I upgraded from MC20 to MC21 (Windows upgrade) at the pre-order sale price of $18.98. I received an email from you (buy-button@jriver.com) acknowledging my purchase, and the same email had the new registration code for MC21. However, the purchase did not activate Media Center on my PC. Given that there are sometimes problems with purchasing using PayPal, I went to
https://rover.jriver.com/cgi-bin/paypal_support.cgi and entered the email address I used for the upgrade purchase. Upon doing so I received the following message: "We could not authenticate your transaction. Please try later at JRiver's PayPal support page. You will need your PayPal Transaction ID. Please visit Interact for technical support." Can you confirm that my purchase went through and that I am now licensed for MC21? Thank you.
This is the second time I have had difficulty purchasing Media Center using PayPal. I ran into the same problem when I purchased MC20 last year. In both cases - MC20 purchase and MC21 upgrade - I never received a payment confirmation e-mail from PayPal (and, instead had to obtain it the transaction ID from my PayPal account page). Also, even though I receive the "License for Media Center was successfully installed!" message on my PC desktop when I use the Install Key that comes attached to the buy-button@jriver.com purchase confirmation email, when I use the PayPal support page to confirm the license was installed I again receive the "We could not authenticate your transaction." message.
Hoping someone can help me with this problem.