That should be plenty for ROHQ.
It is similar to both of my primary machines at home. My HTPC is an older Core i5 760 (Nehalem) with an AMD 6870 GPU and 8GB of RAM, and my Server is a Core i7-3770 with 32GB of RAM and also an AMD 6870 GPU. Both handle ROHQ without skipping a beat.
The fact that ROST also doesn't work is suspicious, because that absolutely should work and shouldn't crash. I wonder if (maybe as some artifact of your existing setup) DirectX is misbehaving. In addition to the stuff above, can you do two things:
1. Run DirectXdiag
Process described here:
And report any issues you encounter.
2. Get a Log of the ROST Crash
1. Enable Logging
2. Switch it back to Red October Standard.
3. Restart MC to get a fresh log going.
4. Make it crash (play something).
5. Restart MC again.
6. Go back to Help > Logging and click the Report a Problem button. This makes a zip file that should contain a crash dump of the last time MC crashed, along with other diagnostic information.
Come here and post a link to the Zip file. If it is too big to attach directly to your post, or if you don't yet have attachment privileges, you can use a service like WikiSend or DropBox to make a public link.
I am starting to think that you never sleep.

I ran dxdiag and there were no errors under any of the tabs of information. Display, Sound 1, Sound 2, Sound 3, and Input tabs all state "* No problems found."
I then ran it in 64bit mode and got the exact same results of "* No problems found."
So I turned on logging and set MC to Red October Standard, and of course it didn't "crash" like it did last night. Maybe those crashes were because of the other underlying issue that keeps causing a random movie to not play after other movies play just fine.
I still grabbed the log though. I started 2 Fast 2 Furious, and it played fine, I went to 2 Guns, and it played fine, but when I went to 3:10 to Yuma, it locked on the movie info screen. Log file is attached. Also, I set the exceptions for the instructions for MS Security Essentials, and I agree that I don't think it is a problem.
One last note. This was a fresh "delete partitions/format/reinstall" of the O/S, base drivers, and then right into JRiver. No other "junk" has been installed, and there really isn't anything "residual" that would be there from any previous software since I just did this format/reinstall. I will check out the sound settings next, and maybe uninstall all of the "extra" video driver software and just use the core drivers only.
UPDATE: I set the audio settings per the guide. I had actually already done that previously and had forgotten, but I verified them nonetheless, so that didn't have an impact. Next up is the video driver software removal and just the main drivers installed.
UPDATE #2: I removed all video drivers and software, rebooted, and reinstalled just the base drivers (no added applications trying to manipulate teh video card). I restarted again, checked the video and audio settings again in Windows and MC. I set it to Red October HQ since the problem seemed to be independent of that setting. I made it through about 6 movie selections and playbacks (for just a couple of seconds each), and then it did it again. It sits at the Movie Info Screen that shows the brief movie description, duration, rating, date, etc and has the single movie poster image on the right (it happened this time with Cars). When I select Watch at the top, that screen stays there, but you can hear the audio start up with the Pixar version of the Walt Disney castle. I still have control over fast forward/rewind/skip for the audio, but it just sits on that screen with the information and never displays video.
Next question, do I *have to* run JRiver on my media server? I am currently just pointing to my existing media shares, but don't have JRiver running on the media server. Is there something happening (or not happening) with file handling from the server? I get absolutely zero lag when things are working, and I've disabled my previous media server software, although I was hoping to keep it since I've already invested in a Roku specifically for movie playback elsewhere and I didn't see a Roku app for with JRiver MC. I did see Gizmo for our Android devices though.