I am using MC 21.0.85 for Ubuntu. The program is installed, upgraded and updated. I install the key no problems MC 21 comes up. When I exit the program and later return in it, it tells me that the trial period is over and gives me the options to purchase etc. I tried bringing up the program via terminal, but it tells me it is not there. This program used to run great up until yesterday ? 
Any ideas?
Likely a configuration permissions/ownership issue or a corrupted Settings file.
You aren't using sudo or something to run MC, right?
You can correct ownership issues by doing this from a terminal prompt (as your user, not root):
cd ; touch ugidfile ; sudo chown -R --reference=ugidfile .jriver
Then reenter the license key.
If that still doesn't work, move the Machine Settings file out of the way and rerun MC and reenter the key. From a terminal prompt as your user, not root and with MC NOT running:
cd ; mv .jriver/Media\ Center\ 21/Settings/Machine\ Settings.ini .jriver/Media\ Center\ 21/Settings/Machine\ Settings.sav
then rerun MC which will create a new Machine Settings file. Enter your key and see if it sticks.