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Author Topic: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?  (Read 7774 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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The summed up version:

***I want theater view to just show up on my living room tv and not my computer also. AKA I want to watch media from the computer on my living room tv via JRiver while using my android phone as the theater view remote yet still have simultanious use of my computer and not have what is on my living room tv on my desktop screen also. I've isolated the audio to do this just need to do it with the video also.***

Trying to get the best home media center experience. I was having to change my resolution to 1280x720 and adjust the default audio device each time I wanted to watch something on my living room tv via JRiver. (1280x720 issue) Is due to the HDMI over Cat cable extenders I have not being up to par and causing multicolored horizontal lines to jump around on my LR tv if over 1280x720 resolution at only 75' of STP cat 6 cable when they are rated to support 1080 over 100meters. Go figure.

Today I happened across UltraMon where I can change the cloned view (Sony lcd in the living room) to 1280x720 while leaving my desktop resolution alone. I also did some digging around and figured out how to have two default audio devices set at the same time in Win 7 then set the audio in JRiver to play to the respective device. So I can now get just audio of what ever I'm watching to the living room tv only. My problem still with the resolution and these cheap extenders that don't function to advertised specs is once the displays are setup and mirrored through UltraMon there is a nice stutter to the video on my LCD in the LR. I've increased the screen update rate to the max of 30 yet it is still very noticable. So much so that I went back to the old resort of manually setting my desktop resolution to 1280x720 so I can have a clear picture on my LR tv while using JRiver.

This tends to be a real pain swapping out the resolution. Ideally I would like for JRiver to send only audio and video to the LR tv using theater view and my android phone with Gizmo to work it while leaving open my computer for actual use. Say if my fiancee is watching something in the LR during the day I can still use my computer and not effect what she is watching. Currently what she is watching shows up on my desktop also. At least the audio is just in the LR now.

I think to fix my resolution problem and actually utilize 1080 I will have to buy a different more expensive brand of HDMI Extenders but I would really like JRiver to run in the background via Gizmo to the living room tv so I can utilize my computer at the same time and view just my computer stuff on my computer. This has to be possible by some setting or something that I'm just overlooking.

I'm still very new to JRiver and I'm getting used to it slowly. It sure beats the heck out of the Popcorn Hour A-300 I spent a week trying to setup to replace this setup above. Needless to say I had the last straw with the buggy trash firmware plagued pos today and it's back in the box never to be used again. For the small amount of time I did get it's NMJ to work I really didn't like the UI it was dated to say the least and there wasn't any fluid motion to it like there is with theater view on JRiver.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 07:50:16 am »

You might want to restate your question briefly.  It's hard to find it in all that text.

This might help you:


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 07:58:31 am »

You might want to restate your question briefly.  It's hard to find it in all that text.

This might help you:
Pretty clear in the subject of the post. Just saying.

So the zone thing seemed well sounded like what I'm looking for but there is no where to specify what display it ends up on. I want to use my android as the theater view remote and control theater view on my living room tv only. I don't want theater view popping up on my desktop also which is what is going on now. I've isolated the sound to just play in the living room but I can't seem to find how to get the video only to play in the living room also. Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep but that Wiki thing doesn't do anything for me but make an extra listing under the playing section. The audio setup I already found that previously to where I can make the sound of what ever is playing be in just one location or the other. (Options. Audio. Audio Output. Output mode settins. BLAM a selection for all the devices on my computer) Now the trick is to do this with the video also. That of which would be nice to have a selection for under video but there isn't. :-( aka display choices (or like it is with audio outpot mode settings.) Monitor A, Monitor B, etc

In my instance I have monitor 1 as my desktop Acer AL22 something or another then monitor 2 is my Sony SH4241 LCD in the living room. A simple selection in the video side of the options for the playback device of displays would be the ideal easy and might I add awesome thing to have. Especially with what version 19 of the software now.

I still believe this can be done either hardware or via software I think I'm just missing it with being such a newb to this whole htpc, media streaming bit. I know what I want though. Does that count?



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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2013, 01:53:55 pm »

After talking with a tech at Monoprice and getting adventurous with an old Cat 5e cable that is in fact damaged where it was kinked in a door. I hooked up the extender transmitter directly in the office and draped the 100' (yes I said 100') cat 5 cable across the floor to my living room where I just hooked directly up to the extender receiver and then set my desktop as I normally world at full resolution. No lines what so ever on the living room tv. Meaning one big problem is solved and I'm awaiting a return auth for the 100' monoprice cable I purchased through Amazon.

