In this: MC 17 thread Glynor requested that a setting for a 5.0 speaker setup be added to the choices in JRSS DSP Studio. Matt said that if three other people requested it that he would add it. Later in that thread Sandy B Ridge requested it (although he said he would only count as 1/2 person), then gvanbrunt requested it. I am now requesting it.
So looks like the count is now at 2 1/2 more people and Matt needed 3 more to add it. So we either need to elevate Sandy B Ridge to being a whole person, count me as 1 1/2 since I gained some weight, or find at least another 1/2 person.
Let me explain why I would like it and perhaps there is another way. I have a Asus Essence ST 7.1 sound card which means it has 8 analog outputs. I want to use all these discretely: L, C & R need 2 channels each for active crossover and 2 more for side speakers. My plan it to send the L & R woofer output channels to their own amps as well as to a Behringer DCX2496 crossover which will combine them and send its output to the subwoofer.
So I don't want any channel on the soundcard to contain subwoofer information. Now based on the original MC17 thread I could use DSP Parametric EQ to send the subwoofer signals to the L & R. But I doubt that that would free up what is now the subwoofer channel on the soundcard. I think that channel would still contain the subwoofer signal. Or would it?
If Matt creates a 5.0 speaker setup in JRSS would that leave what is now the soundcard's subwoofer channel as a free channel that I can use for other purposes?