Hi dwex,
I tried playing with various combinations of [Full Albums], duplicates, sort and limits with no luck. The problem seems to be the limits modifiers that are needed to introduce randomness.
The initial intention for the [Full Albums] keyword was to retrieve a full album given a songname or more generally a string that's present in the album.
Anyway based on this I managed to do something that's no too far from what you want. Here is what I did :
Step 1 - Create a Smartlist that will return just one track from a random number of albums. Let's say we call this Smartlist "Random n" with the following rule : "Limit:4 tracks [Media Type]=[Audio] [Track #]==1"
This rule will return 4 random Tracks of type Audio with track# equal one. So it returns four tracks from four different albums, right ? At this point don't use the no duplicate modifier.
Step 2 - Create another Smartlist, let's call it "Random Full Albums" with the following rule : "[Media Type]=[Audio] Modifier:Full Albums Playlist: Random n"
What this rule does is to return complete albums for every single track that the first smartlist returns.
In this case each time you select the "Random Full Albums" Smartlist you'll get a given number (set by the first smartlist) of full albums. Now you just have to add some sorting behaviour of your liking. I thinks It's quite close to what you wanted.
Of course it's quite difficult to have any guarantee on the total number of tracks or duration of the resulting selection. If you add a limiter you will probably not have full albums.
On the example of the image the first smartlist returns only 3 tracks -> 3 albums in the second SL.
Have a nice evening (close to midnight here)