There is some problem with JRiver ie cutting off the external edges of theater view. Meaning once video is selected only the top half of movies and shows shows up at the bottom of the tv same with the time etc. The full window of JRiver isn't displayed and is cut off. yet my windows desktop shows up just fine with everything in view. So that is a setting in JRiver that is causing this problem.

So back to my original post of how do I get JRiver's Theater view to only show up on my living room tv and not my computer also. If my fiancee is watching something from jriver in the living room I would like to still be allowed to use my computer in the office without seeing what the living room tv sees. This has to be obtainable especially when the sound can be specified in the app as to what output is used. I would like to specify what video output is used with JRiver. simple and should be available for selection easily in the options under video but isn't.



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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 07:28:03 pm »

Currently you are mirroring the two displays. You need to set them up as extended desktop. What video hardware are you using? Do you have an HDMI splitter that you're using? Which video outputs does your computer have? What you want is completely doable.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 10:56:56 pm »

If I do extended desktop the only thing that shows on the tv is the wallpaper. Nothing ever pops up on the display. I also can't stand extended because my mouse pointer disappears all the time and it's agrivating. lol
Using the built in HD4000 gpu so running my monitor off the dvi connector and the tv is hooked up via hdmi direct from the mobo and into an extender unit through cat 5 into a receiver at the tv then obviously another hdmi cable from that receiver and into the tv.

I dunno what's going on with the display at the tv now but with having the 1680x1050 (max monitor res) as the resolution to the tv since I'm using the desktop settings with the make ready cat 5 cable across my floor through the house LOL I'm seeing the 100% green volume bar below what we were watching tonight on the tv along with the video not actually filling up the screen like it did before at 1280x720 go figure.

So I still have some graphic settings to tweak apparently but I'm running the higher resolution to the tv without the jumping colored bars above 1280x720. Thank Monoprices cheap cat cable for that.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 11:25:48 pm »

If I do extended desktop the only thing that shows on the tv is the wallpaper. Nothing ever pops up on the display. I also can't stand extended because my mouse pointer disappears all the time and it's agrivating. lol
Using the built in HD4000 gpu so running my monitor off the dvi connector and the tv is hooked up via hdmi direct from the mobo and into an extender unit through cat 5 into a receiver at the tv then obviously another hdmi cable from that receiver and into the tv.

I dunno what's going on with the display at the tv now but with having the 1680x1050 (max monitor res) as the resolution to the tv since I'm using the desktop settings with the make ready cat 5 cable across my floor through the house LOL I'm seeing the 100% green volume bar below what we were watching tonight on the tv along with the video not actually filling up the screen like it did before at 1280x720 go figure.

So I still have some graphic settings to tweak apparently but I'm running the higher resolution to the tv without the jumping colored bars above 1280x720. Thank Monoprices cheap cat cable for that.

You will have to use extended mode. How else do you think you can have two different things show on your two screens?
You'll get used to the cursor and keeping it within bounds. At the least you'll learn which direction to move the mouse in order to get it back.

You can tell MC to use the TV by going to Options>Tree & View > Full Screen (Display View, Theatre View etc.)>Monitor.

Look at the options there. You can assign the TV as the screen to play to

I also use the HDMI to Cat6 adapters from Monoprice. They work flawlessly at 1080p as long as you have good cables.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 11:38:04 pm »

Trying it out now after typing this. I sure didn't get a good cable from them since I can touch it or move it ever so slightly and the line issue goes super on crack. Although that isn't an issue anymore since I'm pulling that line out of the house first thing in the morning. I live in TX so during the day today with climbing in the attic well that just wasn't going to happen. While I'm at it I'll run this other cable and hopefully since it is longer then the monoprice I'll cut it where it's kinked and reterm it. That's if it falls where that section won't be needed. I also thought about going under the house with it instead of the attic since it's cooler down there and won't take as much cable for that run. Won't have to go:
 down two walls in the office 10' each
into the wall which leads to the master closet
through the wall in that closet which is to the closet in the office
up into the attic
across the attic and dropped into the garage then through the interior garage wall (the other side is the living room directly behind the tv)
passing through a plate in the wall to my hdmi extender receiver.

