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Author Topic: Usability suggestions  (Read 11011 times)


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Usability suggestions
« on: August 15, 2013, 07:33:56 am »

I'll add more and update the thread as I run into other things. There is more, its just that I can't think of anything else right now.

Order of adding multiple new collumns
Current behavior
When right clicking a collumn and adding multiple new ones to the view, the first one appears to the left of the collumn I clicked, but the next one I add is added to the left of the one I added before that.

I right click Album. From the list, I click Name, Artist, Album Artist. The resulting view is Album Artist, Artist, Name, Album.

The annoyance here is that when adding multiple collumns in one go, I need to either 1) add them in reverse order, 2) close the right click menu and open it again on the same collumn for each new collumn I wish to add or 3) add them without thinking and reorder them by drag and drop.

Suggested change
Any collumns added should appear to the left of the one right clicked, so that the order of the collumns in the view match the order in which they were added.

Example of how the suggestion should work
Right click Album collumn. From the list, select Name, Artist, Album Artist. The resulting view should be Name, Artist, Album Artist, Album.

Lists in dialogs do not accept keyboard input without first clicking the list
When editing an element that brings up a dialog box to select a field, keyboard input is not accepted because the list doesn't have focus. The list for select field needs to be clicked first (to set focus on the list) before keyboard input is accepted.

Right click a pane with a default library field (not one with an expression), choose edit. The popup that opens shows a list of fields with a marker on the selected field which suggests focus is on the list. However, keyboard input is not accepted.

Suggested change
Set focus to the list so that by default, these dialogs accept keyboard input to search the list without first having to click in the list.

Pull down menu's stop accepting keyboard input if you move the mouse over them
Current behavior
When opening a pull down menu you can use the keyboard to jump to a selection by typing the first few characters. This stops working as soon as you move the mouse over the list (no clicking or scrolling, just hover the mouse over it).

Open customize view, set rules for display and open the pull down menu for first field of a rule. Do NOT move the mouse. Typing a character will search the list, but when you now move mouse over the list (just hover, no clicks or scrolling with the wheel) it will no longer respond to any keyboard input except escape some arrow keys.

As far as I'm aware this applies to all the pull down menu's similar to the one used in this example, so its not limited to the customize view pull downs. When editing a smartlist the same behavior is seen and the pull downs under Settings (Sorting, Matching) exhibit the same behavior.

Suggested change
With the focus on the field, whether the menu is folded open or closed, both the mouse and the keyboard should be accepted as input and the use of one should not inhibit the use of the other.

Load Library on double click
When I want to load another library (remote or local), I need to select it and click Load Library button.

Suggested change
Allow double-click to load a library, all other items accept double click: playlists, views and playing now all accept double click to load or play them.

Some dialog boxes require double Escape to close them
When opening a dialog box on which the field focus is set to an input area, the first escape leaves the input field. A second escape closes the dialog box. A dialog box which doesn't have an input field or on which the focus is not defaulting to an input area, a single escape closes the dialog box.

Open Tools/Options. Note that the input is set to the Search field (blinking cursor). Escape will leave the field (cursor dissapears from the field). Another escape closes the dialog box.

Open Tools/Import. Note there is no input field. A single escape closes the dialog box.

Suggested change
A single escape should close a dialog box unless there is a pulldown menu open (then it closes the menu), but when the focus is on an empty ro otherwise unchanged input field, a dialog should close. If changes had been made, a confirmation could popup (which I thought it used to do, but apparently not always?).

I might feel differently about this if the first escape would clear or reset the input field, but it does nothing, it just 'unfocuses' the field.

Make double clicking bullit selection accept the dialogbox
Currently when making a selection from a bullit list (Import for instance) the bullit does not accept doubli clicking. You need to select the option and click OK. Many applications accept a double click on the bullit to select the option and accept the dialog.

Rename, Move, Copy Files dialog box preview collumns too small
While the size and position of the Rename, Move dialog box is remembered, the collumns in the preview are not. They default to a small, narrow size that is useless and leaves a lot of white space unused.

Also, a double click on the resize collumn thingybob seems to make a collumn wider, but not based on the longest value. It just resizes out of the dialog for me.

Suggested change
Auto size the collumns to use available space and/or let them remember the previous setting.

