Starting with the update before 30 (27?) the WDM driver, which was working perfectly here, now stutters significantly on system generated sounds, may or may not play them at all if short, but behaves generally well if playing from a browser (using default device) except for a little stutter occasionally. It seems a little worse on 30, but the character is the same.
It seems to be best at 5 to 10msec MC output driver delay (Wasapi Exclusive). Generates 1/2 frequency or sub-harmonics if you use minimum hardware delay, but plays without stutter then. Taking it up to 500msec doesn't make much difference.
In an earlier release I was sampling in the WDM zone DSP, everything up to 96k when it was working correctly (no stutters), but now it's somewhat better at 44k.
Convolution is normally enabled in DSP but it doesn't matter whether that is enabled or not.
There is a 'wdm' player zone defined, and it is currently associated with a playback device different from the standard audio player zone. They both work independently even though there is a zoneswitch definition that should switch off audio or video playback in favor of wdm, and vice versa, which I believe used to work correctly. The trigger is [Filename]=[live:////ipc". Has that changed?