Sigh the floor is so much easier. Drill hole through floor plate make hole in wall for remodel box term cable into rj45 socket. same on other side of the house in the living room. No ups downs overs throughs. Gotta love a house from the 50s so much wood in the wall (which I might add is petrified to the level of concrete) you can't get a single thing to drop down wire anything up without going through hoops (like it is now) to do it. To think I need to rewire the whole house to get rid of the non ground cloth wiring this place has. To make it even better when my fiancee moved into this house there was a picture in the garage of ducks. One day she had that pulled down and low and behold a wiring nightmare. There used to be the electric box for the house but instead it was termed wiring that ran out to the new box on the back of the house. Can you say lazy inspector never caught it. Now I get to deal with all of it. :-( Fire Hazard waiting to happen.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2013, 11:41:18 pm »

Ok seriously was it just that easy. I mean I haven't tested it yet. Tree and View. Key word being "View" I've been all over the settings and somehow missed this.

Ok now to test and see if it is what I'm looking for LOL

Yep that was easy and I was stupid to miss it for the last several days even prior to posting here about it.

Now the problem I have is the shows etc show side to side but are short top to bottom. There is enough space under what is playing for most of the green bar to show up if the volume is messed with during playback using gizmo on my android. It's not there until the volume is adjusted. then you really notice the space at the top that isn't getting filled with the video also. along with the volume setting staying on the screen for the duration of what ever is being watched once it gets activated.

Other then that I think my problems are solved. Scratch that. Since it's set to play on the tv I can't get the app back on my desktop to work with it unless I swap the screen settings back to single or clone. LOL brother it never ends. Guess I'll just have to deal with it that way. :-(

Turns out I'm able to force the resolution higher on the tv output through the intel HD graphics settings so the tv is 1920x1080 now which makes the screen fill up with playback and the volume bar goes hidden like it used to. So that is all fixed up and I guess I'm ready to go. Other then having to switch to single or clone to get back into jriver to mess with things or what ever. No big deal there. I can use my computer during the day while my fiancee watches her stuff. NICE!!! Maybe now she will quite nagging that I'm always messing with this media stuff and saying it's working just fine as it is.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 12:28:42 am »

You can also try to detach the display to play on the TV.
Start with MC on the monitor. You may need to change the tree and view option back to where it was before.
Now start playing a video.
Right click on it, or ctrl-6.
The display will now open in a small window.
Drag it over to the TV, so that 90% of it is off your monitor. Now with the tiny bit that's visible double click on the top bar of the video, or single click the maximise button. This should make the video appear full screen on the TV.

You might be able to revert the monitor settings to play on the TV by default in future, while keeping the MC app on the monitor. We need to get glynor in this thread. He's great with detached displays.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 12:45:05 am »

wow um....

I think I'll just highlight the Intel HD thing on my taskbar and click the display deal that changes what my displays are doing. So Much easier then all that. lol I don't need to open the program too often so it isn't a big deal.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 01:24:06 am »

I remember there is a glitch in Windows 7 about how the displays get numbered (even when you choose the correct primary) when using dual output where one is HDMI. They will be listred backwards. This could cause some problems but for the most part detached display works.

Now if we could just get MC to respond to the Windows snap commands! WIN + right, left etc.

You can also try to detach the display to play on the TV.
Start with MC on the monitor. You may need to change the tree and view option back to where it was before.
Now start playing a video.
Right click on it, or ctrl-6.
The display will now open in a small window.
Drag it over to the TV, so that 90% of it is off your monitor. Now with the tiny bit that's visible double click on the top bar of the video, or single click the maximise button. This should make the video appear full screen on the TV.

You might be able to revert the monitor settings to play on the TV by default in future, while keeping the MC app on the monitor. We need to get glynor in this thread. He's great with detached displays.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2013, 11:26:29 pm »

I don't have the numbering problem with Win7 maybe I'm just lucky.

Now I got froggy today and ran out the wire as if I was running it through the attic inside the house. I think it would have only reached halfway over the living room. Wasn't going to work so i opted to crawl under the house and run it that way.
 Bad idea?

It was all working just fine last night with this same cord laying across my floor through the house. Now that I have it ran under the house everything tonight has had random moments where it like rewinds then returns to current rewinds returns to current play very rapid for maybe 2-3 seconds. I couldn't tell what it was actually doing at first. Original thought was stuttering play but one of the shows we are watching right now (The Bridge) has a lot of Spanish talking so there are subs in English for those parts. No sooner did I finish reading one set up subs for a part it popped up the next set of the dialog and then popped back to the set I already read back and forth real rapid. I wouldn't have know what exactly the issue was we kept seeing all night if it wasn't for the subs.