Rename, Move & Copy Files tool leaves files behind
I knew MC didn't move "other" files, but it turns out if I set cover art to "In the same folder as the file", it creates a [artist] - [album].jpg that is left when moving files with 'Rename, Copy & Move Files' tool. I tested it with folder.jpg too and it does the same thing, it leaves the file in the old folder.

Can you please do something about this behavior? When we move an album, I'm pretty sure everyone would want to move all the files in there, including any logs from 3rd party programs or any cue and playlists.

Suggested change
There's already a 'confirm remove empty folders' dialog, maybe you can use that with an extra tickbox or button to either delete the folder with files, move the files and delete or leave it as it is.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 08:22:45 am »

Off the top of my head:

Tab behavior
Ctrl+T switches zones, rather than opening a new tab. I make this mistake all the time. I don't think there's a way to undo closing a tab either. (Ctrl+Shift+T?)
Tabs cannot be re-organized. Tabs cannot be closed with the middle mouse button. No close button on tabs unless they are selected.
Maximum limit of 6 tabs. Tab naming/presentation could be improved.

Focus Issues
Media Center steals focus when file import has completed.
When finishing analysis or closing the analysis window, your current view is changed to the one where analysis was started.
Media Center still seems to lose focus during playback sometimes, with the taskbar appearing on top of video. (but forcing always-on-top is not the solution) I can't see what on my system could be causing this.

If you have selected files in one tab, and switch to another, your selection is not updated to the files selected in the current view. For example, open up two separate tabs with different views.
In the first tab, select a single file. In the second tab, select 10 files. Switch to the first tab and hit shift+delete. Media Center will prompt you to delete 10 files - not the single file which appears to be the current selection. I have accidentally deleted or removed files from my library several times because of this. (because I normally confirm with the enter key immediately) I have now switched to using the recycle bin rather than deleting files, but sometimes you will still lose the files if the recycle bin is full.

Load Library on double click
When I want to load another library (remote or local), I need to select it and click Load Library button.
It seems like this would be intentional to prevent you accidentally changing libraries.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 08:31:33 am »

It seems like this would be intentional to prevent you accidentally changing libraries.

It doesn't prevent you from unintentionally wiping playing now to add your entire library because you double clicked the root item 'Audio', 'Images' or 'Video'. Who would want to add 'all' his videos to Playing Now anyway?

It's not consistent and loading another library is less destructive than wiping playing now. Just load the other library and you're back to where you were. Click 'Play' if anything was playing (switching libraries doesn't clear playing now). All that's lost is the progress on the track that was playing.

Allowing this simply makes it consistent with the rest of the program. If the goal is to 'protect' the user, it would be better to remove double click functionality from Root items.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 08:34:42 am »

Close button on File Convertor Panel

The file conversion completes and then MC makes you click a Close button to close the convertor.

Suggested Behavior

If a file conversion is successful - the file convertor panel should close with no intervention. There should be no Close button - the user should not have to be subjected to extra clicks just to close this panel.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 08:36:37 am »

Rename, Move, Copy Files dialog box preview collumns too small While the size and position of the Rename, Move dialog box is remembered, the collumns in the preview are not. They default to a small, narrow size that is useless and leaves a lot of white space unused.

Suggested change
Auto size the collumns to use available space and/or let them remember the previous setting.

+1 on this one.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 08:57:12 am »

Annoyance: Close button on File Convertor Panel

The file conversion completes and then MC makes you click a Close button to close the convertor.

Suggested Behavior

If a file conversion is successful - the file convertor panel should close with no intervention. There should be no Close button - the user should not have to be subjected to extra clicks just to close this panel.


If you ask me this is part of a bigger problem; the entire behavior of action window and its tasks need to be reviewed - this has been a topic of much debate because no one really seems to agree on anything. The reason I didn't include this in my post is because I don't have a good suggestion for it either. I would prefer for all these tasks to be consistent in how they work.

Rip CD has a close button but opens a popup with a log for review.
Import runs as an action window, but closes by itself and forces a popup to open to show you the log (and steals focus as 62 mentioned).
Convert waits for close to does nothing of the sort.

I've not really used other action window tasks, but I woudn't be surprised if other actions handled things differently from the 3 above.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 09:36:58 am »

Actually, I don't think the "close" button should be removed from file conversion - I think it's important to have the program inform the user whether the conversion was successful or not, and do so in a way that does not impact normal operation of the program.
I would actually like this behavior to be expanded to file imports (manual or auto) rather than the dialog that currently pops up and causes MC to steal focus. Perhaps you could have "view log" and "close" buttons.

