Back to the original topic...
We've heard from several power users that this automatic scanning hits a nerve, and we all know exactly what happens, and how to 'fix' it. Now, imagine you've just installed "The Greatest Media Player Ever" and you're looking at a screen you've never seen before, and 'getting a feel for what's available' and all of a sudden, it tells you it's scanning your computer.
What is this doing exactly?
What changes is it making to my computer?
Why is it doing this?
Is the NSA involved?
These are all valid concerns. I, personally, would uninstall the program also, and tell everyone to avoid it.
Now, if instead, you were looking at the blank screen after first installing, and saw that there were no media files available to you, it might be a bit concerning, and you might think, well, now what? But you won't panic, and you won't get angry, and you likely won't uninstall and badmouth the program.
But, still, you might not be happy that you can't use the program, so there's still a problem. How to 'fix' this problem for new users? While I can appreciate that 40 odd people were 'tested' on this, but without specifics of this test, the conclusion is highly suspect. If the options were
1) an automatic window that is easily missed (current solution), and
2) no help to the user whatsoever
Then option 1 might certainly be the 'best' solution. However, if other options were offered/tried, like
3) a GIANT window in the middle of the screen which said 'You haven't imported any files yet, we can scan your whole computer for media files, or you can select folders to import by clicking here', or
4) a wizard which asks if you want to use MC for
a) Music
b) Images
c) Videos
d) Documents
then walks you thru setting up importing these kinds of files, and helps you select from where to import them (in a simple dialog, but [optionally] saves the results in the auto-import settings for future use)
Perhaps there is a better solution only choices 1 & 2.
Again, I'm not implying that JRiver isn't trying, or doesn't care, or isn't listening; I'm only trying to provide further insight into some potential solutions.
Personally, I can't imagine that putting the current (not-very-visible) dialog into a large window in the middle of the screen would take very long to implement, and I can't see that this makes the current solution any worse, and seems like it would be MUCH better for achieving the desired result (a satisfied user that can play their media).
Finally, if I've caused any more stress around this topic, I want to remind everyone that jmone wants an intercom system, so please direct any frustration on him