I'm in trial period, but will buy. I think JRiver is by far the best package for what I want to do. (I really dislike iTunes for several reasons.) I have nearly 3000 CDs and plan to rip many of them and store them on a Synology NAS. Players are a NAD receiver fed by a Squeezebox and an Onkyo Receiver, both connected wirelessly to the same LAN. I can already play music files created by MC on both systems, but need to spend more time on catalog structure and audio options. I think I can figure all that out by searching forums, Wiki and Google.
I've spent quite a bit of time though, so far without success, on how to set up an Android tablet as a remote. Selecting music without one is impractical. I've downloaded Gizmo, and can use it to tell MC what to play on the Win 8.1 PC that runs MC. Maybe I can eventually figure out how to setup the MC zones for the Squeezebox and Onkyo, but would appreciate any help someone gave me to get there faster. After searching the forums, I think I'm going to need Whitebear for the Squeezebox, but haven't downloaded it yet. I can specify zone names in MC, but am lost on telling it which renderer is associated with a zone. Maybe there's a FAQ or forum thread I haven't found yet?