I would also like Media Center to display the download window when podcasts are automatically downloading.
There are too many times when Media Center is doing things in the background without informing the user.

The issue with conversion behavior - and analysis - is that they do not allow new files to be added after the process has been started.
If I select additional files for conversion or analysis, they should just be added to the end of the queue.
For conversion, the user should perhaps be prompted to confirm their settings again though.

I suspect the reason you find the close button to be an annoyance, is that it has to be closed before you can start a new conversion, rather than the close button itself being the problem.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2013, 09:44:41 am »

I suspect the reason you find the close button to be an annoyance, is that it has to be closed before you can start a new conversion, rather than the close button itself being the problem.

Actually - now that I think about it - you are right. I don't mind clicking the darn Close button once -but having to click it every time is a huge annoyance.

And yes - it would be a huge + to be able to add conversions to the queue on the fly. That would be golden.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2013, 02:30:10 pm »

How about honoring dozens of user requests to add an option to turn off "Automatic Display Of The Recently Imported Playlist Every Time You Import Whether You Want To See It Or Not" (so we do not have to press "back" every time we import) ?


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2013, 04:48:04 pm »

How about honoring dozens of user requests to add an option to turn off "Automatic Display Of The Recently Imported Playlist Every Time You Import Whether You Want To See It Or Not" (so we do not have to press "back" every time we import) ?

+1000. I bloody wear out the back button due to this. Would love to be able to have the option to ditch this message



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2013, 06:41:58 pm »

The feature is there because, otherwise, inexperienced users will import files, then be unable to find them.  If you can propose a change that preserves this functionality but gives you what you want, let us know your idea.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2013, 08:11:02 pm »

The feature is there because, otherwise, inexperienced users will import files, then be unable to find them.  If you can propose a change that preserves this functionality but gives you what you want, let us know your idea.

Tools->OPTIONS->Some Menu Area->Checkbox "Do not show Recently Imported After Import"

Default to unchecked for inexperienced user support.

(Exactly the same as all other requests where the reply is "But inexperienced users... " - just add an option hidden in the forest of options that defaults to the inexperienced-friendly behavior.)


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2013, 09:17:27 pm »

Sorry, but I don't see the hardship here.  Backspace takes you back.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2013, 09:48:49 pm »

It may not be a hardship, but it's an annoyance that many of us encounter on a daily basis.
The main thing that bothers me is that Media Center steals focus with that dialog when import finishes. I often start an import in the background and then start doing other things on the PC, only to have Media Center pop up in front of whatever else I was doing.

What about something like this?

Modal dialogs are antiquated UI design that should be eliminated.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2013, 11:59:51 pm »

What about something like this?

Modal dialogs are antiquated UI design that should be eliminated.

Love this idea. And yes - ANY dialog that forces me to click again...should be avoided.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2013, 02:40:03 pm »

Rename, Move, Copy Files dialog box preview collumns too small
While the size and position of the Rename, Move dialog box is remembered, the collumns in the preview are not. They default to a small, narrow size that is useless and leaves a lot of white space unused.

Also, a double click on the resize collumn thingybob seems to make a collumn wider, but not based on the longest value. It just resizes out of the dialog for me.

Suggested change
Auto size the collumns to use available space and/or let them remember the previous setting.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2013, 12:31:25 pm »

Sorry, but I don't see the hardship here.  Backspace takes you back.
Try adding a backspace in between every action you do on a PC.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2013, 12:39:15 pm »

Try adding a backspace in between every action you do on a PC.
You've never seen me type.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2013, 01:55:58 am »

Any process that steals focus from what a user is doing and impedes his progress even if only until a key press or two is executed is disruptive and seems amateurish. The option mentioned above seems simple, intelligent and newbie friendly, although I wouldn't have liked being interrupted even as a newbie, and I'd never have figured that hitting back space would restore order.

So, to make everyone happy, why not add a Newly Imported heading to the tree which can be hidden in options?

