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Author Topic: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)  (Read 74809 times)

Rafal Lukawiecki

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Re: Occasional dropouts when using external USB 3
« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2015, 01:01:20 pm »

Thanks, I'm testing for dropouts here as well with as close a setup as I can get.
What filetypes are you playing?
It's mostly 2 channel with some 5.1? Those are being played back as  2 channel with DSP studio JRSS?

This is a full opera (West Side Story by San Francisco Symphony Orchestra) from

These are all 5.1 96/24 tracks. The dropouts were frequent with "play from memory" (once every 1-2 minutes), and much rarer without that option. My other test track were KWV 565 from Aeolus edition of Bach Complete Organ Works, also 5.1 but 88/24. This one only drops out with the "play from memory" option.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2015, 01:07:16 pm »

Dropouts from an Internet source could just be a bandwidth problem.

Rafal Lukawiecki

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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2015, 01:14:35 pm »

Dropouts from an Internet source could just be a bandwidth problem.

Jim, as I have mentioned a few posts earlier, this music is local both on the USB 3 attached drive as well as on the SSD inside the Id. It was purchased from the link I shared with you, nothing is being streamed.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2015, 01:58:04 pm »

Jim, as I have mentioned a few posts earlier, this music is local both on the USB 3 attached drive as well as on the SSD inside the Id. It was purchased from the link I shared with you, nothing is being streamed.
Too many pages on this thread ;)

So at this point the only tracks that have dropouts are the multichannel ones?
Can you check your DSP studio settings and tell us what's enabled there and what the settings are for the enabled functions?

Rafal Lukawiecki

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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2015, 02:39:00 pm »

Too many pages on this thread ;)

So at this point the only tracks that have dropouts are the multichannel ones?
Can you check your DSP studio settings and tell us what's enabled there and what the settings are for the enabled functions?

That is correct, Bob. The only DSP option which I have turned on is volume leveling (the second one from top) and it is in default mode (clip protection). The topmost DSP option, Output Format, is always on, and it has been preconfigured by yourselves. No other DSP functions are in use.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2015, 12:35:32 am »

I cannot get my NAS drive mounted to the id.  I tried the menu options described, and the system responds with "Failure."

I tried both the drive name, and IP address, and neither one works.

When I used an old computer as a server with Ubuntu, I would use a terminal window and enter the following command:

sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/music

The number is the IP address for the NAS, /music is where the music is on the NAS, and /mnt/music is the directory I set up on the Ubuntu computer to mount the drive to.  The directory I tried to mount to on the id is media.  Is that the correct one?  If not, what should I use?
JRiver Id w MC 20.0.118, Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet running Bubble UPnP, PS Audio DirectStream DAC w BridgeII


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2015, 12:48:59 pm »

I cannot get my NAS drive mounted to the id.  I tried the menu options described, and the system responds with "Failure."

I tried both the drive name, and IP address, and neither one works.

When I used an old computer as a server with Ubuntu, I would use a terminal window and enter the following command:

sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/music

The number is the IP address for the NAS, /music is where the music is on the NAS, and /mnt/music is the directory I set up on the Ubuntu computer to mount the drive to.  The directory I tried to mount to on the id is media.  Is that the correct one?  If not, what should I use?
I would use the samba networking for the NAS, not nfs.
The samba path would be
as the source
and something descriptive for the local name i.e.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2015, 01:40:25 am »

I would use the samba networking for the NAS, not nfs.
The samba path would be
as the source
and something descriptive for the local name i.e.

I used the menu on the id to attempt to mount my NAS drive.
The first prompt was for the path to the share, I entered //

The next prompt was for the directory name on this machine, I entered mynas  -On a previous attempt, I entered media

The system asked if // was on a Windows computer, I indicated N (no)  It is a Linux based NAS.

Next prompt, Should mynas be Read-Only or Read-Write, I indicated RW

Next prompt, Access // as the guest user, I indicated Y

The system then checked if it could access //

Response:  Failure

I believe the problem is in the second step when prompted for the directory on this machine (id).  Is there a directory set up on the id, or do I need to create one?  If so, what is that procedure?
JRiver Id w MC 20.0.118, Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet running Bubble UPnP, PS Audio DirectStream DAC w BridgeII


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #58 on: August 24, 2015, 04:23:07 pm »

I used the menu on the id to attempt to mount my NAS drive.
The first prompt was for the path to the share, I entered //

The next prompt was for the directory name on this machine, I entered mynas  -On a previous attempt, I entered media

The system asked if // was on a Windows computer, I indicated N (no)  It is a Linux based NAS.

