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Author Topic: Analyze Audio and restoring an MC 13 library into MC 19 (UPDATE)  (Read 1780 times)


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(Also see "Update" Below)   ?
I am in the process of upgrading from MC 13 to the latest version of MC 19 (19.01.21).  I have several libraries in MC13.  I used the "Add library" function to add a library called "Classical" to MC 19.  Then using the backup Zip file of my "Classical" library from MC 13, I restored that backup to the new "Classical" library of MC 19.  (I had previous disabled the Auto Import function on MC 19).  All of the files in "Classical" in MC 13 had been analyzed in MC 13.

 I know that, because of the changes, I will need to reanalyze all of my files in all of my libraries in MC19.  So in MC 19 I selected all of the files in the library "Classical" and selected Analyze Audio under Advanced in the Tools menu. As soon as I did this I got an "Information" message reading: "Only files on a local drive that can be played in the native playback engine can be analyzed (4843 file(s) could not be added."  Because of this message I decided not to run the Analyze Audio in MC 19 until I understand what this means.  

My computer has three internal hard drives, all with some files that appear in the "Classical" library.  All files in this library are audio in the flac, mp3, wav, wma or ogg format-- there are no video or image files in that library.  I believe that I had analyzed all files in "Classical" previously in MC 13.  So:  What is going on?  Why is that "4843 files could not be added"?  How can I make sure that all of the files in "Classical" will be analyzed in MC 19.  (After I do this I will want to do the same for my Jazz library, etc.)  

Further question:  If all goes well with this I will also install MC 19 on another computer which operates as a sort of music server for my audio system. That computer is a laptop that has most of its data on a 1.5T external drive.  I would rather not put my laptop through the strain of analyzing thousands of music files.  Will I be able to update the files from my "first" computer onto the 1.5T external drive (I generally use SyncToy for that purpose)?  

Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions.  I look forward to learning more about MC 19, MC 13 having worked so well for me for so long.

UPDATE 03-14-14:  I have taken another look at this and discovered that, scrolling down all of the tracks, many (most) do not list any file location in the right hand column -- and these files do not play in MC 19, even though there is "data" for them in the new MC 19 library.  Only files that were located in My Documents/My Music were actually added to the MC 19 library, despite the fact that this library was "restored" in MC 19  from an MC 13 library that included files in many locations on  my computer.  So: This may not be an analysis problem at all, but rather a problem with restoring an MC 13 library from and MC 13 zip file in MC 19.  Is there any reason why this should not work?  It would obviously be best for me if I could "move" my libraries from MC 13 to keep my existing playlists.    Any thoughts?   8)  Is there a better way to "move" an MC 13 library into MC 19?
Intel D975XBX2
Intel Quad Core 2 Extreme 06800 2.93Ghz
MAudio Audiophile Sound Card
Preamplifier:  6SN7, all stages regulated, stepped attenuator; D.T.N. Williamson Amplifier, 12SN7, 6SN7, 807W (push-pull), Acrosound transformers  initial gain stage with regulated filaments; Speakers Cary Audio (3 way); System B:  Bottlehead Paramour amps with iron upgrade, nos RCA 2A3s; Bottlehead "Sex" speakers (Fostex FE 166E's, two Dayton Audio powered 10" subwoofers).


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Re: Analyze Audio - "only files on a local drive can be analyzed..."
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2014, 08:21:01 am »

Sorry, I've not read all the detail in your post. I'll just provide comment that comes to mind immediately.

There are 2 ways that I work with Audio Analyser (AA):
  • in-Library (i.e. post import to MC)
  • ex-Library (via Explorer within MC)

Not sure what's going on but AA should work regardless via the 2nd option. Assuming that all the music files gathered in a folder+sub-folders are all, for example, .flac files then try this approach:
  • Navigate to the parent directory using MC Explorer
  • Check "Show Files In Subfolders"
  • Filter (top right box in Standard view) for the file type - in this example "flac"
  • Once all the .flac files show then Select All > Context Menu, aka right click > Library Tools > Analyse Audio

That works for me, so it should work for you and hopefully, job done..  ;)
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: Analyze Audio - "only files on a local drive can be analyzed..."
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2014, 09:14:02 am »

As soon as I did this I got an "Information" message reading: "Only files on a local drive that can be played in the native playback engine can be analyzed (4843 file(s) could not be added."  Because of this message I decided not to run the Analyze Audio in MC 19 until I understand what this means.  

To me - it looks as tho you have hit a file format - within your stash that cannot analyzed by MC for whatever reason. These files could be read only. They could be a format that cannot store analysis data or they could be corrupt files. Could 4843 hidden thumbnails generated by Windows for the wma files. There is something out there that MC does not like.

If it were me - I would pick a very small subset of tracks and try to get this message to come up saying it cannot analyze 4 files or 8 files and then go out to the folder in question and see what's really going on. Make sure to expose all hidden files etc in Windows Explorer...

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