is OK. I've used Fidelizer...and followed a few of the basic set-up guides, at either the CA or PSA forums. But those last tweaks...and even some embarrassingly basic stuff, still elude me. :-[

So...I just thought I would "introduce" myself; and lay the ground-work for this thread. I'll have plenty of questions, as time goes on; I thought maybe I could contain them here...and possibly others will be seeking the same answers. TIA for any and all help, comments, etc.



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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 07:55:55 am »

So...first, really basic question: I don't think I've added any new files...since I switched to the CAPS/MC combo. I have all my files ripped, in a BIG share...that the SBT was using; and I just linked same, to the MC library...and was off and running.

But I did just add 2 new titles to that share; and for the life of me, can't get them to appear in MC/JRemote. :-[

I've exited, and restarted MC; even re-booted my CAPS (and certainly the file-server has been re-started as well). Went to 'library', and tried 'sync library'...which seemed to re-scan everything (and even re-booted again, after that didn't work). I couldn't believe it; still can't find my new titles.

Now...while we're on the subject; I have a lot of other titles missing too...from jump. But I'm almost certain those are tagging issues. With my SBT, I was pretty lazy toward the end (hey...I've a BIG share; lol)...and just used the Music Folder to browse and play. I'll get to those; but with these 2 new titles, in particular...I've checked the tagging (to the best of my knowledge), and can't figure out why MC wouldn't see them. you see, just how much help I need. Thanks again!



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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 08:40:38 am »

It might be more effective to post questions in separate topics with subjects that describe the question.  Please search first for similar topics.

Check your import settings.  You can add folders to watch, and edit them to tell MC what to import.



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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 12:24:01 pm »

It might be more effective to post questions in separate topics with subjects that describe the question.  Please search first for similar topics.

Check your import settings.  You can add folders to watch, and edit them to tell MC what to import.


Thanks Jim; point taken.

As for the above seemed to do the same thing File/Library/Sync Library did; re-scanned my library, but did NOT find my new files.  ?

Is it likely a tagging thing then? I'm pretty sure they're least to the point where MC should see them. Is that what we need to look at next?



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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 12:29:08 pm »

Thanks Jim; point taken.

As for the above seemed to do the same thing File/Library/Sync Library did; re-scanned my library, but did NOT find my new files.  ?

Is it likely a tagging thing then? I'm pretty sure they're least to the point where MC should see them. Is that what we need to look at next?

It's probably the import settings.   Make sure you have the right directory and the right file types.  Edit the directory to set the file types.


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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 02:52:18 pm »

It's probably the import settings.   Make sure you have the right directory and the right file types.  Edit the directory to set the file types.

Thanks Jim. I did have to add my folder, into the import; and then I either did an auto-import or "run now".

It said it updated 850 files(!)...but couldn't import 22. Probably because of file-type (the few non-FLACs I have) or tagging?

Anyway...I did get the 2 files, in particular, I was looking for. the options on this thing are a little overwhelming; but thanks for the help. I'll try to post other questions, under their own topic.



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Re: All SORTS Of Newbie Questions
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2013, 11:32:23 pm »

Re "missing files"

forgive me in that I havent scrutinized all your posts.....but assuming you have one MC library (not syncing between libraries) Jim said check all the import options under Tools > Options > Configure auto import.Once folders to watch have been set up, select and click edit , check your file types and any import tagging rules.

Now suggest after an auto-import operation if files are mysteriously 'awol', check in the "recently imported" under "Playlists"

I have created my own recent imports (as smartlist and/or customized view) as have others, see

It shouldnt be a "tagging" issue. You will often 'find' the files you are looking for here in recent imports and is an easy way to tag them correctly. Once tagged, refresh view, voila they turn up where they should.
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