zydeco, i will provide you with my potentially useful experience which is similar to what you may be trying to do. I purpose built an HTPC to PVR, store, serve. transcode all my audio, pictures, TV and movies, and to do it all and serve multiple devices at once. I built an Win 8.1, an AMD 8320, 16g ram, an SSD and a 3TB HDD (which in just a few months is almost full) (my first try was with an old duo core 2.2 ghz AMD that well was woefully under powered). I use OTA with both a Hauppauge 950Q and HD Homerun tuners (I use this set to have one dedicated tuner only for the main HTPC and the two tuners in the HDHR can be used by all network PC's (u need to the newest HDHR that does auto transcode to use it for any HD viewing on tablets, etc.). I tried WMC, XBMC, NextPVR, etc. but eventually settled on JRiver as: a) it does provide the highest quality viewing and PRVing (but very large .ts files e.g. an hour of Criminal Minds at 1920x1080 10801 is about 8gb (so 8 gb/hour of HD PVR'ing) b) it integrates via Gizmo exceptionally well c) if you use HD Homerun and JRiver on various PC's you get direct and great reception. I use my wired network for all streaming wherever possible and use wireless only for phones and tablets. You will find that the JRiver EPG for its TV is i believe derived from Microsoft(as i am a Canadian and live close to the US i had to do multiple set up runs to get full EPG data) I have experienced the occasional lockup with JRiver when really pushing things but i suspect it is me driving the conflicts. One nice thing about the JRiver PVR vs say WMC is that you can set up your PVR functioning exceptionally well due to the functionality of JRiver which greatly surpasses WMC.... but while i'm posting i will ask Jim one thing, the other nite the TV playing via JRiver was on all nite... can i program an auto shut down at say 1 am mon-fri and say 2 am on sat and sun?? anyways JRiver in my experience is the way to go (but it does need some work particularly related to Inet TV integration which XBMC does a far better job but it may be that XBMC as "freeware" and non-profit has some legal advantages that JRiver may have problems with (but pure spec on my part).