Next prompt, Should mynas be Read-Only or Read-Write, I indicated RW

Next prompt, Access // as the guest user, I indicated Y

The system then checked if it could access //

Response:  Failure

I believe the problem is in the second step when prompted for the directory on this machine (id).  Is there a directory set up on the id, or do I need to create one?  If so, what is that procedure?

The Id creates that directory when you enter the name.
You can try a different name (do a configuration check to see what's there now and delete everything so we are starting with a clean slate).

It sounds to me like your NAS might be looking for authentication for RW?
If you try it RO does it work??


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #59 on: August 25, 2015, 01:26:36 am »

The Id creates that directory when you enter the name.
You can try a different name (do a configuration check to see what's there now and delete everything so we are starting with a clean slate).

It sounds to me like your NAS might be looking for authentication for RW?
If you try it RO does it work??

What is the procedure to do a configuration check and clean the slate?  I also ran the update on the Id, but I'm not sure it it all installed.  How do I check to see if it did?
JRiver Id w MC 20.0.118, Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet running Bubble UPnP, PS Audio DirectStream DAC w BridgeII


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #60 on: August 25, 2015, 02:00:30 am »

If you did the update and it runs, the update completed.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #61 on: August 25, 2015, 02:12:43 am »

If you did the update and it runs, the update completed.
Thanks for your response.  My Id is then updated.
JRiver Id w MC 20.0.118, Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet running Bubble UPnP, PS Audio DirectStream DAC w BridgeII


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #62 on: August 25, 2015, 02:18:50 am »

The Id creates that directory when you enter the name.
You can try a different name (do a configuration check to see what's there now and delete everything so we are starting with a clean slate).

It sounds to me like your NAS might be looking for authentication for RW?
If you try it RO does it work??

I found the menu option to check the configuration, and no shares or mount points were indicated.

I then tried the ro option for read only, and it failed.

My next step was to answer no when prompted to access as a guest.  I was then prompted for my NAS log in and password which it accepted, and then it succeeded in mounting.

I selected the auto import configurations from the menus in Media Center and it is importing the files and updating thumbnails.  I will test it when it completes and let you know if I have any problems.
JRiver Id w MC 20.0.118, Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet running Bubble UPnP, PS Audio DirectStream DAC w BridgeII


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2016, 12:51:36 am »

The quote tags need to be around the part you want to quote.

Like this (but without the space):

[ quote ]
Whatever you want to quote
[ /quote ]
Your reply

Without the spaces in the tags, this looks like this:

Whatever you want to quote
Your reply


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2016, 02:21:58 am »

In an Id build that is being released this week, we've added support for external drives.  This allows you to use MC's auto import to watch drives and import new content.  There are several uses for this:

NAS Drives
Any network drive visible on the network can be added to the Id.  This is called "mounting" a drive.

USB Drives
Both USB hard drives and thumb drives can be used.  MC will auto import if asked to.

Network Shares
A folder that has been shared on another machine can now be used as an MC folder.

Setup Instructions
The Id text menu has a new option called "External Media".  

---- Begin Menu -----

This menu allows you to add or remove locations that will then be available to MC for import purposes.  In the first step, you use one of the sections below to tell the OS to "mount" (add) a drive.  In the second step, you then use MC's Import options to add the locations to auto-import.

USB Drives require no configuration, but you can choose whether to allow MC to write to the drive or not.

Enable Read Only
Enable Read Write
Disable USB Drives
Display Status

Network Drives (shares) require answering several questions about their location.

Display Configuration

---- End Menu ----

Questions for Network Shares
When you choose "Add", you will be asked the following:

Name of the share.  This is a machine name followed by a directory name.  It's in the form of //BOPEEP/music, where BOPEEP is the machine name and music is the name of the directory.  It is not case sensitive.  (See IP address below.)

Name of the directory on the Id.  This is a name like "bopeep".  It is case sensitive

Will the directory be writeable?  If you want to write information to the metadata in the actual files, for example, this must be set to rw.

Is it a Windows share?

Will you use it as "guest"?

If not, you will be asked for a username and password.  If this isn't right, the process will fail.  Try logging into the directory from another machine where you can see the results first.

