Hope second try is the good one

When I listen to something, I would like JRiver to continue to play the next album in the list instead of either stop playback, or repeat that particular album. I want to be able to have a repeat function that repeats the entire discography of an artist - say I only have 2 albums by an artist, I want to listen to both then start back from the first album in the list. Just stop playback is simply stupid
It’s not stupid for everybody ... however of course JRiver can do this
I had a look of what Jim said about the Play button behavior but I didn't see anything that would help me - and half of it I didn't understand what it does.
Try this in options where Jim, I believe, was trying to steer you towards (on a Sunday btw^^)

Look I think we're going at this the wrong way, you can do elaborate stuff like csimon is suggesting with some tweaking but you are not there yet on the learning curve.... There are many ways of doing EVERYTHING (well almost) you can think of through Views giving you tremendous latitude. So each view is there, IMHO, not only to look nice but also to manipulate your music differently. So in your example you wanted to play an album by Depeche mode first then play all your albums, no repeating, no stopping, and no work around. Another view would be easier for this ...
- go to the view "Artists" already created by MC - you will get all the BIG album covers -- hover over any one and click the "file" option and a pane with the track listing will appear just like in the view you created (you can adjust size of this file pane and the size of the covers to your liking)
- double click on an Artist like Depeche Mode in your example which will open up all the albums of theirs you have. Right click and play
- go back (back button on mouse or the little arrow left) select everything using ctrl+A -- then right click, chose "Add (Next to play)"
- DONE - time for manip the time it takes to press ctrl+A and play (ok, you will have the album repeated if important deselect with ctrl+A again)
(you want a different play order - you can sort columns from playing now, or repeat, shuffle whatever)
Now, if you are still interested ... read on (or maybe it can help someone else otherwise)
Like any modified document you overwrite and save, a view is going to change or be "ruined" as you said (there is a box warning you of this, btw)
Suggestion 1 Save before you experiment
Backup your library after you get some thing you like ... if you screw up, restore it --- Did you know that Restoring a backup also will restore your Views AND settings so go ahead and play around with the options.
Suggestion 2 (more advanced)
You like your View OK - click right from the tree and save it as a "template" see screen

Want to experiment with it with no risk or have similar ones slightly modified..... just add a new library view and you will see "Your" saved view. Load it, rename it, modify or just screw around to learn how, without mucking up your original and restoring all the time.