That's great info, Brian. Now that you have a good baseline, I'd like to see results of two additional tests:
1. If you leave everything else as it is, and turn Media Network back on, does it go back in the crapper again, or does it stay pretty much consistent?
If that comes out essentially identical (I suspect it will, but I'd like to see), then keep it enabled. Otherwise, turn it back off again and try:
2. Set Software Buffering to 500ms.
You could do these in the opposite order, if you want. But, I'd like independent tests of both.
I'm thinking they might want to make the following changes:
* Disable App Nap entirely for MC20 as they can with their plist file.
* Increase the default Software Buffer setting for MC on Mac to 250ms.
* Perhaps provide a few more buffering settings (up to 750ms, perhaps, and maybe one between 250 and 500).
It also sounds like they could maybe do more to ensure that tagging writes to the files are done on a low-priority background thread. Unfortunately, you might just be hitting limits of OSX's filesystem support on your disks here, though. This is, of course, one of the biggest differences between MC and other applications. It hits the filesystem even when it is playing, to do things like write tags, update the Library, and other things. Unfortunately, the Mac filesystem architecture has serious concurrency issues:
From Siracusa's Lion Review:
File system metadata structures in HFS+ have global locks. Only one process can update the file system at a time. This is an embarrassment in an age of preemptive multitasking and 16-core CPUs. Modern file systems like ZFS allow multiple simultaneous updates, even to files that are in the same directory.
To be clear, you're unlikely to be able to get rid of them in the most extreme of circumstances, without making hardware changes. Loading all of those apps, for example, is going to thrash the disk. If they're all on the same disk, and it is a slower spinning disk, you're going to hit Random Access limits of the physical drives. This, plus the ancient HFS+ concurrency limits, means it might just not be possible to buffer enough to handle those situations and keep the buffers full. That doesn't mean it shouldn't work under normal circumstances, though. It sounds like it is pretty close with these settings to "working" under normal circumstances. Perhaps, except needing tweaks to the cover art saving behavior (though this could depend on your particular disk setup, and the cover art you're saving).
But, we really need to see and rule in/out Media Network as a potential cause here. It
shouldn't have an impact, if you aren't hitting some bizarre OSX-network-stack-broken circumstances (which might depend on your particular network environment), especially if you aren't actually connecting to and
using MC's Media Network features.