IP Address
If machine name doesn't work (sometimes Windows is stubborn), you can replace it with the IP address of the share.  You can get this by running a CMD window (Windows Key + R, then "cmd) and ipconfig.

The IP address must be static, meaning that if you use DHCP to assign addresses, you must tell your router to give the machine the same address.  This is done by linking it to the MAC address of the machine. This is often called a static or fixed lease.

Okay, I've accessed the external media support menu. I've plugged a 1TB Seagate USB3 external 2.5inch hard drive into the ID front USB port. I've selected the "Enable Read Only" command for the USB drive.
You state above that USB drives require no configuration (drive does not need to be mounted is what I understand this to mean). How do I get the USB drive to show up in the MC20 main menu so I can access the music files on the USB hard drive. Should it show up as another library - or I am I on the wrong track?. I don't quite follow your instruction above to use MC's Import options to add the locations to auto-import as I can't find the location of the USB drive. When I click on the USBO folder in the ID directory it states "Could not mount USB0 Mount: mount point / media/usb0 does not exist".

I'm having "buffering" issues accessing the files on my NAS. This has only recently started occurring. I want to access the USB hard drive to see if the problem is with the NUC or if it's a network issue. I've tried adjusting the buffering times. Making the buffering time shorter to 2 seconds makes the buffering problem occur more frequently (but short dropouts). With shorter buffering time settings I sometimes get multiple instances of buffering when playing a music track. Taking it up to 20 seconds make the dropouts occur less frequently (but subsequently last longer).

To add to the above, after some more investigation I can see either the Seagate external hard drive or a USB memory stick (depending on which is plugged into the front ID USB port) in the ID directory by browsing in "import local library". I cannot import as a local library because the folder/s is/are not empty. I was operating under the impression that the USB drive would automatically display in the connected libraries, in the same way the "main library" is displayed. However, the question still remains, how do I display (and access the music files) in a USB drive connected to the ID?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2016, 11:53:00 am »

Okay, I've accessed the external media support menu. I've plugged a 1TB Seagate USB3 external 2.5inch hard drive into the ID front USB port. I've selected the "Enable Read Only" command for the USB drive.
You state above that USB drives require no configuration (drive does not need to be mounted is what I understand this to mean). How do I get the USB drive to show up in the MC20 main menu so I can access the music files on the USB hard drive. Should it show up as another library - or I am I on the wrong track?. I don't quite follow your instruction above to use MC's Import options to add the locations to auto-import as I can't find the location of the USB drive. When I click on the USBO folder in the ID directory it states "Could not mount USB0 Mount: mount point / media/usb0 does not exist".

I'm having "buffering" issues accessing the files on my NAS. This has only recently started occurring. I want to access the USB hard drive to see if the problem is with the NUC or if it's a network issue. I've tried adjusting the buffering times. Making the buffering time shorter to 2 seconds makes the buffering problem occur more frequently (but short dropouts). With shorter buffering time settings I sometimes get multiple instances of buffering when playing a music track. Taking it up to 20 seconds make the dropouts occur less frequently (but subsequently last longer).

To add to the above, after some more investigation I can see either the Seagate external hard drive or a USB memory stick (depending on which is plugged into the front ID USB port) in the ID directory by browsing in "import local library". I cannot import as a local library because the folder/s is/are not empty. I was operating under the impression that the USB drive would automatically display in the connected libraries, in the same way the "main library" is displayed. However, the question still remains, how do I display (and access the music files) in a USB drive connected to the ID?

The usb drive will be automounted after rebooting the Id when selecting the read-only access mode that you chose.
You can add it to the auto-import by running in MC Tools->Import->Configure Auto-Import->Add->Browse to the drive location. It should be under it's own name (for example mine shows up under Seagate_Backup_Plus_Drive). If it doesn't show up there look under Filesystem->Media


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2016, 06:18:21 pm »

The usb drive will be automounted after rebooting the Id when selecting the read-only access mode that you chose.
You can add it to the auto-import by running in MC Tools->Import->Configure Auto-Import->Add->Browse to the drive location. It should be under it's own name (for example mine shows up under Seagate_Backup_Plus_Drive). If it doesn't show up there look under Filesystem->Media

Thank you for that. I had already got that far. But as I said in my second paragraph, I have been unable to configure a local library to play files from the USB drive (which I need to do for system testing purposes). adding the external drive in the list of locations to auto import from only allows access to music files that are already copied from my NAs (network library server). When I attempt to create a new local library in MC20 it fails, stating that the (Seagate) folder is not empty. The same goes for the "music" folder. How do I create a new folder in the Id file structure (or is there another way) that I can use to construct a local library?



