I purchased JRiver because of its audiophile sound quality. I have moved most of my audio processing (upsampling, room correction, speaker setup) from various audio components to HTPC and It sounds better than ever before.
Anyhow my audio is fine, but my video quality is lacking

I watch mostly HDTV recordings on 100" screen and all picture imperfections are quite obvious. Some of them can be resolved with video post processing. I'm impressed with effects archived with ffdshow & madvr combination showed here
http://www.ezoden.com/684/tutorial-htpc/18 .
So my question is can I use ffdshow as a video postprocessor?
How can I set that up? Can it be used before or after madvr?
Best regards,
Ps.: Have you thought about selectable upsampling and dithering algorithms for audio section like in HQ Player (sygnalyst.com)? In some configurations it sounds a bit better to me