That certainly works. It requires that you be present to do all those things. I can suggest the following two alternatives:
1. If you know ahead of time when the true starting point will be, you can schedule it. Firstly, just schedule to record the program. In the step where you choose "start early by x minutes", enter a negative number. This way you do not have to be present when the program is showing.
2. If you do not know how long into the program is your true starting point, you then need to start watching it live until you see that it is near your starting point. You need to stop viewing the live show, and then schedule the recording, which will start immediately. This is essentially the same as your method, except that you do not need to schedule the recording early, then stop it, then re-enable it. The drawback is if you are not available at the time the program starts, you may miss the entire show.