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Author Topic: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19  (Read 3247 times)


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External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:44:45 am »


Context of use :
- I copy files from a MC playlist on other rep., do some ID3V2 re-tagging then share these "playlists" to use directly over a Home Server (*)
- This does solves a few issues about specific tagging I want to implement.

Naturally the same process would be unnecessary for complete CDs (versus playlists) as I would point my Home Server to ONE physical "common" location for easier use.

And now this is very odd.
- I externally re-tagg the CD files  and re-import it to MC's library.
- Recent Imported files is correct and play the tunes.
- Audio/Artist/Album is not,
- They both have the same path for files ... obviously.
- Not sure, I stop MC and restart and the Cd disappear from Audio/Artist/Album list but is still present in Recently Imported (**)

I Must have fumbled the ball here.  Tks for help, it's really puzzling me.

(*) Ref. previous topic
(**) there is nothing to show in-depth summary import  - aka Skipped xx files (previously determined to be bad).


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 07:01:19 am »

I don't really understand what you are trying to do.  However, this:

- Not sure, I stop MC and restart and the Cd disappear from Audio/Artist/Album list but is still present in Recently Imported

Leads me to believe that your Media Type tag is not correct.  In your Recently Imported Smartlist, make sure the Media Type column is showing (right click the header and make sure it is checked).  Media Type should be set to Audio. 

Also, what File Type are these files (ie .flac, mp3, etc)?  MC should be picking these up as Media Type: Audio automatically on Import unless your external tag editing program is doing something really funky, or it is re-naming the files without the file extension (ie 02 Sovay - Andrew Bird vs 02 Sovay - Andrew Bird.flac).   


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2014, 09:16:28 am »

@  connersw,

I'm trying to correctly tag files see below with more info.

Media type is correct (ie. Mp3). Ok, thanks connersw !, your remark led me to check if I ever could find the imported Cd not just under "Audio/Artist/Album" but just under "Albums" and it does.

I'm sorry that was silly of me because I didn't check this before. So that reduces this to some "fishy external re-tagging error" to one tag namely "Artist".
I 'll double check this and reproduce the sequence "External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19" with another CD and different Codec used to ripp a CD and work on that (?)


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2014, 09:24:19 am »

You shouldn't have to re-import the files, just use Tools → Library Tools → Update Library (from tags)
But to ask the obvious question: why are you tagging externally rather than using Media Center for the task?


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2014, 09:34:54 am »

@ 6233638

But to ask the obvious question: why are you tagging externally rather than using Media Center for the task?

I should make a list  here   ;)   but first and foremost :
My first purpose was :
Well addressing resources over a Homer Server for complete CD and playlists in the right order of tracks whether it be listening or DL.
The answer was:
First, the Seq column in a playlist is only valid within the playlist.  It is not a field you can use to assign to other fields, for export or conversion.  For this, you can use other techniques to assign a numeric sequence of numbers (that will match Seq if the playlist is sorted by Seq).
Later tried :
"Fill Track Number from List Number" ... no effect.

Thus I'm trying other techniques to complete re-tagging.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2014, 09:43:50 am »

But you missed the most important and easiest thing to do.  Just use:


to assign a sequence number to your files in the playlist.  Pick whatever tag you want, edit, enter the expression and you're done.
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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2014, 09:51:55 am »

@ Mrc

But you missed the most important and easiest thing to do.  Just use:
to assign a sequence number to your files in the playlist.  Pick whatever tag you want, edit, enter the expression and you're done.

All right ! I got you before already but let me be cautious this that, once I do 're-numbering", it will be applied to my ALL library. For now I' trying one Cd at the time.
And why MC19 isn't taking correctly into account a reverse ID3v2 tagging ?
Also I found  it strange that once your have a cover have in a MC "virtual folder" - it's difficult to change the settings again to include the cover art per file, any ideas or am I missing something again ?


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2014, 10:04:15 am »

All right ! I got you before already but let me be cautious this that, once I do 're-numbering", it will be applied to my ALL library. For now I trying one Cd at the time .

Just select the Tracks you want to renumber; you do not have to do your entire Library.  Click on the first Track you wan't renumbered, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last Track you want included.

Also I found  it strange that once your have a cover have in a "virutal folder" MC - you can not change the settings again to include the cover art per file, any ideas or am I missing something again ?

You can have separate Cover Art for each individual Track.  Again, just select the actual Track (or Tracks), not the Album icon, that you want the Cover Art changed, then right click -> Cover Art.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2014, 10:11:46 am »

@ connersw
Sound new to me ... never though  "Hold down Shift" > "click on the last track" > "Right click" > "Select"... etc.
I need to take a break here, seems like a Time Warp to me !
Let me get back at you.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2014, 10:23:20 am »

You just have to select them.  That's the standard Windows method to select a range of entries in any list.  You can also hold Control and pick and choose.