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2016, 06:37:29 pm »

OK, I've managed to get it working. I had to manually create a folder for the library. I could not see anything regarding this on

On a whole, i regret buying the Id. it is far from being "user friendly". I should have stuck to the Windows version of the software on another NUC.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #68 on: January 05, 2016, 05:05:50 am »

After I shut the Id down and restarted it later the new "Seagate" library has disappeared.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #69 on: January 05, 2016, 10:29:01 am »

After I shut the Id down and restarted it later the new "Seagate" library has disappeared.
I'm sorry to hear you are having so many issues with it.
Where on the Id filesystem did you create the library?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #70 on: January 05, 2016, 11:29:51 am »

If you have a USB 3.0 drive, I think you need to plug it in the front USB port.  It's the only USB 3.0 port on the Id.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #71 on: April 28, 2016, 04:53:36 pm »

Thanks Jim. This is in response to your responses to my thread "Mounted NAS drive can't be found" in the general Id section of the forum.

I had read the thread and the Install Guide before I mounted the drive. I followed the instructions to the letter, including signing in to the NAS as Admin with a password. The Id said that I had mounted the drive successfully and gave me the name for it. Are you saying the software can tell me I was successful, but I really wasn't? If Yes, should I revert the Id to default settings (77 - Enter) and start over or is it easier to dismount the NAS drive (which I have no idea how to do)? If the latter, I need specific instructions that take into account the fact that the drive cannot be found by the ID and so cannot be clicked on.

While I have had intermittent network issues, overall the network is strong. I have no problems with using Sonos in 4 different zones, with using an Olive 04HD (and you know what an unreliable, dodgy-software machine that is), both controlled with iPad. I also have no problems with web-surfing or email, though those are probably far less relevant. So I don't believe the issues are network-related.

As far as using all caps, while I didn't do it for the usual reason, I am extremely frustrated as I have been posting on the forum for over a year and still don't have either of my MC systems working properly. You have answered a number of my posts and I thank you for that.

To summarize, 2 brand new Mac Minis crashed MC20 continuously; the Dell laptop at my client's home on a different, strong network (no problem streaming video on the DirecTV Genie system) repeatedly gets stuck on one note and requires a power cycling reboot of the REFStream renderer to stop it; the Toshiba laptop plays files using MC21 from the same NAS drive the Id can't see, but JRemote on the iPad Air can only connect to the Toshiba maybe 1 in 10 times (that is either a Toshiba or network issue and I've been trying to get my IT guy to deal with it, but he's too busy on big projects with other clients). John Stronczer at Bel Canto says the Id will take care of the one-note problem, but I must first get one to work on my system before I am willing to put it in his system (same renderer and NAS drive as mine)



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2016, 07:59:25 pm »

Jim, I just did a lot of clicking around and finally found my music folder by going to Tools, Import, Import a single folder, Browse, File System (under Places at left side of window), mnt (in a long list under Name at right side), Open, check only Audio in Import these file types, clicked the down arrow at right of /mnt & selected /home/media/Music and finally Finish. It then started to load my library. There is nothing in the Id Install Guide about this process and it isn’t at all obvious, except maybe to a computer geek. Nowhere in this process did I see /mntmusic, which is what I was told to look for by Id after it said I successfully mounted the NAS.

Is there a simpler path to setting up the library import or does the above sound correct?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #73 on: April 28, 2016, 08:02:35 pm »

P.S. Most importantly, JRemote is connected to the Id and I am playing sweet, sweet music on my system.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #74 on: April 29, 2016, 05:05:04 pm »

Jim, I just did a lot of clicking around and finally found my music folder by going to Tools, Import, Import a single folder, Browse, File System (under Places at left side of window), mnt (in a long list under Name at right side), Open, check only Audio in Import these file types, clicked the down arrow at right of /mnt & selected /home/media/Music and finally Finish. It then started to load my library. There is nothing in the Id Install Guide about this process and it isn’t at all obvious, except maybe to a computer geek. Nowhere in this process did I see /mntmusic, which is what I was told to look for by Id after it said I successfully mounted the NAS.