Now nothing has changed on my computer settings wise or anything. I leave it on 24/7 because I use it. It's either downloading stuff, being used, or just on. So nothing graphics wise, hardware, or settings in JRiver were touched from watching tv last night to tonight. When I ran the cable under the house I wanted to make it a little more professional and neat once it came in the house in our office so I chopped off the rj45 on the end and wired it into one of the wall plate blocks. This is the only thing that changed in the cable from last night to tonight. I tried many different patch cables from the wall plate to the hdmi extender box all with the same problem some caused it more random or for longer periods of time. All cables were Cat 5e which matches the cable under the house other then some were UTP,STP, and even a solid core cable just like the one under the house. All to no avail. So after my fiancee laid down and were finished watching tv tonight I popped the plate off unhooked the wallplate block and put another rj45 on the end. Same darn problem.

I don't get what the heck is causing this problem. It's the same cable we used last night other then instead of it just drapped through the house (This just doesn't work my fiancee is in a power wheelchair, she has a service dog, we have another dog, then 4 cats. A loose cable running through the house just doesn't work. The only thing I can think of is the cord just plumbs up through the floor in the center of the walls. Meaning it's just suspended under the house in the crawl space. There is no water let alone is it close to touching the ground. I wonder if there is just enough air moving under the house to make the cord move enough to cause problems with the transfer from time to time.

Like an idiot I didn't think to use my drill that had a paddle bit on it and drill through the floor joists and pass the cable through each joist on my way from one end of the house to the other to support the cable. I guess I'll be pulling it down at one end or the other and doing that tomorrow to see if that fixes this new previously non existent problem. That is unless someone else chimes in with what could be causing the problem.

Damn this is aggrivating. Last night it was perfect other then the cable loose through the house.  >:(


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 01:37:01 pm »

I don't think this is a cabling problem. I doubt that a cable can 'rewind' a movie.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2013, 11:11:57 pm »

I don't think this is a cabling problem. I doubt that a cable can 'rewind' a movie.
Well narrowed that tid bit down today when I climbed back under the house with my drill and paddle bit and drilled through each floor truss from one end of the house to the other. Literally! Since Since one cable drops just inside one exterior wall and the other end on the opposite side of the house does drop on the exterior wall. Fun Fun. Came inside plopped a vid on the unit and same freaking thing. Started checking settings out. Only thing I could find that was different from now back to when it was drapped across the floor through the house was 1280x720 changed up to 1920x1080. So I swapped it back down on the living room tv setting through the Intel HD Graphics UI and sure enough no more stuttering/rewinding/glitching.

Apparently I do still have an issue with the HDMI Extenders not being powerful enough. Although I'm going to live with it and run the Living room tv at 1280x720 because I don't notice a lick of difference in the shows I get or the Movies over 720P vs 1080P So I'm good on actual media watching.

I just have the problem of the actual Theater View getting chopped down on the top and bottom which is driving me nuts. It needs to fit on screen with everything visible and no chopped off letters and numbers at the top and bottom. It has to be a setting in JRiver considering the full desktop and all icons show up fine if I have it on clone view (so the actual computer screen shows up and not just the wallpaper). I can even have Firefox opened and all the window shows up just fine on the tv. So it is some setting in JRiver that is chopping off the top and bottom of my screen.

Any ideas anyone?


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2013, 11:26:59 pm »

Remind me: Are you using Red October Standard? You could try that as a test at 1920x1080p
Also, take another look at your desktop at 1280x720. Open a directory, and maximise it. Are all the corners on the screen? If not, you might have an overscan issue, which is fixable. Ideally though, you'd get it all working at 1080p.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2013, 11:55:55 pm »

Remind me: Are you using Red October Standard? You could try that as a test at 1920x1080p
Also, take another look at your desktop at 1280x720. Open a directory, and maximise it. Are all the corners on the screen? If not, you might have an overscan issue, which is fixable. Ideally though, you'd get it all working at 1080p.
Was using HQ not standard should that really make a difference. Running delided 3570 under water and 16gigs of ram Would think that qualifies well in the Faster computer category.

I have the Computer display and the Tv running different resolutions forced through the Intel HD Graphics controls. So if I switch the desktop to 1280x720 it's not going to do any difference for the JRiver interface I wouldn't think since they are running separate from each other. IE

Acer is at 1680X1050 (Max Res)
Sony TV is forced to 1280x720 (This is how I had it set before with the crappy noisy Monoprice cat cable so I wouldn't have horizontal red and green lines jumping around the screen) I can get a clear picture now forcing to 1920x1080 but I have the glitches throughout play at random times which really jacks with your head.

