Could you state in a detailed manner what the problem is? What steps exactly reproduce it?
1 - Set your output device as ASIO
2 - Enable bitstreaming (DSD)
3 - Set DSP to encode to any DSD native
4 - Play any PCM track - it should be encoded to DSD - check this with Audio Path window
5 - Stop
6 - Play any DSD track - it should be bitstreamed without any change - check this with Audio Path window
7 - Stop
8 - Play any PCM track and check the Audio Path window again
9 - Change to any DSD track directly without stopping - you should hear a strong hiss like noise and the music very softly under the noise - check the Audio Path and you will see that the DSD input is being changed by being encoded to DSD.
10 - Stop
11 - Play the DSD track again - now it should play fine - check the Audio Path window and you will see the DSD input being bitstreamed without any change.
I only get the noise for ASIO with native DSD. Using WASAPI and DoP I do not get the noise but the DSD input is encoded to DSD as well and there is no sound coming from the DAC.
May be different DAC's will output the audio differently, but all should have some issues trying to play what MC is sending to it.
Please see the attached picture.