As this topic seems "Windows Phone 8" first relevant topic in search, I will just add my own experience (starting last October).
- MC 17.xx on Windows 7/32 (MC sees the Nokia - 2 different Storage places Phone and SD Card - but won't read, drop or write files and I won't buy Upgrades 2 much hassle to jump from 17.xx to 19.xx and not a priority for now).
- Windows Phone 8 on NOKIA Lumia 520 (Lumia Black & WP 8 release 3)
- Add on SD card 32 Go on the Lumia (Fat 32 as I use an adaptor for use with my APN too 4 HD photos/videos).
Context of use :
- I do not buy any music from the Nokia store (or any other app. i.e Xbox, MC "performer store",etc.).
- One way sync. from JRiver to Nokia (PC/Nokia - USB power supply on Nokia)
- Export Playlist mostly (mp3/bitrates/genre/rating/date are main criterias set in my playlists).
Real cool, fun and easy !
On MC just do as You always did : make your own playlists (MU3) from any parameters you may wish.
a) Export and stick the playlists on the same physical Directory where your music is stored.
b) Use "00" symbols or "-" ones so your playlists are top/bottom of that Directory (that keeps everything in chronological order within).
c) Set your Nokia to stack new files on SD card within the Nokia.
d) Eventually add new path/names on your SD card Directory (I had to as I dl/upld other medias to/from SkyDrive for instance and that's obviously a different back-up/share source).
e) Plug your Nokia to the PC and use the Windows Phone prog. to interface with the Nokia (U will have to look out for the Directory, even on external back-up storage HD if so)
f) Choose and pick different playlist located and start sync. Does the job pretty well in a few minutes (my set is one MC Playlist for a month, on average 60/70 new songs ; in my knowledge I roughtly count 5mn for 500 Mo in USB2 and SdCard transfert/speed caracteristics).
g) Set sync to Music/sync Music (remember do not tick "all music" ha-ha-ha)
h) Check on Windows Explorer your SD SmartPhone card number of files copied versus JRiver Playlist number of files and in Mo storage in MC (must be an easier way ...).
Notes :
- I have set my playlists to be on the same rep. as my music so I can add on the fly if I want to Playlists and also new albums I have in one shot
Still you can change add/delete path in Windows Phone for PC in "Add/delete Dossiers" for instance but I rather tend towards actually using the same "physical location" on my HD. Haven't tried copying a playlist differently.
- Wild knitting as to built a Playlist with Play Doctor - export it, re-name it and then re-import it under "Imported Playlist" ... then finally delete the initial one

- I am aware there will maybe some flaws in this set-up in the long run : same song on 2 different MC Playlist either/or same song copied in both Playlist/Albums ... what happens on the Nokia user end ?
(**)- The longest part is waiting until the Windows Phone prog. on your PC reads your MC Music directory (Myself around 8500 songs on a Laptop).
Fields imported Artist/Album/Cover/Name of the song/Genre (note : the app. on the Nokia is going to mention other songs of the same Artis/Genre you may have on the Nokia).
This is really basic but that's what's only needed at first.
It's better on one end : to concentrate on the criteria of your multiple playlist and at the other end : the possibilities of the Nokia Music user interface (
I still have a few issues and thoughts with MC's interface with an external device. "Replay Gain" & "Sound leverage" for instance and also external tables for images in order to save storage ("Covers"). MC is very versatile for MC playing its own set up but it might be way too much when U face a simple interface with a smartphone and complexity will induce errors along the line (***).
Edit : I'll keep Editing this topic from time to time to add things.
(*) I can use either a tile for any playlist i.e Music/Videos (on the run) or Nokia MixRadio (one only tile available). The latest best used while Hotspot or Wifi connected as it gives the possibility to read Bio (WikiP), listen similar artist from the Nokia database, pictures, concert dates (close to location), access twitter, have a much enriched laylout, best selling tracks, albums/singles produced, stream Nokia MixRadio (and that's a quite good App., no limits, very sharp selection ! Neat hey ! I'm picking-up news songs U can't buy on-line while casually building my personal MixReadio with these for later, etc.
Using both Music/Video and MixRadio enables U 2 have two running process at the same time ex. Video/Radio for one - Music for the other and switching back and forth without killing a process. This is also helpfull as Reverse-Sync from Nokia to Mc is a dream for the future, if you have a "wart" in your Nokia playlist U can listen to it on MixRadio switch to the other running process (Music/Video) and delete it on the spot and back exactly where you were.
(**) Check listing of songs, scroll and doubles will appear - Nokia MixRadio mentions the name of the album (Music/Video/Podcast/Radio/Store GUI does not) where the song belongs to and overall is very similar to a Virtual File System as in MediaCenter (and consequences) if you delete one ref. of the two it will delete the related physical file for both ref. (no question asked : logical or physical ? It's very blunt). Thus I intend not to worry about that.
(***) Sorry to say but so far I googlized and found a single topic 'bout one or two fully satisfied users with MC (it's very vague anyway
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=75778.0. Windows Phone is getting pretty much a software interface for many, regardless of the brand (Windows Phone 7, 8, 8.x for HD).
Note 02/03/14 -
Lumia Black & WP8 release 3 :
don't forget DL Nokia's "App Folder" not present in the upgrade package, THEN create one place to put diff. apps. into it, tile it - won't work YET to place Playlists/links ie Bandcamp + Audio RSS + MC playlists, etc. (let's cross fingers for the future