JRiver is set to display to the Sony so it has no effect what the desktop is set at since they are forced to their own respective resolutions through the graphics card config. It would be great to have it at 1080 but these cheap NXG Tech hdmi extenders apparently don't put up to their rated 100M since its roughly only max 60ft of cat 5e under the house to the transmitter and receiver boxes at their respective locations at the office and the living room entertainment center. I should really pick up a different set of boxes but it has proven to be a lottery with these things and I already have a media center lottery I'm trying to sell from failed attempts at replacing JRiver to bypass the interference I was having with from the faulty Monoprice cable (which was unknown at the time or I would have never gone through several different media units trying to get a nice fluid UI like JRiver.)


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2013, 01:32:07 am »

Have you tried any other media player? e.g. MPC-BE, or VLC. You might want to do that to eliminate hardware issues vs. software configuration, much as I'm loathe to suggest using other software.

Also, for HQ, and MadVR, it's dependent a lot more on your video hardware than your CPU. The 3570, while one of the faster Intel graphics options, is still no match for even $100 video cards.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2013, 01:58:08 am »

Why would I use a different media player? I believe the 1280x720 bit is due to the hdmi extenders. As stated I don't even notice a difference in the quality of what I'm watching between the 720 and 1080 res. Could be my source of shows (all I've been watching lately) is at a quality it doesn't matter as the 1080 won't beef up the looks because it isn't a 1080 file to begin with.

The problem I have is how Theater view is cut off on the top and bottom. Only enough to wack the top of the time off and then the bottom of the second set of menues that will pull up on the bottom. IE Audio/Videos/etc shows fine it's the sub sections that the bottom gets chopped Movies/shows/etc. Not that I'm even inside the theater long enough to give a rats tush since I'm bam bam bam shows starting but you get the idea I know it's there and it doesn't look good. lol

I could always try tomorrow with just the standard version and see if it still hiccups on 1080. Although at 1080 it still chops the top and bottom of theater view. Now chopping a show I dunno since when you watch tv your watching the center of the show and there is nothing to gauge off of to see if anything is choped or not. I can say that the shows that have the channel watermarked in the lower right is visible around where it would be if watched live on tv.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2013, 10:45:53 am »

Last suggestion I'm going to make:

Options>Theater View> Appearance.

Make sure Border size is set to zero, or play with it until there is no problem with things cutting off for you.

All my suggestions have been in order to help you diagnose the problems and identify them. I may not have been clear; I have been incredibly busy of late, and perhaps a little impatient. However, what you 'believe' is the problem and what is reality may not always jive. That's where testing comes in, and it helps to have an open mind. If your faith is unshakable, I think there's a limit to what a third party can do to assist you in getting to the root of the problem. Good luck - I think you're almost there.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2013, 11:01:35 am »

FWIW - I think the best solution is to get a dedicated HTPC.

Something small and simple like the NUC or Brix would do a lot to enhance the experience.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2013, 11:48:49 am »

Last suggestion I'm going to make:

Options>Theater View> Appearance.

Make sure Border size is set to zero, or play with it until there is no problem with things cutting off for you.

All my suggestions have been in order to help you diagnose the problems and identify them. I may not have been clear; I have been incredibly busy of late, and perhaps a little impatient. However, what you 'believe' is the problem and what is reality may not always jive. That's where testing comes in, and it helps to have an open mind. If your faith is unshakable, I think there's a limit to what a third party can do to assist you in getting to the root of the problem. Good luck - I think you're almost there.
It's at 0. I'll go back up and do some of the other things you said to narrow it down but I don't think they are of issue as everything else appears to fit on the tv fine which leads me to believe it's some settings in JRiver irself that's causing the issue. We will see a bit later today going to run some wonderful and fun errands in a few minutes or I would muck with it now.

Hope I haven't ruffled feathers or something as it seems I may have. I really appreciate the help in this matter.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2013, 11:52:29 am »

It's at 0. I'll go back up and do some of the other things you said to narrow it down but I don't think they are of issue as everything else appears to fit on the tv fine which leads me to believe it's some settings in JRiver irself that's causing the issue. We will see a bit later today going to run some wonderful and fun errands in a few minutes or I would muck with it now.

Hope I haven't ruffled feathers or something as it seems I may have. I really appreciate the help in this matter.

That setting is ONLY for Theater View, so yes, it's the one setting in JRiver that might be causing the issue, affecting nothing else.


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Re: Computer settings/JRiver settings to make just jriver show on my tv?
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2013, 05:56:23 am »

Something like this?

It basically lets you tell windows what monitor you want a program to open on and save it (from what I've gathered)...
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