Is there a simpler path to setting up the library import or does the above sound correct?
Did you specify the path to music directory on the NAS as opposed to one of the upper level directories of the NAS for mounting?
Whever directory on the NAS you specify should show up under /mnt on the Id.



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2016, 10:46:13 pm »

Thanks Bob. I think you realized part of the problem. Earlier today I saw that while I was able to do the first import, none of the new files I added to the NAS were showing up in MC20 in the Id, but they were showing up in MC21 in my Windows laptop. I went through the Auto-import setup process again and found by trial & error, that instead of clicking on the arrow next to /mnt, if I clicked on Open at the lower right (of the window where you add files to check on), that window closes and it goes back one window to show /mnt/music folder in the Browse window, instead of just showing the higher level /mnt folder. The original /mnt folder probably worked for the initial download because no other folder but the music folder on the NAS has anything in it.

But there is a new problem, which I will start a new thread for: Library in Id does not sync with NAS music folder.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2016, 08:41:26 pm »

I'm having a hard time with Id setup, specifically setting the file location preferences. I want the folder I use for accessing music  files to be the same as the folder where auto-import looks.

Since the mainmenu doesn't have the options to set the folder to watch for new media, I used the GUI interface Tools-> Options and I cannot find a way to browse my network locations.

I'd also like to be able to specify backup files be saved on the network, and I had to borrow an HDMI monitor, so once I set this, I intend to go headless, and pray it all works.

What am I missing to be able to see my network folders for specifying in Options?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2016, 02:15:35 pm »

I'm having a hard time with Id setup, specifically setting the file location preferences. I want the folder I use for accessing music  files to be the same as the folder where auto-import looks.

Since the mainmenu doesn't have the options to set the folder to watch for new media, I used the GUI interface Tools-> Options and I cannot find a way to browse my network locations.

I'd also like to be able to specify backup files be saved on the network, and I had to borrow an HDMI monitor, so once I set this, I intend to go headless, and pray it all works.

What am I missing to be able to see my network folders for specifying in Options?

To browse folders on network drives or external locations, you will need to mount them first. This can be done from the Id Main Menu or from Panel. From the Id Main Menu you'll need to access the External Media Menu (Option 20). From there, you'll want to select Add under Network Drives (Option 10). Follow the instructions to mount the network share. It will tell you if you're successful or not. Once it is successful, reboot the Id. The next time it boots, the network share will be in the /mnt folder.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2016, 02:32:35 pm »

Did option 20 and then 10 (UNC path, foldername, non-windows, non-guest, username & pwd), but if you think I can determine from the report whether or not I successfully connected, you've overestimated my technical skills. Perhaps I can deduce that - since I cannot see my network drive folders when trying to drill down through the GUI - I have failed.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #79 on: November 16, 2016, 02:51:09 pm »

Did option 20 and then 10 (UNC path, foldername, non-windows, non-guest, username & pwd), but if you think I can determine from the report whether or not I successfully connected, you've overestimated my technical skills. Perhaps I can deduce that - since I cannot see my network drive folders when trying to drill down through the GUI - I have failed.

If you're getting a long report for a response, it sounds like it was successful. What you should see is a message like, "Checking to see if we can access <source>." If it fails it should just say "FAILURE," but if it's successful, you should see something like, "Success" followed by the mount report. However, you're still not seeing <foldername> in the /mnt directory? Sometimes it can take a few seconds to populate the list of shares in the /mnt directory.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #80 on: November 16, 2016, 08:02:38 pm »

OK, this is helpful. I can't see the /mnt folder yet, but I have a quick question that may lead to success.

Obviously, you have to have a little bit of knowledge about networks, directories, etc. to set this up. As I don't work in UNC much, and I don't know linux at all, here's my intended setup (please alert me if you see red flags anyone!)

Media files (album artwork and songs): //BYTOR/Multimedia/SongVault/
Backup files: //BYTOR/Multimedia/libraryBKUP/

If I set the path in the Id setup for //BYTOR/Multimedia/, do I end it with the slash?
What do I set as the folder name in the next question? SongVault? SongVault/?

I'm unclear about how these two questions work.



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #81 on: November 17, 2016, 09:00:25 am »

OK, this is helpful. I can't see the /mnt folder yet, but I have a quick question that may lead to success.