Something that comes up for me a lot that I find annoying. When editing fields like the artist field, a drop down list of previously entered names beginning with whatever letters one starts typing appears. However if one doesn't put the mouse pointer in the right spot quickly (and I haven't figured out what spot that is) the list disappears and one will have to erase a letter one has typed or figure out some other way of getting the list to reappear.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2013, 01:40:44 pm »

Any process that steals focus from what a user is doing and impedes his progress even if only until a key press or two is executed is disruptive and seems amateurish. The option mentioned above seems simple, intelligent and newbie friendly, although I wouldn't have liked being interrupted even as a newbie, and I'd never have figured that hitting back space would restore order.
For some reason, there is priority overwhelmingly given to new audio features (like DSD encoding) over any GUI enhancements.

When GUI enhancements are requested, the reply is usually that clueless newbies would be unhappy.

So, priority is given to support of DSD encoding and MadVR, and yet the biggest principle is to keep clueless newbies happy ?   That is clearly nonsensical.   If your market is people who know what "MadVR" is, and have heard of "DSD", then your target audience is not technically clueless people who only listen to iPods.

IMHO, MC19 would be well served by being only GUI enhancements and no audio and video changes.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2013, 02:10:45 pm »

For some reason, there is priority overwhelmingly given to new audio features (like DSD encoding) over any GUI enhancements. When GUI enhancements are requested, the reply is usually that clueless newbies would be unhappy.

So, priority is given to support of DSD encoding and MadVR, and yet the biggest principle is to keep clueless newbies happy ?   That is clearly nonsensical.   If your market is people who know what "MadVR" is, and have heard of "DSD", then your target audience is not technically clueless people who only listen to iPods.

IMHO, MC19 would be well served by being only GUI enhancements and no audio and video changes.

+ 1 Here here.

Granted - if there was ever a piece of software that demanded that you actually know what you are doing - MC is it. But that doesn't mean the UI should pander to my 80 year old Dad by forcing a list of what he imported into his face at every turn. Even a newbie will say enough is enough.

It continues to baffle me how those of us who have spent a lot of time (and money) with JRiver - and have been around here long enough to know how these forums work - make a reasonable suggestion to make something an "option" (that would benefit both new and seasoned) only to see the suggestion met with some odd defensive posturing.

What possible negatives are there from having a checkbox in Options (OFF by default) that says "Do not display Recently Imported after Import".




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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2013, 07:53:00 pm »

Here's a +1 for not switching views after an import.

I routinely customize a view for temporary purposes.  If I do an import, the view gets switched, and the dialog appears asking if I want to save the view.    I don't, because it was temporary.  But now I have no choice - either lose my customizations, or save the view.

This just happened (again), so prompted me to reply.
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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2013, 09:11:16 pm »

When GUI enhancements are requested, the reply is usually that clueless newbies would be unhappy.
This comment seems a little careless.  Try the program out on a family member or friend and you may see the importance of making things obvious.

We get a lot of advice here, and we usually listen to it, but sometimes even the experts get it wrong.

In order to do "GUI enhancements", the JRiver team is going to have to believe they will advance the cause.

For anything to be done, we need to see the value and we need to believe it can be done with a reasonable effort and without collateral damage.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2013, 09:26:46 pm »

I agree notification is good and vital. The problem is the mechanism used.  MC really needs a Notifications area that provides clear and obvious feedback, rather than yanking a view away to notify.  I really can't think of another program that yanks away context like this.

There is some irony here.  On one hand you posit that you need to Notify users when they import.  On the other hand, you do not Notify about the problems or reasons when that very import fails.  And users routinely post questions about why their files failed to import.  :-)
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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2013, 09:43:54 pm »

There is some irony here.  On one hand you posit that you need to Notify users when they import.  On the other hand, you do not Notify about the problems or reasons when that very import fails.

Can't argue with this. At all.




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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2013, 12:10:19 am »

This comment seems a little careless.  Try the program out on a family member or friend and you may see the importance of making things obvious.

I think your reading of said comment was a little bit careless. You seem to have completely missed (ignored?) the point.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2013, 06:24:16 am »

MC really needs a Notifications area that provides clear and obvious feedback, rather than yanking a view away to notify.
We've watched real users facing this and other similar problems.  It is astonishing what they can miss.  As an example, how many times have people complained about MC's initial auto import, even though it flashes and counts down for 45 seconds before it starts?  What would be obvious to an experienced user is not always obvious to a more general user.

What I think you want is a single back space away.

And, my last comment, we aren't perfect.  We do try to improve.  I just don't see a simple fix for this.

