I'm setting up a new remote, and I have some issues. A lot of the MCC commands have parameters, and I can see them in the dialog box, but I can't change them! For example the Shutdown command has parameters 0 for shutdown, 1 for sleep, 2 for hibernate. Why can't I change it to 1 so that I can assign the power button on the remote to put the computer to sleep? Also, the jump forward and jump backward has parameters I'd like to change to program different buttons for different numbers of seconds to jump, they are also unchangeable.
I would also like a list of the commands with a good explanation of exactly what they do. The list of MCC commands don't explain anything, only list the possible variables in a way you have to be a programmer to understand. What is the difference between the play/pause and pause command for example? They do exactly the same when programmed into the remote. And what do all the different toggle/Theater view/Mode commands do? Even after playing around with them for hours I can't really figure out exactly what they're supposed to do, it seems some of them are even broken (not updated from old versions of MC or maybe my Theater view setup is not as the commands expect...)
Lastly, why isn't it possible to add more of the MCC commands? There are only a few of them in the drop down list, and I can't see a way to add more manually.