1080p24 1080p50 1080p60
If my movies are 720p do I put that in as well ??
This sets the output resolution sent to the display. madVR will pick whichever is the most appropriate output for the video you are trying to play. (e.g. 1080p24 if the source is 24fps)
If you have a 720p video, it will be scaled to 1080p by madVR, using whichever upscaling algorithm you have selected.
can add 720p to the list if you want your AVR or display to handle the scaling instead, though I generally don't recommend it.
reclock or video clock? I am using HDMI bitstreaming and I thought that video clock did not work using
this. sorry for being a newb
I recommend disabling bitstreaming, and using VideoClock. That setting in madVR only affects PAL film content though - it will use VideoClock to output 25fps films at the original 24Hz rate.
Bitstreaming has the possibility to introduce stuttering during playback as the video and audio clocks drift in and out of sync. (in a PC, they are not linked, a stand-alone player is likely using the same clock source for both audio and video)
VideoClock solves that problem by adjusting the audio rate to match the video clock, but it can't do this without decoding the audio first.