We're going to be busy the rest of the week, so this won't get any attention soon.  We have visitors this week, and we're cooking bratwurst on the sidewalk on Friday.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2013, 09:40:36 am »

Count me in as another who would like an option to change the recently imported behavior.
It's the same as my gripe about the Confirmation dialog when changing large numbers of tags- Whilst useful for many users, it's the sort of thing that power users find irritating after seeing it '000s of times :)

I have a slightly different suggestion though- IMHO one of the more underused features of MC is tabs. Perhaps, open the recently imported playlist in a new background tab?
That would fit in nicely with the way that many internet browsers and torrent clients work.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2013, 10:10:45 am »

Here's a +1 for not switching views after an import.
Another +1.

I ripped a bunch of discs last week using two CD drives. The drives rip at different speeds so they don't finish at the same time. One disc would finish and I would start some tagging and then the next disc would finish and all the sudden I'd find myself in the Recently Imported playlist.

I think your Recent Lists view should become standard and users could go to it instead of Recently Imported. I love the view.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2013, 11:13:40 am »

We've watched real users facing this and other similar problems.  It is astonishing what they can miss.  As an example, how many times have people complained about MC's initial auto import, even though it flashes and counts down for 45 seconds before it starts?  What would be obvious to an experienced user is not always obvious to a more general user.
When you are familiarizing yourself with a new application, it's easy to miss that sort of thing. I would suggest some kind of guided tutorial (install a trial of Lightroom and see what they do) or perhaps a reworked start page, which asks the user if they want to scan for files or configure import manually, rather than automatically looking for files after 45 seconds.

I have a slightly different suggestion though- IMHO one of the more underused features of MC is tabs. Perhaps, open the recently imported playlist in a new background tab?
A background tab isn't really useful for notifying the user of changes - it will probably be overlooked or ignored. And I always have 6 tabs open in Media Center (the limit - which I would like to see raised) so it would not be possible to open it in a background tab without replacing one of them.

Considering that import is run in a pane in the lower left of the application, it seems logical that you would notify them of it completing in the same location, rather than stealing focus, prompting the user with a modal window, and changing their view.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 12:07:33 pm »

When you are familiarizing yourself with a new application, it's easy to miss that sort of thing. I would suggest some kind of guided tutorial (install a trial of Lightroom and see what they do) or perhaps a reworked start page, which asks the user if they want to scan for files or configure import manually, rather than automatically looking for files after 45 seconds.

Totally agree. The addition of that countdown makes a new user even more nervous as now they are watching a clock rushing around trying to stop something from to happening.

Considering that import is run in a pane in the lower left of the application, it seems logical that you would notify them of it completing in the same location, rather than stealing focus, prompting the user with a modal window, and changing their view.

And agreed.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2013, 12:23:37 pm »

It should not be astonishing that people don't notice these tiny details, because that's normal.

That little countdown timer is like a satellite moving across the sky.  Once noticed, it is easy to return your gaze to find it again.  But ask someone else to find the same satellite.  You can even point to it.  It takes a while for the human brain to familiarize itself with the overwhelming about of data so that it can weed out the noise, and focus on singular objects.

The concept of Increasing Disclosure is important, as it helps reduce the visual noise that overwhelms our brains.  MC is more like a sky full of stars.
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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2013, 12:38:53 pm »

1. Display text will still not scroll when there's no space to accommodate it.
2. When in Mini View for example, pressing X won't quit, but take you Standard View. Unintuitive and annoying.
3. I'd love an option to retain text in the search bar. It can be annoying when you switch to another category and it's gone, along with the search results.
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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2013, 05:10:50 pm »

Maybe a notification icon near the right side of the progress bar (where the DSP & repeat buttons currently sit), that could pop up a notification balloon for simple completion or error messages, rather than a dialog box. You could click on the balloon for more info or have it fade away by default. Something customizable like windows taskbar notifications.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #34 on: August 21, 2013, 09:06:39 pm »

It's the same as my gripe about the Confirmation dialog when changing large numbers of tags- Whilst useful for many users, it's the sort of thing that power users find irritating after seeing it '000s of times :)

I've made the same request. If indeed the confirmation was set off on a "large" number of files such as say 1000 (instead of at 100, which it now is) then it might not be as irritating; at least not for me, as I wouldn't run into it as often.

