JTR Speakers is bringing a pair of their Noesis 215RT speakers. I had a chance to listen to the first pair in Sacramento, CA back in March. Here are three of the speakers with a JRiver user that I met in Sacramento.
Other than the speakers, I'll be taking all my own gear. So far I have the following:
Amps: 3 Digital Amp Company Cherry Monoblocks and 1 Cherry Jr. stereo amp for a total of 5 channels
Power: Torus RM 2.5 Power Isolation Unit
DAC: Lynx Aurora 16 Thunderbolt
Source: HTPC - I'm building a new Haswell-E HPTC with a motherboard that supports Thunderbolt
Control: Android Phone, IPad and keyboard
Monitor: 27" LCD
GIK Acoustics Room Treatments: eight Tri-Traps, two 244 bass traps, two 242 acoustic panels, four diffusors
I'm hoping to also have a Mac laptop and an
Id available in the room.
The listening area of the room is 13' x 19'. Here is a picture of what one looks like:
I need to figure out chairs and any decorations for the room. I'm also trying to get some more room treatments. A friend has some that I may be able to borrow.
What JRiver features should be highlighted during demos?