Nevermind, I didn't have DLNA enabled. Once I did that the tuners showed up. I was surprised at the fact that I can watch and record premium content with jriver. I am able to watch all premium channels. HBO, Cinemax, Stars, all of them as far as I could tell. Guess my cable provider is pretty lax.It's definitely a little slower though changing between channels than wmc. Seem to hang once in awhile as well. And for whatever reason the little MCE remote I'm using at the moment doesn't mesh well. For instance in the guide pressing the numbers for a channel doesn't enter a number, but rather defaults to the letter assigned to that number on the remote. For instance, if I hit 5 on the remote(which has JKL assigned to it) it would go to the nearest program that started with a J. I'm guessing this is a simple set up fix. I didn't delve to deep into it because since I'm going to be using an xbox 360 in the bedroom as a media extender I'm pretty much stuck with wmc. Just wanted to try this out.