At its most basic, would it be possible to have a preference for the stop button that lets you choose between "Stop" and "Stop after current file" as the default behavior, under Options > General > Behavior ?
More complex: When set to "Stop after current file" pressing the stop button a second time could then stop the file immediately.
Perhaps there could be an indicator for this (stop square, or the ring around the button turns blue?) and right-clicking the stop button could cancel the operation.
Even more complex: Could we have behavior options on an individual library view basis? By default, obey the global options set.
When customizing the library, I would like the option to change the double-click and stop behavior depending on the view.
When playing music, I would always want "Stop after current file"
With movies, I would want it to stop immediately.
I would also like to see the double-click options expanded.
When playing music, I would like a double-click to play all files in the current view, and not just all files in the current group, as it does now.
When playing films, I would set it to only play that one file.
In other views, I may prefer a double-click to add files to play next, or to the end of the playlist, rather than replace what's currently playing.