Hi and welcome

At this stage I have only uploaded my music and movie collections. My music has been carefully tagged and I am very happy with the way that MC has handled it. With my movie collection, I notice that many titles have been classified as 'shows' which i guess means TV shows? Where is this info tagged and what is the simplest way of changing it so that all my movies show in the movie library?
First select your video file and either rightclick=>Tag or Alt+Enter and the tag window will open (you can re-size this or use the "^" to let you see more info) -- there is a small icon in the upper left hand corner of the box which allows you to choose how many tag "fields" are viewed. Most of the time I use show tags with values with an "also show" of certain fields. You will want to play around with this to your liking (your choices will be "remembered").
Staying simple using the default fields, what I do is just fill in the "Media Sub Type" tag which you can then use when you create your "Views". Mine are quite simple Movies, TV Shows, Music Videos, Concert Videos, and I even have guitar lessons separated. There are other ways to do bulk tagging by setting up a Pane View where Media Sub Type would appear in a column. Then you can select multiple files click the SubType (if it exists or simply click new Media Sub Type). You will be "asked" if you want to enable pane tagging. This is very handy, especially when first importing a large collection.
As you have already found out there are a lot of different ways you can configure libraries and database fields ... tags are stored in the MC library database and can be written to the file (when possible depending on format). I personally recommend doing this with all important tags ... the option for this is found Options=>Manage Library Fields where you would then choose a tag field and check the box
Save in File Tags when possible. That way just in case you screw up your library file (and backup

) you can simply rewrite these tags back to the library from the file.
Is there an option to save it to the folder containing the media file as there is in XBMC?
Yes. Options=>File Location=>Cover Art
I have a large collection of music videos, concerts, etc which I want to categorise separately from my movies. Again, what's the best way to accomplish this? I want to be able to use MC with the 10' user interface. Is it possible to create a separate category called 'Concerts' or 'Music Videos' which shows in addition to music, movies, etc through which i can access this content?
I would separate this out in a View. You can simply exclude or include the subtypes by setting up a rule in the settings box (click the three "..."). You can further subdivide this by any criteria you would like .... genres, media formats, moods whatever. You can create a real taxonomy.
Just a note on multiple libraries .. Yes I can see having multiple libraries for certain setups - like different machines running separate server installs, or separate physical storage. Other than the, I think confusing, "
Main Library" which will be created on every local install -- IMHO, for most people one should be loading only 1
Media library and let the database of MC take care of everything. I have never used the "user" functions, but if I understand it correctly, you should be able to tag your son's media using only one library. For most people I see no reason to create a separate library for Video, Audio, and Images etc. and can complicate things later especially with the powerful Zone options available.
Hope this starts you in the right direction (you'll probably change your mind a lot at first so a big recommendation -- BACKUP manually your library often when you are learning or doing a lot of custom views and smartlists.