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Author Topic: Please help: I can control my BR player from MC, but not the other way around  (Read 1178 times)

Dogger Dog

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I'm brand new to MC18 (bought it today, actually), and I love it so far. I have a Xonar sound card and this is the best choice of PC player for making it shine.

Here's my issue. I have a home network set up and I want to use DLNA to play my music on my BR player in the living room. Everything is hooked up and seems to be working. I can see MC 18 on the list of servers available. I can select it, go into the Audio folder, and then it says the folder is Empty. Well, I thought it was navigating to my hard-drive on my PC where I keep all my music. Here's the weird thing though: I can see my BR player in the "Playing Now" section of MC, and I can push music files from my PC to my BR player and they play fine. They even transcode just fine (my whole library is FLAC). I've used Serviio and Nero Home before with this BR no problem, except those softwares are horrible with transcoding FLAC. My BR player is the LG BD-670, which is a pretty standard DLNA device. So my question is: can someone please help me so that I can play the library from my PC (through MC server) on my BR player? I've tried virtually everything, but I'm positive I'm overlooking something simple.

Thanks all!

-Dogger Dog-


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Welcome to the forum.  The wiki has a topic on DLNA that defines some terms.  Your device is working as a Renderer, but doesn't recognize MC's Server. 

There are some settings you can try in MC to modify how the Server behaves.

Sometimes a device will show Audio under Video, but won't work.

Conversion settings may need to be changed in MC.  The device may not support the filetypes you have.

Dogger Dog

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Thanks JimH!

I know it isn't an issue of supporting file type, because I can "push" mp3s to my BR player from MC, and they play fine. I have the transcode/conversion thing set to mp3 as well, so I'm thinking it probably works.

Interesting - the "Video" folder is likewise empty, and I have a few videos in there too (also DLNA-approved formats). So that's weird.

Again, it's as if my smart BR player can take the MC files that MC pushes to it but can't see the server.

So let me ask you this: how do I reset all of J River's settings back to the way it was first installed? I think I might have messed with something along the way and can't remember what it was that messed things up.

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