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Author Topic: Pono Music World 20.0.82 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 6441 times)


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Pono Music World 20.0.82 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:05:23 pm »

This is the latest version of PMW20.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


20.0.82 (3/16/2015)

1. Fixed: Syncing files with conversion enabled would cause files to re-convert on every sync.
2. Fixed: Tracks on device not in sync were not getting deleted even when this option was enabled.
3. Changed: Timeout moved to September 1, 2015
4. Changed: By default, list columns widths are now auto-sized depending on contents.  This can be changed in options / tree & view.
5. Fixed: CD ripping would sometimes fall out of secure mode.
6. Changed: The download process triggered at PMW startup will skip over downloads that have failed 3 or more times. Selecting "check for downloads" from the PMW account menu will force retrying the failed downloads.

20.0.72 (2/20/2015)

1. Changed: Added dsf and dff to supported file types for PonoPlayer.
2. Changed: PMW now downloads firmware to computer and then copies to device rather than direct download to device.
3. Fixed: When music metadata contains '&' characters ("&" in the order XML), PMW no longer creates download music folder names with the "&" sequence, but simply uses "&".
4. Changed: When 'Eject' is selected for a PonoPlayer containing an external SD card, both internal and external storage will be ejected at the same time.
5. Changed: The cover art "View" option was removed from the "Library Tools / Cover Art" menu since image playback is not supported in PMW.
6. Fixed: Auto-import was sometimes importing image and 'data' files which aren't supported in PMW.
7. Fixed: Very slow performance on computers with an old diskette drive and/or several remote network drives.

20.0.50 (12/23/2014)

1. Changed: More informative message in the case of download failures.
2. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was specified along with multiple levels, the converted file ended up in the wrong folder.
3. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was entered that did not exist or was not writable, the conversion would fail without a helpful message.
4. Changed: PDT-180 - Changed: "Open URL" removed from file menu.
5. Changed: PDT-241 - Better messaging when firmware download is complete.
6. Changed: PDT-242 - An Eject button now appears on the Firmware update action window after the download completes.
7. Changed: PDT-243 - Change the default browser engine to Chromium on Windows XP and Vista.
8. Changed: PDT-244 - Update the application header logo.
9. Changed: PDT-245 - Change the text that appears when a firmware update fails due to insufficient disk space.
10. Fixed: DLNA serving of Ogg, MP3, MP4 files with conversion to uncompressed wave would fail on some devices because of an incorrect transcoded length value.

20.0.43 (12/5/2014)

1. Fixed: Automatic recognition of PonoPlayer was not always reliable, especially if there was a long delay before user clicked the 'transfer files' button on it.
2. Changed: More informative status text in the firmware download action window.

20.0.42 (12/4/2014)

1. Changed: Check for orders at program startup will only occur if PMW already has username and password stored.
2. Fixed: If download process was canceled by user and then restarted later in the same program run, the list would still show the canceled tracks above the currently downloading ones.
3. Changed: Improved store login flow and messaging.
4. Fixed: If PonoMusic Store item in left-hand tree-view was clicked while already selected, the web browser could become disconnected from the player.
5. Fixed: Converting an audio file would carry the Pono authenticated status with it.
6. Changed: Only formats supported by Pono will be listed in the encoder choices.
7. Fixed: The program could become quite slow and unresponsive during file transfers to the PonoPlayer device.
8. NEW: The "Eject" button in the handheld transfer action window blinks for up to 30 seconds following file transfer completion.
9. Changed: We now use the "" call to get the sessionid and the soap web service url.  Removes need for hard coded web service endpoint.

20.0.40 (11/24/2014)

1. Changed: PDT-226 - Store entry in left-hand view is now titled 'PonoMusic Store'.
2. Changed: PMW now always downloads a track, even if a file for the same track already exists on the disk.  It appends a copy number to the end of the filename.
3. Changed: PMW now checks and updates to the latest build right away at program startup rather than over a period of a day or two.
4. Fixed: Tracks that hadn't completed downloading could sometimes be transferred to the PonoPlayer and fail in the process (e.g. if playlist "Recently imported" was selected for auto-sync).
5. NEW: PDT-227 - PMW now checks for open orders at startup time.  The process is silent unless open orders are found.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.82 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2015, 04:49:47 pm »

After I updated I purchased some new albums and they are unable to download. I keep getting track download failed. Try again later by selecting...


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.82 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2015, 05:45:44 pm »

Please contact Pono.  Let them know the details about what you purchased


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.82 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2015, 07:20:03 pm »

Maybe I'm missing these in the release notes, but I don't believe the following bugs have been addressed. In December I purchased three albums, and quickly encountered two bugs that led me to stop purchasing. I went through over two months of back-and-forth with Pono Support online before I finally called and spoke to a supervisor who helped me recover from the worst of the two problems. He suggested that a Pono Music World update in March or April would resolve these bugs, but so far I haven't seen these mentioned here.

First bug - Two of my three albums re-download every time I open Pono Music World. The first one fails every time unless I just cancel it. (I don't know why the third of three albums never tries to re-download, but FYI I have both a Pono and a ripped CD version of that one in the Music Library.) The Pono support guy suggested that this is happening because after I purchased the album one or more tags in that first album changed in the database they subscribe to. This is still happening in 20.0.82 for Windows. Anyone working on this?

Second bug - This is the wost of the two. It happened to me in version 20.0.44, and I am hoping you'll tell me this has been fixed. While editing the tags of one album, all other tracks in all albums in my were changed to the same name and date. How I produced that second bug is as follows:
* My downloaded albums showed no release dates. While looking for date tags, I tried to extract tag info for one track and that incorrectly changed the artist name to the track number.
* Then I found how to edit tags manually, so I added dates and I fixed the artist names for that track. The tracks on that album had different artists on different tracks - something that is no longer in the database Pono uses - so when I made that edit it also changed the overall artist info of the entire album to "various artists". But it also changed the *title* of the album to "various artists". So, the album was now listed in the Music Library as something like "various artists by various artists".
* Then when I clicked on the album title and fixed the name of the album, EVERY TRACK IN EVERY ALBUM in my library received the same album name and track I'd entered into only that one track's tags.

Although the support supervisor helped me find and manually re-input the tags for all albums, I haven't used Music World to purchase, manage, or listen to any music since then. He had no real solution except to wait for an update, and as far as I know these problems are still in there. Any hope? 
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