You should always be able to see the mnt directory. If you bring up the file browser on the Id (such as when you go to browse for a folder to add to auto-import), in the list on the left side of the file browser is the "File System" link. If you select that, you should see the mnt directory. You could also just enter /mnt as the folder and then click browse. It should take you into the mnt directory.

Media files (album artwork and songs): //BYTOR/Multimedia/SongVault/
Backup files: //BYTOR/Multimedia/libraryBKUP/

I don't see any problems with that setup.

If I set the path in the Id setup for //BYTOR/Multimedia/, do I end it with the slash?
What do I set as the folder name in the next question? SongVault? SongVault/?

The path does not need to end in a forward slash, but it should still work if it does.
The folder name cannot contain a forward slash. It's just the directory name that appears in mnt, and using a forward slash can do things like move the folder around the file system or create subfolders.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #82 on: November 17, 2016, 12:19:56 pm »

Thank you, almost there.

Sounds like what I need to specify in the "Path to share" is:

And the "Directory name on this machine" is:

Look right?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #83 on: November 17, 2016, 01:02:03 pm »

Sounds like what I need to specify in the "Path to share" is:

And the "Directory name on this machine" is:

Look right?

That should work. It should give you access to SongVault and libraryBKUP. You can use whatever you would like for a directory name, as long as it doesn't have a forward slash or period, so SongVault will work. I just want to be clear that the directory name does not need to be SongVault just because that's part of the path.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2017, 07:11:14 am »

When I first set up my NUC I too struggled with and understanding of the mnt folder and consequently ended up with about 10 useless entries an consequently duff folders.
Can these be deleted? and also old no longer needed back ups?



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2017, 01:03:05 pm »

When I first set up my NUC I too struggled with and understanding of the mnt folder and consequently ended up with about 10 useless entries an consequently duff folders.
Can these be deleted? and also old no longer needed back ups?
The mount points aren't important. You can safely leave them. Any references to non-existent files from those former mount points in MC on the Id can just be removed.
As for the backups? Are you talking about the library backups?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #86 on: December 07, 2017, 01:09:29 pm »

The mount points aren't important. You can safely leave them. Any references to non-existent files from those former mount points in MC on the Id can just be removed.
As for the backups? Are you talking about the library backups?

Yes Bob


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #87 on: December 08, 2017, 02:35:21 pm »

Yes Bob
The library backups are rotated so you don't really need to worry about them however you may delete them if you wish.
You might want to copy one off once in a while just to be safe.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2018, 04:59:42 pm »

The mount points aren't important. You can safely leave them. Any references to non-existent files from those former mount points in MC on the Id can just be removed.

While I don't dispute that that the old mount points are not affecting the system, I for one would like to remove old ones.  As a case in point, when I upgraded my Id to Ver 22, my link to my NAS broke. While trying to repair it, I was dealing with several abandoned-in-place references in the mnt directory.  Those don't work, but of course have names very close to what I need, so I had to fight through trial and error to find the right one to use.  It would have save me a lot of aggravation if I could clean them up so that only the valid mount point was listed.

My son, the Linux user, couldn't figure out how to pop out of the menuing to remove the references, something to do with not knowing what shell to use or something.  Is there a way to delete these, even though they are not directly impacting system performance?



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2018, 10:58:24 am »

While I don't dispute that that the old mount points are not affecting the system, I for one would like to remove old ones.  As a case in point, when I upgraded my Id to Ver 22, my link to my NAS broke. While trying to repair it, I was dealing with several abandoned-in-place references in the mnt directory.  Those don't work, but of course have names very close to what I need, so I had to fight through trial and error to find the right one to use.  It would have save me a lot of aggravation if I could clean them up so that only the valid mount point was listed.

My son, the Linux user, couldn't figure out how to pop out of the menuing to remove the references, something to do with not knowing what shell to use or something.  Is there a way to delete these, even though they are not directly impacting system performance?

Probably something that could be added to the system menu in an upcoming update.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #90 on: January 07, 2018, 11:25:57 am »

Probably something that could be added to the system menu in an upcoming update.

You have my vote.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #91 on: January 15, 2018, 08:56:04 am »

Just received my NUC after a long shipping delay...unpackaged it, connected it, and had it running in minutes.  That was the easy part...if all I wanted was a player.  To replace my windows server, I need to connect it to my Synology NAS.

