The best way to get attention on an old thread is to bump it to the top of the list by posting an update to the original thread, not by hijacking other tangentially related threads.
Just because your request doesn't get done, doesn't mean it was ignored. It could mean a wide variety of things, including:
* they disagree
* they agree but never got to it and eventually forgot
* they agree but don't care very much and it is very low priority
* not enough people care for it to be worth the effort
* no one who can do anything about it saw the original post
* it is a difficult request for technical reasons
* not explaining yourself well in the original request
In any case, bumping your original thread (with additional explanation if you think your point may not have gotten across), or posting a separate request (if your previous one was all mixed up with a bunch of requests) is the best way to get something done. Sometimes, it will never happen. They don't always agree, and Media Center is not supposed to do everything all the time for everyone. But, a lot of times it works, especially if you get other customers who agree with your request.
A good way to not succeed is to make requests in big, confusing threads with lots of unrelated requests or discussions about lots of different topics. That's why Jim suggested you do it that way, because it works better, not to be a jerk or to tell you to go away.