You suggested this to me in one of the threads where I asked a question. It is quite interesting, but one of your biggest problems in this product and even MediaCenter is you, and your fans have gotten so developed and advanced that you have left behind the new arrivals and created your own world and lingo. More often than not I have little idea what you are talking about. Personally I think it is a pretty strong negative point for people who arrive here for this "Id" product and for MediaCenter itself. Not complaining, but even the name "Id" does little to make me want it, and I was already interested before I came in this section of the forum.
I sell products online too, and thru this experience I will make it a point to look and see if I have created that same atmosphere in my corner of the world too. It's nice to have the "compadres" flock around you, but new people are left out of the concepts and the lingos. I think one of the places to start is to not use short cuts, letters for words, and short identifiers, especially coming from the powers that be. It implies an inside language, and while it is comfortable and buddy-like, it just plain leaves people out in the cold. Don't take this as an attack, I am enthralled with MediaCenter, but it has been such a huge uphill climb to really try to get a handle on it. On the flip side, every time I look for something I may want to do in Media Center, it is usually already there and waiting for me. This same thing I am speaking of also is prevalent in the "password" software industry. I have recently wanted to "button up" my security for my bank accounts and so on, and they have a lingo and a flow over there as though people have been around Homeland Security for 20 years. You can easily see most newbies are like a fish out of water. Either a person has to grin and dig in, or just eventually just leave and move on. Plus, dealing with their "forum people" is like dealing with the "grumpy old man" that grunts out the answers and says as few words as possible in reply to an inquiry. I find this amusing, besides it being frustrating. Just thought I would say something in case it wasn't realized what a wall a person runs into when they come here to the products and the forums.
Even though I would be glad to buy, and like you said - a hundred people already did - I feel more "safe" to just buy a low end computer with a couple of hard drives or network drives and let it run and pay the electric, than to dig into the "ID" and not have a clue how to navigate past any of the problems that are sure to pop up and not be able to communicate in here for help.
"DLNA, Debian Linux, Intel NUC, we make "
them" now from a USB stick." Seriously, not a clue lol