It would be truly simple to up the number, and I can't see any reason not to. But if there is some obscure reason, there's always the dreaded complexity of adding an option or a "don't show this again," check to the confirmation dialog. Oh well, fat chance.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2013, 05:06:12 am »

I am also in favor of not changing view after an import.

I also would like to be able of performing file analysis together with file conversion: it shouldn't be a problem since there are already other operations
one can program during file conversion.

Another area worth of consideration IMHO, is the ability of recording macro to perform repetitive operations: this to partially automatize boring and
repetitive operations.

To be honest the confirmation dialog, others find irritating, saved me at least a couple of times when by mistake I was changing 1000s of tags...but I agree,
it would be useful to decide at least a threshold number. :)


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2013, 05:46:02 am »

3. I'd love an option to retain text in the search bar. It can be annoying when you switch to another category and it's gone, along with the search results.

+1 I agree


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2013, 05:53:54 am »

I too agree that the view should not be changed after import and I like this idea

Considering that import is run in a pane in the lower left of the application, it seems logical that you would notify them of it completing in the same location, rather than stealing focus, prompting the user with a modal window, and changing their view.


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2013, 07:20:46 am »

I get tagging errors: 'file is read only' all the time..  This notification steals focus and is annoying...


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #39 on: August 22, 2013, 09:38:45 am »

I get tagging errors: 'file is read only' all the time..  This notification steals focus and is annoying...

This one - I am actually okay with. I DO want to know if/when MC is trying to man handle a read-only file.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2013, 10:04:00 am »

the annoyance for me is having to click ok, "yep I hear yeah complaining"  --It be nicer to  get a notification without the having to click ok,, or add the option to change file to not read-only.

-aren't we a bunch of whiners :P


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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2013, 10:07:39 am »

the annoyance for me is having to click ok, "yep I hear yeah complaining"  --It be nicer to  get a notification without the having to click ok,, or add the option to change file to not read-only.

I very rarely see this one - but when I do - all I want to know is how/why I am attempting to access a read-only file?

And I am glad that MC lets me know about it. But I do prefer that MC stick to what it does best (Audio/video) and leave the low level file attribute updating to me and native Windows tools. :)



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2013, 03:38:17 pm »

To be honest the confirmation dialog, others find irritating, saved me at least a couple of times when by mistake I was changing 1000s of tags...but I agree,
it would be useful to decide at least a threshold number. :)

I did an experiment with renaming tags on a cheap Windows 7 computer ($400).

I renamed genre tags with music playing. First 5, then 550 and then 1000. In all cases Undo reverted the tag names instantly, even when the initial rename was still going on. So there's always an immediate out

550 rename took about 10 seconds, 1000 less than twenty with music playing. The odd thing is that after the first rename subsequent renames took much less time. I renamed several different fields (in the 1000 tag category) and undid them; each rename took less than 5 seconds and the undo was instant always.

So even if you don't undo a rename and only realize your error later, it will still only take a few seconds to correct it, at least when you're dealing with 1000 tags or less.

This whole experiment took less than 5 minutes. That should prove the warning is useless/or at the very least that its threshold is way to low.



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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2013, 04:38:06 pm »

So even if you don't undo a rename and only realize your error later, it will still only take a few seconds to correct it, at least when you're dealing with 1000 tags or less.

The problem is when you realize much later (like several hours or days later) that you accidentally changed the comment (or any other non-common) field on thousands of files (or your whole library) instead of just a few tracks or an album.  Also, once you shut down MC, the undo is unavailable/useless.

A warning that you're going to change tags on hundreds or more files is something I will always want to see, as this is too painful to have happen again (for me).

the ability to never warn again is fine, but it's not something I personally would choose.
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Re: Usability annoyances & suggestions to improve them
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2013, 07:03:19 pm »

I see your point when it comes to 1000s of files. I'm talking the less than 1k range. Basically I'd be very happy with a 500 tag threshold (most of the changes I make are in the 100-400 range) or better yet an adjust option. Fat chance though, they don't seem to go for simple UI changes 'round here.


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Search Bar persistency
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2013, 01:30:22 pm »

I use search bar all the time and it is just annoying when you switch to another category and it's gone, along with the search results.


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Re: Search Bar persistency
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2013, 04:11:24 pm »

I use search bar all the time and it is just annoying when you switch to another category and it's gone, along with the search results.
Hear! Hear!
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