I finally had to enable samba version 1 (a legacy version) on the NAS just to get it to see the drives/folders.  Then, it wouldn't actually mount the folder with a read only error (which likely wasn't the problem). 

Eventually, I tried the IP address for the NAS instead of the proper system name.  Viola!  It properly mounted the folders and within seconds imported my music folder.  Well, wasn't that fun?

Now, I have many folders created on the NUC while I was trouble shooting these read only errors (that wasn't really the problem) with no method of removing them.

Now, I need a method of cleaning up these garbage folders on the NUC so I don't try to use them in the future if I want to upgrade my NAS, music location, whatever, that might cause me to have to setup the mount again.  JRiver locks them so that even an experienced AIX/Unix/Linux user can't just login and clean them up.


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #92 on: July 19, 2018, 09:01:32 am »

I have been trying to connect to my synology nas using my raspberry pi 3b+ and have followed the instructions given in this thread.  The problem I seem to be having is that my folder name that I am trying to connect too in the NAS is called --  All Music  --  which obviously is a split name.  I can attach to the -- Music -- folder but that doesn't get me where I need to be.  Is there special syntax I need to use when connecting to a folder with 2 words?  Does the underscore work in this version of UNIX?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #93 on: July 19, 2018, 09:05:32 am »

Can you browse to it?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #94 on: July 19, 2018, 09:36:57 am »

I have been trying to connect to my synology nas using my raspberry pi 3b+ and have followed the instructions given in this thread.  The problem I seem to be having is that my folder name that I am trying to connect too in the NAS is called --  All Music  --  which obviously is a split name.  I can attach to the -- Music -- folder but that doesn't get me where I need to be.  Is there special syntax I need to use when connecting to a folder with 2 words?  Does the underscore work in this version of UNIX?

You could try using a backslash just before each space, so for example: /All\ Music/. Otherwise, if the All Music folder is within the Music folder, you'll be fine mounting the Music folder because that will still allow you to browse all the sub folders of Music on the Id.


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Trying to get the IdPi to connect to a NAS
« Reply #95 on: October 24, 2018, 01:58:09 pm »

NAS is a Terra Master F4-220, static IP Wireless network, the 'Pi is at

They're wired to the same switch. I have KVM on the Pi, couldn't get VNC to work. I've updated the device.

On a browser, from the 'Pi I can go to the Terra Master from the *.30 IP either wired or wireless, so network-wise- it can be seen from the small computer through FireFox.

When I log onto the Terra Master, it pops up with (from the 'file explorer in Windows 10) and it works fine on my desktop.

The TM on the network calls itself TNAS-006537 the folder I'm looking to access is public or Public directory.

I believe the TM is a Linux run machine.

Admin is the UN, and I've added the correct password to option 10 so many times, only to keep getting Failure.

A good friend is using his in a similar fashion (his is wired) so undoubtedly it's something simple.

BTW, I'm listening to the NAS now on a desktop with your 30 day trial SW.





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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2018, 02:04:09 pm »

The first post in this thread has instructions.  Did you double check against that?


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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2018, 02:19:09 pm »

The first post in this thread has instructions.  Did you double check against that?

Yes I have, and many other searches on the same. I posted here as a final option.

Thanks for the quick comeback...

I've done // many times, sometimes // rock download (the active file on the NAS) several times.

RW and RO as well, but from the 1'st post they're not causing trouble.

I've done both no and yes on the Windows question, neither works.

Answering yes on the Guest question makes "Failure" show up really fast.

Admin and correct PW as well, to immediately be followed by 'checking to see...' "Failure"



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2018, 02:45:25 pm »



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Re: NEW: External Media Support (NAS, USB, and Shares)
« Reply #99 on: October 24, 2018, 04:09:43 pm »

I wouldn't think so, Jim.

Both devices are plugged into the same cheapy 4 port unmanaged switch.

Kept everything local until it works, then the NAS goes off into a tech closet under the stairs.

I know the Raspberry Pi can see the NAS from the browser, I've just got to figure the settings so the software can too.

Got any more examples of the syntax using an IP number as a destination, or other pages I could read up on? I imagine your time is tight, and I'm trying to learn as much as I can. (It has to work- at some point, but it's cool to work with it. I bought 2 of them, so it'll be easier setting up the second one) This setup offers the best value in a server package that I've seen, it's OK that it's a bit recalcitrant. 



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