The Fill Track Numbers from List Order command is just a shortcut for selecting the files and typing =counter() into the [Track #] field.  If you want sequential numbers in any field, you can just type that into the field in the Tag Action Window.  If you wanted to number [Name] sequentially for some reason, you can do that.

So, it is easy, you just need to select the files, then open the Tag AW, and type =counter() into the box for the field you want numbered.

You can start the number at something other than 1 by using =counter(659) or whatever (it would then count up starting at 659 instead of 1 for any files that are currently selected).

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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2014, 10:43:52 am »

@ glynor

You just have to select them.  That's the standard Windows method to select a range of entries in any list.  You can also hold Control and pick and choose.

No !
- Do I have to select them  twice for "re-numbering" and then "art-cover/include into file" ..  or any more times I want to change ?
- Can I do this into "one go" with MC's Tag Windows - as I do now with TagScanner with a mouse  ?
Connersw I though was right on spot. Are U muddling this with your link, seriously.

Let me take a step back.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2014, 10:56:12 am »

TCube,  I think we are all having a hard time following what you are trying to do.  Your conversations here tends to drift from topic to topic.  You'll get the best help by asking a simple question, and waiting for that question to be resolved before you move on to other topics or questions.

So let's step back.  What are you trying to do?
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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2014, 11:01:00 am »

@ Mrc

So let's step back.  What are you trying to do?
Why do I bother to start my post with : Context of use   ;)

As I wrote let me get back to Connersw first he doesn't seem to have a hard time at all.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2014, 11:07:33 am »

As I wrote let me get back to Connersw first he doesn't seem to have a hard time at all.

Oh, really!

I don't really understand what you are trying to do.  However, this:

Best of luck.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2014, 11:08:30 am »

Why do I bother to start my post with : Context of use   ;)

As I wrote let me get back to Connersw first he doesn't sees to have a hard time at all.

That was a bit aggressive and was not warranted.  MrC is extremely helpful here and is donating his time to help you, because he is nice.

Perhaps it wasn't intended, perhaps it was.  But, in any case, I'm also not 100% sure what you're trying to accomplish, as it hasn't been extremely well explained, and I think you might be making some core assumptions that simply aren't true.

In any case, aggression and personal attacks aren't tolerated here.  Consider this your last warning.
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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2014, 11:11:24 am »

@ glynor
My topic went on smoothly with Connersw and 6233638 and I said I was getting back at Connersw . But your comments and appreciations are noted.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2014, 03:02:45 pm »

Okay, it's fine.  I just wanted to make sure you were aware that, despite the fact that he is an admin on the forum, like me, MrC is just another user like you.

Also, I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to accomplish, generally.  The original post is missing all sorts of detail, so I can't be of much help at all.  If you want any help from me, it would greatly help if you explained what you were trying to accomplish, and why, and forget about the means by which you want to accomplish it.

If you don't, then that's fine too.  As MrC said, good luck.
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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2014, 01:42:07 am »


@ connersw
Just select the Tracks you want to renumber; you do not have to do your entire Library.  Click on the first Track you wan't renumbered, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last Track you want included.
That does not do it see here

=counter() into the [Track #] field.
Now that's ok with a CD (I tried with a playlist see here  - it doesn't fit the bill, but correctly numbering a playlist within MC19 doesn't matter much for my use, correct numbering in the the real folder is all I really need).

Then I have to get back to "one cover art with each file" for a playlist over my home server



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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2014, 08:02:25 am »

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are trying to show me.  I am assuming that English is not your first language, so I will try to go through this step-by-step with images.  Just selecting the tracks does not renumber them; you must enter the =counter() Expression.

In the first image below:
1. I clicked on Track 2 Stop Your Crying. 
2. I pressed and held the Shift key.
3. I clicked on Track 9 Seventeen.

In the attached Selecting.jpg, notice all the Tracks in between are selected.

Now to renumber:
1. I right clicked on Track 2 Stop Your Crying in the Track # column -> Rename
2. I typed in =counter(135) and hit return.

In the attached Renumbered.jpg, notice all the Tracks that were selected have been renumbered in order from 135 to 142 automatically.

This works with full Albums, Playlists, etc.  You can start with whatever number you want, and it will follow through till the end of all the Tracks you have selected.


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2014, 08:11:11 am »

It's still not entirely clear to me what you are trying to do, but based on what I think you are trying to show in your images:

Do you have Tools → Options → General → Importing & Tagging → Update tags when file info changes disabled?
Also check Tools → Options → Library & Folders → Manage Library Fields → Track # → Save in file tags (when possible)


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Re: External Retagging & Re-Import in MC19
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2014, 04:00:53 am »

@ 6233638 & connersw,

Many thanks ! I need some time here.
I' currently re-analyzing [R128] my audio file data base this WE . I had MC17 prior to MC19
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